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Bad News for Episode III


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According to TheForce.net and AICN, Jonathan Hales, who co-wrote the screenplay for Star Wars Episode II, will return to co-write Episode III. I think this is horrible. AOTC has the worst dialogue in the entire saga in my opinion, yes even possibly worse than the innumerable "yippeees!" in TPM. The dialogue in the love scenes was like something out of a rejected Danielle Steele novel. Oh well. AOTC has pretty much made me give up on SW. If Lucas can come up with a great storyline (AOTC has the best IMO since Empire) and still manage to screw up the script and leave his actors to fend for themselves then I'm not holding my breath for what Episode III may bring. By the way, does anyone know why Lawrence Kasdan who wrote the screenplays for ESB and ROTJ wasn't brough on board for the prequels?

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Oh, Mr. Dole. It's not like this is 1980 and you're saying that you're giving up on the Star Wars saga because The Empire Strikes Back blows. Then I'd understand...sorta.

Take my advice: give him one more chance. Three strikes and he's outta there! .... And even if he doesn't strike out, he's outta there! ;)

Besides, aren't you the least bit anxious about the musical possibilities??????

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According to TheForce.net and AICN, Jonathan Hales, who co-wrote the screenplay for Star Wars Episode II, will return to co-write Episode III. I think this is horrible. AOTC has the worst dialogue in the entire saga in my opinion, yes even possibly worse than the innumerable "yippeees!" in TPM. The dialogue in the love scenes was like something out of a rejected Danielle Steele novel. Oh well. AOTC has pretty much made me give up on SW. If Lucas can come up with a great storyline (AOTC has the best IMO since Empire) and still manage to screw up the script and leave his actors to fend for themselves then I'm not holding my breath for what Episode III may bring. By the way, does anyone know why Lawrence Kasdan who wrote the screenplays for ESB and ROTJ wasn't brough on board for the prequels?

Dole I agree pretty 100% with everything you said above.

About Lawrence Kasdan...I believe he had a falling out with Lucas a while back, not to mention that he's a filmmaker himself busy with his own projects.

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Lawrence Kasdan did have a falling out with Lucas... However there are plenty of great screen writers he could draw upon... Even if the same guy is returning, just don't have ANYTHING written by Lucas. And for heavens sake, get a director to direct for this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just gotta say that the name Dole and the picture you have are the funniest things I've ever scene. Kudos. I almost spit my mouthful of water into the monitor.

I immediately thought of the good ol' days when "Dole" was a regular on Conan O'Brien's guest TV screen.


Anyhoo. I don't think it's a bad thing, but I don't think it's an official thing, either. It hasn't been officially confirmed, so we'll see what happens. I don't think the dialogue was that bad, honestly, but besides, if there WAS bad dialogue, it would be the lovey dovey stuff, and since they're already married in Episode III, maybe there won't be any schmaltzy cliched lines. Hell, that's the way it works in real life.

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Can't wait for Episode III.

Concerning Lucas relation with Kasdan, I read a recent interview of Kasdan where he only had kind words about Lucas. Dunno.

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Spielberg won't. Plain and simple. Lucas won't let him. Just gonna have to face reality. Lucas is going to direct Ep 3. If you don't like that don't watch it. Save us all the whining. We've had our fill with TPM and AOTC.

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Yeah, I get sick of the prequel bashing too sometimes. I like 'em... I don't know why so many don't. The worst Star Wars movie is better than about 99% of the rest of Hollywood save Spielberg. Usually I'm only Spielberg and Star Wars. The rest don't do much for me...

Hence, I do dream about the Indy dream team for a Star WArs flick. I know it won't happen, but I dream of the possibilities. :)

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Yeah, I agree with you that the Episode II script wasn`t very good written

- as some of you may already know, Jonathan Hales wrote the script for "The Scorpion King", and for you haven`t seen that movie, I can say that there was just action and humour, no story at all.

And I think that the same thing happens to Ep III as well.

Before I saw Episode II, I thought : "The Phantom Menace was all junk. My hopes for this one are not high. If this one appears to be crap, I don´t think Ep III will do well either".

And I was pretty much right. Episode II is no film that you remember.

I think Lawrence Kasdan should write the script alone, based upon a story by George Lucas.

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The worst Star Wars movie is better than about 99% of the rest of Hollywood

Remind me to never take movie advice from you.

A bad movie is a bad movie, and Attack of the Clones was a really bad movie.


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I am so sick of the relentless Star Wars prequel bashing on this site.  It really gets old.
If you don't like that don't watch it. Save us all the whining.

What if someone responds: ''if you don't like those posts don't read them". Wouldn't that be the best (and probably the only) way to save you all the whining? :roll:

Ricard - Who is not sick of the continuous Star Wars prequel praising on this site.

Ricard II - Who will probably see Episode III, but will not pay a cent for it.

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Ricard - Who is not sick of the continuous Star Wars prequel praising on this site.


Thats because there is hardly any to get sick of. :)

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Ricard II - Who will probably see Episode III, but will not pay a cent for it.

