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Everything posted by Kühni

  1. Three years. RotK CS Dec. 2007 > Book Fall 2010. So 2024? Make it so! @Doug Adams, you have the choice of Guinness delivered to your door-step (as long as it's the same door-step as back in 2008), or a (Dead) Army of Moles laying waste to your vegetable patch...or the property owners after you.
  2. FotR came out in 2001, Doug's book on LotR nine years later. 2021 is nine years after 2012 when AUJ came out...sogettoityes?
  3. Ey, it's not (wait for it) our fault you live in a place with suspect and potentially life-threatening geology.
  4. I guess you could consider LotR a "perfect storm" of sorts. Incredibly strong source material, a director and crew dedicated (and permitted!) to incredible detail in bringing the story and, more importantly, world to life, a talented composer with a broad-but-as-of-then-not-yet-unleashed spectrum at his disposal...I can't think of other films where the combination of time, planning, execution, re-considering etc. reached such a perfect mix. One could argue that Don Davis' Matrix trilogy was on a similar level of musical craftsmanship, but it didn't have the luxury of a completed (and/or strong) story to write to.
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