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Though the book is very old, there are probably still people watching the movies without having read the book and don't want to be spoiled by a major plot point happening in the third movie like that, so I spoiler-blocked your posts.

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Not only he will spare them, but he will have Kili kill Smaug. Why else would he have given him a bow?

It's how Kili will win Tauriel's heart and whisk her away from Legolas' arms!

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Why are you damning him? I put the spoiler warning up before you read it. It was YOUR choice to open the spoiler tag!

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Spoiler tags are futile. I didn't think there was any spoiler that could surprise me.

LOL. I put "Spoiler for the end of the book / third movie." in Steef's post. If you didn't remember the end of the book, why would you read the post? No one to blame but yourself dude.

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A great article indeed. And they quite correctly question e.g. the inclusion of the Azog subplot.

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I already did that long before that guy!

I know, that is why I like you more than him. You are shouty and quick, Messenger.
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But anyway good work on bringing us the Hobbit and LotR news. And GoT as well.

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He's a fun character in the film because of his voice and manners. I've warmed up to his overall appearance. I could say that they went a tad overboard with making him look disgusting but I'm going to cut PJ and his digusting monster thing some slack.

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So let me see if I follow:

1. During main filming, John Rawls played Azog, as a guy in a costume.

2. PJ decided he didn't like the way Azog looked, so asked the special effects people to come up with a new design.

3. It would have been impossible to film a new actor in a costume and insert him into the already filmed scenes, so he had to be 100% CGI.

4. Manu Bennett came in and did motion capture for this new version of Azog, and they put this new Azog into the Battle of Anulbizar flashback, as well as his scenes in the second half of the movie.

5. They didn't bother to replace Azog in the sequence where the company is chased by wargs into Rivendell; Instead they kept the previously filmed scenes as-in, with John Rawls in costume, but changed it so now this is a new character called Yazneg and not Azog.

6. They then wrote a brand new scene that never existed before that takes place at Weathertop where who is now Yazneg, having survived the warg chase to Rivendell, reports to Azog there.


But why would Thorin have lines at the end of the movie going "It cannot be" if he already saw Azog during the first warg chase? Surely they didn't do any new filming with the main cast for the end of the movie right? They didn't have time!

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This does show once again a lack of organisational skill with PJ when it comes to having a clear idea about what he wants.

Likle Arwen fighting at Helms deep, and the unsatisfactory way her arc was resolved in ROTK.

Or Annatar fighting Aragorn in ROTK. (also replaced by a CGI character)

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This is what I see in Boal's posts:

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Wait! What if the weathertop scene was not newly filmed?

Think about it!

We have John Rawls playing Azog during the warg chase originally, so of course he survives the Elf Hunters attack. But then this was changed so now he was really playing Yazneg during this chase.

But what about the scene on weathertop? If it was a totally new scene to introduce Azog to the viewing audience now, what is Yazneg doing there? Did they fly John Rawls back to NZ just to film him getting killed by Azog?

OR, was this scene originally Azog reporting to THE NECROMANCER at weathertop, and they totally changed the scene around by using CGI and looping new dialogue?

What do you think?

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