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    RuBen_Kenobi got a reaction from Jay in Which of these hugely popular video game franchises should I finally play?   
    Love the Mass Effect trilogy.
    Uncharted is really fun, a modern Indiana Jones with great action.
    Horizon and God of War are two of the greatest sagas of the last years.
    Play all of Theme. Uncharted are short, between 8 and 10 hours each game. The others are long games.
  2. Love
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in RIP Joeinar   
    The 90's were only like 10 years ago.
    They're playing E.T. at the funeral ceremony. Nice!
    Stefan Cosman 
  3. Love
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to filmmusic in Kevin Costner’s new epic western “Horizon” (2023)   
    The film is said to have received a roughly 10 minute (or 7 or 11 - it depends what article you read, hehe) standing ovation at Cannes!
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    RuBen_Kenobi got a reaction from Davis in Your Favourite Jerry Goldsmith Score   
    Alien and Gremlins 
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    RuBen_Kenobi got a reaction from Jay in 2023 John Williams Official top 10 film scores. Your individual lists.   
    Well, after listening the new Ultimate Edition of Hook, is now in the top 10... Maybe at 8 or 9 place, so bye bye to IJaToD
  6. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi got a reaction from Mr. Hooper in 2023 John Williams Official top 10 film scores. Your individual lists.   
    1 The Empire Strikes Back
    2 ET
    3 Star Wars
    4 Raiders of the Lost Ark
    5 Superman
    6 Revenge of the Sith
    7 The Force Awakens
    8 Jurassic Park
    9 Home Alone
    10 IJ and the Temple of Doom 
  7. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Luke Skywalker in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Cant stop listening to this score...definately one of my favorites from giacchino.
  8. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Mephariel in Rogue One vs. Solo   
    Take out all of Williams' contributions and Solo is still easily the best Star Wars score outside of the main line series. There is nothing in Rogue One that is as good as "Into the Maw." I would argue Powell did such a good job with the score, Williams' contributions were insignificant.
  9. Love
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Jay in Still the best Batman score?   
    I like Batman Forever's score a lot; it's freaking great, brimming with over the top excitement throughout. I find something new in it everytime I listen. 
    But no, I don't prefer it over Elfman's two. Each of those are truly revolutionary masterpieces to me. Two of the most important scores in my collection, two scores that helped me realize what it is I like about film music and what Elfman brought to the genre. 
    If I could never hear Batman Forver again, I'd be bummed, but not feel like I Iost access to something crucial.  If I could never revisit Batman or Returns again, something would be missing in my life. 
  10. Love
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Jay in La-La Land Records Black Friday 2020   
    This forum has  a "report post" feature and this is now the most reported post we've ever had in the entire history of this forum.
    This post is a reply to one short sentence: "Seems like 2015 is when the BF slate started having really high profile releases"
    I am shock and dismayed that a label representative, let alone a label owner, would choose to sign in to our forum to post a reply like this to what is a very innocuous post.
    The post never read to me as "Boy, LLL sure sucked in the past, 2015 was the year they FINALLY got good!", it read as "Boy, 2015 is when they kicked things up a notch!"
    There are many "score collectors" who don't happen to like Star Trek music, or don't happen to like Lethal Weapon music, or don't happen to like Home Alone music.  Why would you want to bully and shame them when all they did was express positivity towards different titles?
    This forum is full of film score fans who are constantly praising and purchasing from all the specialty labels, and LLL gets more attention than any label for a number of factors, such as the sheer amount of John Williams releases you've put out, and the fact that we skew younger than a forum like FSM so there is more discussion of 80-00s scores and you've also released more of those than the other labels.

    Day after day our forum members are constantly say positive things about LLL and we as a collective are always looking forward to seeing what's next, and I have spent lots of my free time doing what I can to promote LLL releases in the forums as well as via main page articles, which gets shared all over social media, providing more exposure to the great work you do.

    I can't believe you'd decide to come here and pick apart a post that you perceived as a negative one, when there is an ocean of positivity on this site about LLL across too many different threads to ever count.  I also can't believe that you'd go beyond disagreeing with the opinion shared, but also elect to call his statement "stupid" and a "dumb ass comment".

