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What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)

Mr. Breathmask

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Imagine your inappropiate TV screen for a particular film was made of paper, and you cut out the black bars surrounding the film. Then you'd see the wall. Complaining about the black bars is like complaining about the wall. It's just that black bars are usually less annoying than a wall.

What I'd like is a really big image size so that something in scope can shine. When you concentrate a picture like that in a normal screen, it doesn't fit and it looks small. I'm obviously against cropping the image, that 's the opposite of what I want.

In the end I just want a big cinema screen for myself...

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Then what you want is projection, no? Philips makes panels that (sorta) have the size of film monitors (the ones they use for editing) but since it's one size it too will have limitations.

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My family prefers full frame, whether they buy the DVD that way or cycle through the TV resolution options to get rid of the black bars. Granted, they have a small TV (32" 4:3) but still. They're after maximum picture size for their fading eyesight, and don't care about "the theatrical experience."

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Watched American Beauty and Road To Perdition over the weekend. First time for both (for the best, in Beauty's case). Great stuff.

Hey, I bet if we got this Mendes guy to direct a Bond movie, he'd put out a jolly Roger Moore-type camp fest. What do you lot think?

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We're only three years into this decade... Can't you guys wait a bit longer before calling any movie the "best of the decade"?

Haha, yeah, I'm on the same page. I doubt The Tree of Life will be the best film of the decade for me, but it's possible. Cloud Atlas is good, but there;s no way it's that good.

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I haven't seen much of Atlas Cloud but I'm not yet convinced with the overall look (production design). Even the movie poster doesn't appeal to me. I want to see it, I'm mildly curious, but it isn't very high on the list.


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I haven't seen much of Atlas Cloud but I'm not yet convinced with the overall look (production design). Even the movie poster doesn't appeal to me. I want to see it, I'm mildly curious, but it isn't very high on the list.


It's Cloud Atlas.

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We're only three years into this decade... Can't you guys wait a bit longer before calling any movie the "best of the decade"?

In 1982 E.T. premiered, and it turned out to be the best of that decade.
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Looks like a rental.

But I've thought that of Avatar and Inception too, so what do I know. ;)

Eh, again, I really like Cloud Atlas, but it was considerably less even footed and told with less stability than those two. I would stick to a rental if you are cautious.

Though, this is the type of grand film I think benefits from seeing on the big screen, just on its scope and visual strength.

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We're only three years into this decade... Can't you guys wait a bit longer before calling any movie the "best of the decade"?

In 1982 E.T. premiered, and it turned out to be the best of that decade.

Well...most successful, anyway.

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We're only three years into this decade... Can't you guys wait a bit longer before calling any movie the "best of the decade"?

In 1982 E.T. premiered, and it turned out to be the best of that decade.

Well...most successful, anyway.

that too but best film of the 80's.
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I'd rather watch THE THING or BLADE RUNNER...or to stay closer to home, EMPIRE OF THE SUN. Or NAKED GUN. Or TOP SECRET...Thinking about it, E. T. just doesn't interests me anymore. It kind of stayed in the 80's.

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Just to be fair the 80's had some incredible films, Raiders, ESB, Airplane, Tootsie, the Untouchables, Terms of Endearment, A Fish Called Wanda, Raging Bull, Aliens, The Elephant Man, the Right Stuff, Hope and Glory, Driving Ms. Daisy, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Die Hard, Poltergeist, Hannah and Her Sisters, Field of Dreams, Out of Africa, Sophie's Choice, Chariots of Fire, On Golden Pond. and many many more.

I forgot the Thing but it's less than the 50's version, and Blade Runner is a film I care nothing for but it would still belong for others.

Empire of the Sun, Naked Gun, or Top Secret are not even close to the greatness that is E.T. or most of the films I listed above.

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I'd rather watch THE THING or BLADE RUNNER...or to stay closer to home, EMPIRE OF THE SUN. Or NAKED GUN. Or TOP SECRET...Thinking about it, E. T. just doesn't interests me anymore. It kind of stayed in the 80's.

Well, I agree with that.

