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Everything posted by bruckhorn

  1. I did. Sounded like The Clocktower. As a resident of Oregon, I must point out that Oregon played in the Rose Bowl, not Oregon State. Perhaps if the Ducks only had two uniforms instead of a new uniform for each game, they would have been more easily recognized. Not that I really give a hoot-- I got my degree from Cal Santa Barbara.
  2. Considering how early we're supposed to get to the airport for security processing, why not both?
  3. So, Jerry's rockin' the cock one handed while John is using both hands, but still has plumber's crack. Hmmm...
  4. Depends on who owns the rights. Standard for studio films is that the studio owns the rights to the score, but sometimes a composer will do a score for less than his normal fee and retain the rights. I read that Horner had that arrangement for a film in the '80s (Testament, I think) and it may be the deal that Williams had with The Sugarland Express. On more than one occasion, Jerry Goldsmith expressed a desire to have less of his music released on soundtracks albums.
  5. Thank you, Trentman. Perhaps, next time, you could include a photo that is a little more, uh, distracting.
  6. Order placed at 12:08 and I just received an e-mail less than two hours later that my order has shipped. Damn, that was fast! Now, if USPS would be that fast...
  7. Hmmm, guess the site likes me more, because I printed out my confirmed order at 12:08 PST.
  8. Thank you for checking. Now I gotta figure out where I got that length estimate. It's one of those things that get me thinking about how my Grandma had Alzheimer's and that it is genetic...
  9. I, too, would like to get the complete score to this. However... It's been years since I've read the liner notes to Music for a Darkened Theatre, but I recall that Elfman states the total length of this score as being on the short side (20-25 minutes). Can anyone please confirm? Also, can we get a full length version of "The Night the Reindeer Died"? I'm surprised that no one has made this yet.
  10. I'll concede Piranha II (gotta love those Roger Corman films), but with Jamie Lee Curtis' dance, I'd disagree with True Lies.
  11. Gee, what's the default guess gonna be when a label announces a new release of a classic score? So glad that this is finally being released. Back in high school (you know, when CD's were new), I did an analysis of the piano arrangement of the theme. Seeing the uneven triplet figures altered the way that I looked at rhythm. It was one of those, "Oh, I didn't know you could do that," moments. It also led to my putting off beat triplet figures into my quiver, too. I, too, would like to see a release of an expanded/complete score to The Abyss, but I'm not holding my breath. It's the Cameron film that has faded the most from the zeitgeist.
  12. I have seen many articles criticizing the US No-Fly list. Reports of names being added, but no details being associated with them. It is possible that it was a different John Adams that was put on the list, so with just the name to go by, all of them get the hostile treatment. I just checked my local phone book and in a area of approximately 100,000 people there are two listings for John Adams. Projecting that up to the nation, that would be 6,000 men named John Adams. I have personal experience-- a few years ago a local youth sports league did background checks of all of the volunteers. The company that ran them only put the first and last names through a national database and spat out the matches. It came back with a match on my name as a registered sex offender, but it did include details-- the match's middle initial, physical description, and city and state of residence. As I have a different middle initial, am seven inches taller, quite paler, and live three thousand miles away, I was cleared by the group and was allowed to volunteer. Unfortunately, it comes with having a common name.
  13. Pardon my impertinence, but how can you not own a copy of Hook?? It boggles my mind. I think you are referring to a segment from Prokofiev's 'Romeo And Juliet' (I vaguely remember it being one of the the fight scenes or some other such frantic and energetic moments from the ballet). The cue is "The Death of Tybalt". In the 80's Horner was "borrowing" music from Prokofiev and Khatchaturian with impunity-- their music was composed in the USSR and was public domain. Not saying it was morally okay to do it, but it was legally. When the USSR fell, all of that music was suddenly drawing royalties (primarily through BMI); I wonder if Horner had to settle with Sergei and Aram's estates... Bill Conti lifted The Seasons by Glazunov (who lifted it from Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto) in The Right Stuff. And I was amazed when listening to a CD with The Empire Brass; it had a fanfare written in the Renaissance that sounded nearly note for note the Fanfare from Rocky. I'll try to track down the track. EDIT: Empire Brass- Royal Brass, tack 8. I don't have speakers on the computer I'm working on, so this is if my memory serves. And, please note that the track has two fanfares, so the extract might be the other one.
