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I guess they decided not to re-use old material from the previous banner. Oddly Beorn is entirely missing from this new one.

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I'm hoping we get a rendition of Bilbo's main theme for the marketplace scene, especially given it's appearance in the first trailer.

It will be tracked with Concerning Hobbits, end of story. The statements of Bilbo's themes were cut for a reason. No idea why, but whatever it is, it will affect the whole film.

Not sure what to think about the "funny" Rivendell scenes.

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I'm hoping we get a rendition of Bilbo's main theme for the marketplace scene, especially given it's appearance in the first trailer.

It will be tracked with Concerning Hobbits, end of story. The statements of Bilbo's themes were cut for a reason. No idea why, but whatever it is, it will affect the whole film.

Not sure what to think about the "funny" Rivendell scenes.

Quoted in the faint hope that you might be wrong...

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I'm hoping we get a rendition of Bilbo's main theme for the marketplace scene, especially given it's appearance in the first trailer.

It will be tracked with Concerning Hobbits, end of story. The statements of Bilbo's themes were cut for a reason. No idea why, but whatever it is, it will affect the whole film.

Not sure what to think about the "funny" Rivendell scenes.

Which reminds me again about the High Fells music. Shore probably rescored the sequence when it was moved to the second film. Makes you wonder will the approach be radically different or have they kept some of the material found on The Edge of the Wild.

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He's a grumpy old wizard, that's why.

And don't you forget it! Harrumph! :stick:

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I'm sure there will be more, but not in the AUJ EE.

The statement in The White Council was already removed, why would it be used someplace else then?

Yes my guess is that AUJ was considered too early perhaps for Bilbo's own themes to appear and those were saved for the later films, where his heroic prominence grows. Or so I hope as those thematic ideas are just too good to be left by the wayside.

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Maybe Jackson might like it in a more playful setting, but doesn't feel it works for more emotional, weighty scenes? That's not what I feel you understand; I'm just trying to give myself some hope we may hear it in the EE (though that would leave virtually no hope for it appearing in the next two films, which isn't good at all).

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Yes. I'm certain the theme will live on in the next two films. But I dobt think we'll hear any more of it in the AUJ EE.

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If it doesn't work in the weighty scenes for PJ, why let he the statement for the "The world is out there" scene intact?

We shouldn't make the mistake and think PJ considers thematic meanings. AUJ is a prime example for that.

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A few additional bits about the Extended Edition

At BagEnd:
Bilbo comes back from getting changed into something a little more respectable to find the dwarves raiding the pantry. The Dwarf he manages to stop is Bifur who mutters something and points to his head. Bilbo freezes looking at the axe. Oin comes up behind Bilbo and they have a conversation that goes something like:
Oin: “He has had a bit of an injury”
Bilbo: “You mean the axe in his head?”
Oin: “Dead? No. Only between his ears, his legs work fine”
*walks off*

Argument between Gandalf and Thorin about not camping there and instead going to Rivendell is extended. Gandalf says that Thrain must be dead and that Thorin shouldn’t hold on to his families grievances with the Elves. Thorin says “Do not tell me the past is not important, it matters” Gandalf threatens that he is not bound to the company by a contract and could leave. Thorin welcomes him to leave if he wishes. Cue Gandalf storming off.

Rivendell: The song Bofur sings is “The Man in the Moon” (Fellowship version).
Bilbo explores Rivendell, sees Narsil and the painting of Sauron fighting
Gandalf is talking to Elrond about how these Dwarves are descended from Durin so they are noble and cultured with a love of the arts… While Nori slips things into his coat and complains about the music.

White Council:
Gandalf asks Saruman is he is not worried about the last of the Dwarves rings has gone missing with Thrain. Saruman says that there is no need to worry since the enemy can’t use the Dwarven rings without the One which must have washed out to sea long ago.

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Let's hope the dwarves won't do fart jokes in the halls of the Elvenking in Mirkwood.

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Ah, the infamous fart debate!

It was a stomach rumbling! Claiming it to be anything else would be fabricating malicious lies!

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And we are again off to a world of unfathomably fascinating discussion! :P

That new fan made mega trailer works quite nicely up until the end with all the Dol Guldur material. I would prefer it to be interspersed throughout the trailer rather than slumped all at the end. I actually spotted some frames I had missed in the previous trailers here. :)

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A burp and a rumbling stomach are two different things.

Honestly I don't remember, did not pay attention and most likely wouldn't care about Pippin's bowel movements. It didn't bother me when I watched the film and I have not thought about it since and I certainly didn't think there was a fart joke at that moment in the movie.

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If we just assume that there hasn't been a fart joke in Jackson's Middle Earth films to date, then there's no reason to think we'll see one in DoS.

That said, I worry about the animals in Beorn's house (if they're included that is)

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BTW I asked the "Early EE Preview Guy" about HS's score, I am sure he didn't notice anything but ya never know.

Nope. Watching on an airplane + sleeping seat neighbor meant I didn’t turn the volume up very high… just high enough to hear the actors.

Unfortunately I don’t remember any new music… as I said before, I was watching on an airplane, so it wasn’t easy to hear without turning the volume up super high, which I didn’t want to do and disturb my seat neighbors.

I don’t think there were any changes (as opposed to extensions)? It seemed to me as though all of the scenes were just extensions, and some of those extensions happened in the middle of previously established scenes, so they may have been cut differently and I just didn’t notice. (Sorry, not sure if that makes any sense.)

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