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I'd rather watch THE THING or BLADE RUNNER...or to stay closer to home, EMPIRE OF THE SUN. Or NAKED GUN. Or TOP SECRET...Thinking about it, E. T. just doesn't interests me anymore. It kind of stayed in the 80's.

No love for Police Academy 3?

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E.T. is great but I don't ever feel like watching it. I considered buying the BR but I decided not to. I have also never met anyone in the real world who values it as strongly as a select few at this online forum. I think I feel more nostalgic fondness for Raiders, Die Hard, and Back to the Future than E.T.

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E.T. is great but I don't ever feel like watching it. I considered buying the BR but I decided not to. I have also never met anyone in the real world who values it as strongly as a select few at this online forum. I think I feel more nostalgic fondness for Raiders, Die Hard, and Back to the Future than E.T.

I get that because I don't have a fondness for Back to the Future, it's okay to me but if I had to watch I'd rather watch 3 than 1 or 2. Die Hard I get but I wish they'd quite making bad sequels to it. That well is too muddy now.
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I was 18 when E.T. was released. The first time I thought it was merely okay. I guess I expected something else from Spielberg. A few years later, I watched it again and I thought it was wonderful. It remained so untill I watched it a few years ago with the kid. I felt I had outgrown it and that the film is sorta stuck in that '80s zeitgeist.

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I remember the kid was shocked when E.T. was lying there in the forest. He looked at me as if I had betrayed him and said "Hey, wait a minute, he's not going to die, is he?!"

Yeah, that was fun. My mom did the same with me by taking me to Bambi.

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watched Poltergeist III, hadn't seen it since it's original release, now I know why.

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I love Poltergeist, it's not a perfect film but it's has so many great moments and the score is so haunting.

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Maybe I need to watch it again, and not on TCM with mono sound and standard non anamorphic picture. (TCM in Europe hasn't updated their spec since the 90's)

I agree that the score is breathtaking. No one does Romantic Horror like Jerry (apart from Pino on accasion)

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Just to be fair the 80's had some incredible films, Raiders, ESB, Airplane, Tootsie, the Untouchables, Terms of Endearment, A Fish Called Wanda, Raging Bull, Aliens, The Elephant Man, the Right Stuff, Hope and Glory, Driving Ms. Daisy, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Die Hard, Poltergeist, Hannah and Her Sisters, Field of Dreams, Out of Africa, Sophie's Choice, Chariots of Fire, On Golden Pond. and many many more.

I forgot the Thing but it's less than the 50's version, and Blade Runner is a film I care nothing for but it would still belong for others.

Empire of the Sun, Naked Gun, or Top Secret are not even close to the greatness that is E.T. or most of the films I listed above.

I'd rather watch THE THING or BLADE RUNNER...or to stay closer to home, EMPIRE OF THE SUN. Or NAKED GUN. Or TOP SECRET...Thinking about it, E. T. just doesn't interests me anymore. It kind of stayed in the 80's.

No love for Police Academy 3?


Against those, E. T. can suck it. The only thing that i really love about it is the whole forest prologue with Williams in full Herrmann mode.

I'd rather watch THE THING or BLADE RUNNER...or to stay closer to home, EMPIRE OF THE SUN. Or NAKED GUN. Or TOP SECRET...Thinking about it, E. T. just doesn't interests me anymore. It kind of stayed in the 80's.

No love for Police Academy 3?


Against those, E. T. can suck it. The only thing that i really love about it is the whole forest prologue with Williams in full Herrmann mode.

I'd rather watch THE THING or BLADE RUNNER...or to stay closer to home, EMPIRE OF THE SUN. Or NAKED GUN. Or TOP SECRET...Thinking about it, E. T. just doesn't interests me anymore. It kind of stayed in the 80's.

No love for Police Academy 3?

Those were the days. SUMMER RENTAL, SPIES LIKE US, PLANES, TRAINS & AUTOMOBILES, MY FAVOURITE YEAR, TRADING PLACES, DOWN AND OUT IN BEVERLY HILLS. Against those, E. T. can suck it. The only thing that i really love about it is the whole forest prologue with Williams in full Herrmann mode.

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