    I think you should apologize to Richard, who has provided two followup posts that detail what it was he was actually trying to say:
    And I hope in the future you don't plan to attack your paying costumers on our forums, even if they do express a dislike of something you've released.  Every single score collector on planet earth has different opinions of which scores they like and which they don't.  You should know that as a whole, we appreciate and admire everything you do, and can't wait to see what's next.
  11. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi got a reaction from Arpy in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM (2018)   
    I can´t wait for Lalaland´s The Michael Giacchino Jurassic World Collection in 2039!
  12. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi got a reaction from Ollie in Michael Giacchino's JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM (2018)   
    I can´t wait for Lalaland´s The Michael Giacchino Jurassic World Collection in 2039!
  13. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in SPOILER TALK: Rogue One by Gareth Edwards   
    Confrontation with the Hutts. Preventing Imperials from finding out more about this Skywalker kid. They could fix the long standing plot issue that Luke was "hidden" on the same planet he dad was from, the same farm where he grew up actually. It would be two hours of Obi-Wan waving his hand making every Storm Trooper who comes near the Skywalker farm forget about it!
  14. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Jay in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Gareth Edwards 2016)   
    "Everyone" is not saying that, not even close.  Most here seem to prefer TFA over it.  
  15. Like
  16. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to BloodBoal in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    Funny to see a lot of people originally saying the score was a disappointment slowly starting to like it more and more.
    Told you, guys!
  17. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Bryant Burnette in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I work at a theatre, and we're showing the movie on seven screens, so I'm constantly walking past one of them.  They're frequently blaring the score -- and I have to say, the more I hear it, the more positive I am about it.
  18. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to DarthDementous in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    let me just say that I infinitely prefer Michael Giacchino's work on Star Wars to everything done by Kevin Kiner.
  19. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi got a reaction from Scarpia in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One - Disney FYC site contains 26 1/2 minutes of additional music   
    Yeah, I think it was only used in "action" mode in Confrontation On Eadu.
    And in the movie Baze has lost his faith in the Force/Whills stuff (until the end), so I think we can also call it Chirrut´s theme.
    It´s funny like now, the less used theme is the Hope one, and it was used at the title of the movie in the infamous rendition that it is hated for almost everybody.
  20. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to David Story in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I saw Rogue One in 3D Imax in a good theater, it was a fun action movie. Definitely looked and felt like a Star Wars movie. Felicity Jones, Jiang Wen, and Donnie Yen are especially good. Personally I liked the Force Awakens better, but this is definitely worth seeing.
    The first live action Star Wars film not scored by John Williams missed his magical presence. Michael Giacchino delivered one of his better scores that really helps the film. But the classical tradition is not his thing, so it's about the sound and moments. Some cool effects. Hope is probably the most emotional cue. Lots of Williams themes throughout the score, makes me wonder if the film was temped with classic Star Wars. The Williams scores have a deeper structure that's easy to hear if you play The Jedi Steps after any RO cue. Emotion, structure, and effects all in one.

    John Williams *is* Star Wars, he carries the films into timeless mythology. It's true that MG is a different personalitiy from a different era. But there probably isn't anyone on today's A list of composers besides Williams who could add to the legacy. Sure, I can really like a film that is simply well made entertainment. But the bar is set real high for SW. Maybe Bear McCreary or Laura Karpman could, if given time and minimal interference.

    It does raise the question of how many times the first two Star Wars movies can be imitated before people want something new and inspired. For now it's good space opera, all credit to Disney for addressing freedom and rebellion. I'm still on board
  21. Like
  22. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to leeallen01 in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I think I need to explain my position a little better, so people know where I stand when I talk about this, and any Star Wars score.
    I really like this score, but I'm not an idiot. I fully acknowledge that Williams' Star Wars scores are leagues ahead in quality. 
    But that isn't the point. Not everything involves pure skill and quality in the enjoyment of something. By which I mean, I enjoy this score more than Attack of the Clones for example. Perhaps because that film is boring to me. I like Phantom Menace because I was 10 when I saw it, and the podracing and lightsaber duel is great. There are zero highlights for me in Clones, and so my enjoyment of the music is unfortunately lowered with the film quality. I know it's high quality music, but my enjoyment of it is lower than the music that accompanies Rogue One for example, because I absolutely loved Rogue One. To me it's the best SW film since the original trilogy.
     But there is a difference between thinking a score is better quality wise, and liking a score better.
    I could like Rogue One score more than Force Awakens, but know it isn't better in quality. I don't actually think that though btw. I enjoy Force Awakens music better so far. But the film has a huge influence for me on how much I 'enjoy' its score. I liked the Rogue One film far more than I liked Force Awakens. And I really enjoy Giacchino's score, but while I may like it equally as much as I do some of Williams SW scores, I know that it isn't of the same quality.
  23. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Bryant Burnette in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    I liked the movie (and the score) a lot more on a second viewing.  All things considered, I think Giacchino did a good job.  It's still leagues less good than the worst of JW's episode scores; but on its own, it's solid.
  24. Like
    RuBen_Kenobi reacted to Jay in Michael Giacchino's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 2022 Expanded Edition now available   
    It's probably my favorite end credits arrangement of all time, then pairing it with the brilliant The Jedi Steps... amazing.
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