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I still think the teaser poster with Bilbo at the door of Bag End is the best of all that have been released. The one with Bilbo Sting in hand doesn't seem very proper for a respectable Hobbit.

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I think it would have been better to have sting glowing in the poster, it would atleast better explain his "epic" stance ;)

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Bilbo with Sting in his hands is kind of James Bond-y. Only difference is the gun and there is no debonair smile on Bilbo's face.

Oh and of course there is no mandatory "Hobbit-girl" in every movie or poster.


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Does anyone think that we'll see dwarf women in one of the other movies? Beards and all? We haven't seen any yet, and this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!

Which is of course ridiculous.

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Does anyone think that we'll see dwarf women in one of the other movies? Beards and all? We haven't seen any yet, and this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!

Which is of course ridiculous.

Actually there are Dwarf women in the prologue of the Unexpected Journey. You can see them selling Dwarven toys and works in the streets of Dale and fleeing from the Lonely Mountain after Smaug attacks.

EDIT: Damn you are fast Messenger! As you should! I shall name you BloodBoal the Wingfoot!

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Does anyone think that we'll see dwarf women in one of the other movies? Beards and all? We haven't seen any yet, and this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground!

Which is of course ridiculous.


Edit: Dammit, Jason beat me to it!

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Yeah I know how it ends too, but I'm not just talking about those sorts of spoilers. I just prefer to go into movies as fresh as possible nowadays. Years ago (especially with LotR) I'd gorge myself on prerelease info, pics and video snippets but later I realised that it had a hugely detrimental effect on the films I eventually saw. I tend to have much better reactions going in blind and using good word of mouth as a gauge, like I did with Argo.

The trouble with the internet is it can also suck all of the surprise and magic out of a cinematic experience.

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Yeah I know how it ends too, but I'm not just talking about those sorts of spoilers. I just prefer to go into movies as fresh as possible nowadays. Years ago (especially with LotR) I'd gorge myself on prerelease info, pics and video snippets but later I realised that it had a hugely detrimental effect on the films I eventually saw. I tend to have much better reactions going in blind and using good word of mouth as a gauge, like I did with Argo.

The trouble with the internet is it can also suck all of the surprise and magic out of a cinematic experience.

I agree...there are a few films I've definitely tried to go into fresh, and will continue to do so (there's at least one coming this year that I'm deliberately avoiding any mention of). But in the case of The Hobbit, I know the story quite well, am pretty familiar with what Jackson is doing with it, and the whole "look" of these films is pretty much set, so I'm not too worried. Besides, I doubt there will be much in the way of spoilers for this kind of promo that far in advance of the film. And as far as that goes, I think these BD online content only promotions are silly...entering in the code and what not. Not much of an incentive for me to buy....if I'm that interested I'll wait a few minutes until it pops up on Youtube. :)

The best news from the announcement of this release is that Warner confirmed the Extended Editions for release over the holidays. Not much of a surprise really, but it's nice to know it's coming.

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yeah, I noticed the hobbit fb page changed their cover photo to the blu cover. haha... oh well :)

right now I don't really care... I'm tired of everything middle-earth related atm. I need a holiday, a very long holiday, an... nvm.

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yeah, I noticed the hobbit fb page changed their cover photo to the blu cover. haha... oh well :)

right now I don't really care... I'm tired of everything middle-earth related atm. I need a holiday, a very long holiday, an... nvm.

Do you intend to come back? Or do you mean not to?

I suggestion seeing mountains...and finishing your book.

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I get "sick" of certain music and movies as well, but that's pretty much my fault because it usually means I'm watching (or listening) to it too much. But that's something that's pretty much within my control. I understand that sometimes it's hard to avoid the media saturation that comes with certain pop culture events, especially if you hang out on boards like this, but no one is actually forcing to you watch. Someone told me a while ago they were sick of Batman, but since I never really got into those movies (saw them each once), and never paid attention the media hype, I really couldn't relate. But for LOTR, I can definitely relate.

S for something that special to me, like LOTR, I try to keep it that way by kind of having my own rules on when and how to watch it. I won't watch LOTR if happens to be showing on TV, and I won't half watch it...e.g. having it on while I'm doing something online or distracted by something else. I'll generally watch it only a few times a year, and I'll put it on, turn the lights out, crank up my HT and give it my undivided attention. This just keeps it fresh for me, makes watching it more of an experience than something routine.

In any event, I'm not sure I could ever get tired of FOTR (or TTT, for the most part)...ROTK is a bit more problematic. :) And I doubt The Hobbit will be something that I'll go back to again and again.

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indeed it does.

I watched the first half of fotr around christmas.... was all "meh" about it

You sound like Chaac...

which means I'm probably depressed.

how supportive you are!

I'll generally watch it only a few times a year,

eh. that's... quite a lot. and it's still fresh to you?

for me especially fotr has sort of lost its magic... I'll try to not watch it in a few years.

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