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Damn, yeah. Who did he play again?

Dain Ironfoot, the leader of the dwarves of the Iron Hills.

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Dain Ironfoot, proud king of the dwarves, riding his mighty...boar!

Yes. Sadly yes.


Who later died fighting Orc forces attacking Dale and the Dwarrow kingdom under the Lonely Mountain.

Hey no spoilers for those who have not read the books!

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I started reading LOTR, there was a lot of geography about the Shire which is pretty cool but I could tell it would take forever to read (I am a slow reader and regularly reread sections after losing concentration). I know it'll take a long time to get through the Tolkien books, but that day will come.

Kids these days ...

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Just be sure to look forward to the Paths of the Dead, it's awesome in the book, and, well, pretty dumbed down in the film.

And don't be shocked when Faramir just lets Frodo go instead of dragging him to Gondor ...

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I also didn't like how they simplified Saruman's intentions. In the films, Saruman was nothing more than Sauron's puppet. But in the books Saruman wanted the ring for himself and very much had a will of his own.

Just go read the books SUH.

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At least Tauriel is ready for some Dwarf/Elf détente if PJ is to be believed.

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i think tauriel maybe a childhood friend of legolas or maybe family (cousin, etc). so no love relationship

And tauriel and kili fell in love. that's what we see in the trailer, thranduil telling her to forgot that relationship. but in the trailer they make it look like if legolas' father is telling tauriel she in not worth of his son, because she is not royalty.... but i think he is talking about kili...

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Thranduil says "Legolas has grown very fond of you", what is there not to see as a love story?

I doubt they would make such a fuss about a Kili love story.

Although ... it's PJ 2000.

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Thranduil says "Legolas has grown very fond of you", what is there not to see as a love story?

I doubt they would make such a fuss about a Kili love story.

Although ... it's PJ 2000.

Frodo was fond of Bilbo, so what?

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Thranduil says "Legolas has grown very fond of you", what is there not to see as a love story?

For some reason, I believe they're trying to misguide us. It's a red herring, dude!

It could still be a friendly relationship, and when Thranduil says "Legolas has grown very fond of you", he means "He listens to and believes all the bullshit you say like "it is our fight" and other Taurielisms. Please stop that!"

I think this is the case too.

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Are they brother and sister maybe?

"Do remember your mother? Your REAL mother?"

Which brings me to something:

PB said that the Relationship of Tauriel and Leggy was going to remind us of something else...

And its Anakin and Padme! Think of it, Leggy's eyes in DOS are going to change colors at some point.... Just like Anakin in ROTS!

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Are they brother and sister maybe?

"Do remember your mother? Your REAL mother?"Which brings me to something:PB said that the Relationship of Tauriel and Leggy was going to remind us of something else...And its Anakin and Padme! Think of it, Leggy's eyes in DOS are going to change colors at some point.... Just like Anakin in ROTS!

She said it was a Tolkien character Tauriel represents.

Any hope the next two films will live up to LOTR standards still?



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Any hope the next two films will live up to LOTR standards still?

We now know that none of the Hobbit films will be on par with the LotR films. We can at best hope that they are great, fun, stand-alone adventure films.

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Are they brother and sister maybe?

"Do remember your mother? Your REAL mother?"Which brings me to something:PB said that the Relationship of Tauriel and Leggy was going to remind us of something else...And its Anakin and Padme! Think of it, Leggy's eyes in DOS are going to change colors at some point.... Just like Anakin in ROTS!

She said it was a Tolkien character Tauriel represents.

Joke killer.

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I wouldn't say that.

For TABA at least I have high hopes. All the ingredients are there, PJ just would have to leave the story alone for a change.

Which he won't do. Sorry. We'll have boar riding dwarven army in the Battle of Five Armies and who knows what else PJ does to extend the final film, unless he is going for an all out record for the longest battle scene in recent history (and yes counting Transformers 3).

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That is just one of my many epithets. Grey Hame, The One True John Williams Believer, Keeper of the Faith, Storm Crow...

This is what an old sage and scald sang of these movie adaptations in the time of BloodBoal the Young when the world was still green and good during our ancestors' day.

Where now the director and the script writers? Where is the inspiration that was in LotR showing?
Where is the sense and moderation and the story easily flowing?
Where is the hand on the key pad, and the Tolkien's spirit glowing?
Where is the faithful adaptation of the novel and the ideas from the original story growing?

They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning?
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?

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