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Everything posted by Wojo

  1. Say what you want about the actress now, the character is timeless and needs to be part of the journey.
  2. Sad. Say hi to Graham for us.
  3. I'm just amused at the "mothers" outraged over the word "damn" in a Burger King commercial.
  4. The software inside the android might be Data or enough of him, but the hardware is B-4. A prototype. They could explain that he would age more dramatically than the later Data model. I don't know why because changing outer appearance requires more resources and a dynamic skin, but it's scifi. Look at any desktop computer that you might have lying around from the 1980s. Aside from dirt and dust, it didn't get wrinkled. Data's body is space dust.
  5. I'm rooting for the ACC Tigers, but the SEC would be a good story too.
  6. Camels don't belong in Australia either.
  7. Fuck The Rise of Skywalker. Endgame was the superior score. I don't care how old Williams is.
  8. Eh, they are space nomads that settled in the desert thousands of years ago, worship giant worms, conserve water, and are waiting for a messiah. They are space Jews. Lol, j/k.
  9. Shit. Never when I read the Dune novels did I envision Sietch Tabr as being Petra. I would have thought the Fremen would want to stay hidden, not build a lavish front door that announces where they live.
  10. So far, Episode 9 is looking to be the first episode that I skip in the theater. I also skipped Solo until it hit Xfinity on demand.
  11. Interesting since the US no longer has a shuttle program. Will these be Russian children, or maybe the American parents sent their kids to Baikonur for a week and WHOOPS, BLASTOFF.
  12. If artwork is the culprit, why not take the Tadlow approach? Just draw something vaguely related to the movie and make that your album cover.
  13. I'm glad to have DVR. When I got ready to watch Spyfall, BBC was in the last part of Resolution, which I did not remember. So last season, I watched The Battle of Ranskor Av Kolos, and that was it. I honestly never knew they had a New Year's special in 2019. So I watched that, with the rather attractive Dalek hostage, before catching the new one.
  14. I'm introducing my wife to one of the formative movies of my youth, the Disney version of The Swiss Family Robinson. It must be an extended cut, or else all versions that I saw before on network TV were abridged. There are a lot of extended scenes, and we're only on the second day with the first pirate attack so far. Some are good situational development, but others are just talking. Yeah, I don't remember there being sharks. Or the men shooting at sharks. This is good music. I need to find if they released an album of William Alwyn's score.
  15. Snap. Han will see a Rebel trooper in hell if his tauntaun freezes before the first marker. "Oh my god" is allowed.
  16. Jason Sudeikis and Adam Pally I love the fact that the scout troopers couldn't hit a pile of junk at close range. Making fun of their inability to hit our heroes in the OT regardless of Obi-Wan's note. I am surprised one of them said "oh my god," as religions other than Jedi and Sith have rarely been mentioned onscreen, but it's just a common human curse. I was taken out of the story when IG said the bacta would take hours, but Mando was back on his feet quickly. Did hours really elapse? Is it that fast acting? Or did Gideon give them time? I suppose after seeing the flame trooper blown out of the door, the Imps would bide their time to avoid killing The Asset in the crossfire. The Armorer seems pretty exposed for trying to hide in tunnels, when all her comrades are dead, but she is more than capable. She mentioned some Old Republic era lore, which is great. Loved the giant astromech gondola droid. Maybe not an R2 unit. Maybe R12? Loved the character growth of Mando's attitude toward droids.
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