  14. Somebody's got a problem with something involving Star Wars. We have two choices for who to blame: George Lucas and Ben Burtt. I'm voting for Burtt on this one. Well, I can't lay The Clone Wars at his feet, can I?
  15. If they are noticeably heavier, it could be due to the lenses being glass in the new ones and plastic in the old ones. A few years back I switched back to glass and couldn't believe how red my nose got under the pads due to the increased weight; I've gone back to plastic lenses. Yes, the plastic lenses scratch easier, but after wearing glasses for over thirty years, if I haven't figured out by now how to keep from scratch my lenses, I guess I never will.
  16. Thank you, Wojo, for the laugh. A co-worker of mine got a chuckle out of it, as well. Spell check looks at one word at a time. I was typing up a blurb for a radio station's program guide and what I meant to type was "featuring young soloists," but what showed up on screen was "festering young soloists." Having never meet the soloists, I was not in a position to pass that kind of judgment. It was corrected prior to publication. "a lot", or "allot", not "alot". When I see errors on-line, I give non-native English speakers the benefit of the doubt. For those showing an English speaking country of origin, I give what they write less credence. Of course, what I fail to take into account is the possibility that the writer may have had the same eighth grade English teacher that I had-- he told my mother that grammar and usage were not as important as simply getting the idea down on paper. She was livid and insisted on proof-reading all of my essay assignments until I graduated high school. There's a reason I tell people that I leaned more about the English language from watching Schoolhouse Rock than I did in school. There are times that I purposely make errors. In one paper back in college, I used the words stupidsticous, ignoranus, apauled, and apatricked. It was after the teacher got to apatricked when she figured out that I was writing with intent. I really enjoy messing with that teacher's head. I am partial to the Oxford comma, too. If you want to read more humorous attempts at English, pickup Anguished English.
  17. a psychotic southpaw

  18. I can understand why they excluded Lord of the Rings: the films were scripted and filmed at the same time and were based on material that the author considered one book, not three. But they included The Four Musketeers, which in their blurb wasn't planned until the editing process convinced the producers that they had enough for two movies. A little consistency, please. (Okay, so they were based on two books-- wiggle room, but still...) And, yes, I know that the bulk of Superman II was filmed alongside Superman, but production did shut down and was not resumed until after Superman was released.
  19. The inclusion of Airplane II surprised me as well. I would have had The Empire Strikes Back and Godfather part II in the top two spots. How did T2 and Aliens rate higher than Empire? Despite his assurances, Cameron is not king of the world. Hmmm, no James Bond movies on the list... I would have thought that For Your Eyes Only would have gotten some dap for saving the series following the debacle that was Moonraker.
  20. He may have lost his edge when he went from being the most interesting man in the world to having weaponry such as fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms. Maybe he took one too many soft cushions to the head.
  21. Happy Birthday, Hitch. Hope you get a new chin.
  22. Mother takes her tea black. The same way she likes her men. Boy is that gonna come as a shock to father. Might be enough to turn his blond hair white.
  23. Now, if there was a thread that all of these Star Trek quotes could go to instead... Finally got my copy. No magnet, though. I am contemplating sending back the order in toto because of it. I did enjoy driving on Main Street on Saturday, blasting "Surprise Attack" and watching the reaction of the tourists.
  24. Mother is in the fruit cellar. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to bring her some tea.
  25. Joey's not dead -- he's the puppetmaster! Every elimination is his doing. And why? 'cause he's just that crusty.
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