Well.. you will miss it then. I won't :)

Anyways...what do you think about MP3?? :D

Luke, who loves AOC

PS: Spielberg has already said that George WILL NOT let him direct Star wars, and Spielberg, although he asked (and wanted to) for it, he understood Luca's way because, he said 'SW is George's baby' and compared it with ET, Spielberg Would have NOT let anyone to direct E.T. because it was 'his baby'

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Ricard II - Who will probably see Episode III, but will not pay a cent for it.

Well.. you will miss it then. I won't :)

Although I'm not looking forward to see that film at all, I'm pretty sure I'll end up watching it to hear the few unreleased notes of original score that the butchers will not massacre. But rest assured that I won't pay to watch that thing. I may watch it on a friend's DVD or even when they air it on TV.

Anyways...what do you think about MP3?? :D

I don't see the connection with the subject. :D

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Besides, aren't you the least bit anxious about the musical possibilities??????

I am actually more interested and excited about the music for Episode III than the film itself. I actually like the score to AOTC more than the movie and that's something I never thought I would say about a Star Wars movie. Unfortunately, I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high for the music because I'm certain it will just be destroyed in the film as usual.

Dole: who almost screamed when he saw AOTC for the first time and heard that the best parts of the score "The Meadow Picnic" and the "End Titles" had been hacked to pieces!

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I immediately thought of the good ol' days when "Dole" was a regular on Conan O'Brien's guest TV screen.


And I think of those horrible Britney Spears commercials with him in them. "Easy boy!" Ugh!

Oops... :lookaround: My girlfriend is a Britney Spears fan... I better be quiet. (Hey, she likes to dance for me, so it's cool with me... :angry: )

(Hmmm... should we ban Dole because he is a political entity? :mrgreen: J/K)....

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Ricard - Who is not sick of the continuous Star Wars prequel praising on this site.


Thats because there is hardly any to get sick of. :angry:

I'll say. :?

Still, I like them all. Just knowing that they could be better with minor improvements makes me sad... :cry:

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Well.. you will miss it then. I won't  :angry:

Although I'm not looking forward to see that film at all, I'm pretty sure I'll end up watching it to hear the few unreleased notes of original score that the butchers will not massacre. But rest assured that I won't pay to watch that thing. I may watch it on a friend's DVD or even when they air it on TV.

I was wondering, has seeing the film changed your opinion about the score at all?

I remember you were not to fond of it.

Stefancos- who hopes seeing MR will make what seems like a derivative, rather dull score seem like a masterpiece. :cry:

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I liked MR better after viewing it on the screen. Williams' quieter scores are always like that for me. The scenes are pretty intense and the music underscores them perfectly.

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Meaning you got dissapointed 3 times.

1- A Star Wars score that does not really do it for you.

2- A Star Wars film that might not really be a Star Wars film.

3- A John Williams score that is totally butchered to pieces.

Stefancos- :cry:

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but i really liked the quintessential line "here everything is soft and smooth" ...

yes,and "I've been dying a little each day ever since you came back into my life.I truly,deeply...."Padme.

and beside the worse were the love scenes.Since I buy those giant soda format and a refilll to boot,as I already mentionned,my wasroom time were The Meadow Picnic and the Love Pledge,Imo the 2 worst scenes in the movie.


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Wow...seems like there are a lot of cynical people on this board. Its too bad that looking through Rose-Colored Glasses seems to be a trait all too common here.

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Anyways...what do you think about MP3?? :(

I don't see the connection with the subject. :)

This explains a little?:

Ricard II - Who will PROBABLY SEE Episode III, but WILL NOT PAY a cent for it.
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Luke, when I read your post I immediately thought you were referring to downloading movies illegally. But I don't understand why you have to make such assumption just because I said I wouldn't pay to see Ep.III. As I suggested in my previous post, there are other ways to watch movies for free.

And I'm not willing to re-start a debate here regarding MP3s or their presumed illegality. We already have an entire thread specifically devoted to it. And if you didn't see my personal opinion over there you won't see it here either.


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Well as long as the only way of having EpIII for you will be taping it from TV, i'm fine. But well the tape costs money.... :roll: *

Luke, who could not wait two years to see a SW movie.

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Well Luke you must wait three for the next Star Wars film.

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Well Luke you must wait three for the next Star Wars film.

I KNOW but i mean wait 5 years (from now) and 2 years (from then).

And i will never miss a theatrical release...those BIG screens....

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Well as long as the only way of having EpIII for you will be taping it from TV, i'm fine.

And you should also be fine if I download it from the net. You'll never know anyway.

But well the tape costs money.... :roll: *

I said I'd watch it, not tape it.

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Lawrence Kasdan did have a falling out with Lucas...

Incidently Kasdan has directed the new Stephen King movie "DreamCatchers"

Random I know but I didnt see the need to start a new post just for this tidbit of info :oops:

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Oh yeah and one other thing .......

I am so sick of the relentless Star Wars prequel bashing on this site.  It really gets old.

If your tired of it send an email to Lucas and tell him to start making good movies again.

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