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I saw that edit BB! ;)

BTW the elven source music is extended in the scene with a natural ending (instead of just leading into the Moon Runes scene), so there is a little bit of new music, but not worth writing home about.

And it looks like BB's idea of "Bilbo Sees Narsil" being before Moon Runes was wrong.

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awful humour shown there.

And what do you mean by Awful humor?

The bathing? yes thats awful.

The Song? thats a song from FOTR.

The Elf Maiden thing? I thought it was hilarious.

same with Nori's pilfering ways (I remember a TORn chat where someone thought that Ori looked like a thief.)

by awful humour i mean how the goblin song was executed (are those lyrics by tolkien??)

the things you mention are not bad per se...mostly is the whole scene they are in. The dwarves dont looks any bit of civilised, whereas in the prologue they looked like it.

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Dude, I watched the clip, the Weathertop scene cuts right back to Bilbo in Rivendell.

There is a strange cut in the video right in the Moon Runes scene, which precedes the Weathertop scene. I think the order of the scene is kept intact. Moon Runes, Azog on Weathertop, Bilbo wanders in Rivendell, Bilbo meets Elrond and then the White Council.

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Thats just because he was skipping around, trying to skip the scenes already in the TE.

Nothing that detracts from the point though!

This is how it goes:

Bofur's Song
Moon Runes
Bilbo Seeing Narsil
Bilbo Seeing the Painting
Bilbo and Elrond
Naked Dwarves
White Council?

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And if the EE shows that more time has passed on the company's stay in Rivendell, I would not say it makes it impossible for Bilbo's conversation with Elrond take place at another time. Same day with the council but after the Moon Runes scenes (perhaps several days). I think this is what they are trying to establish with the comments on the depleting food stuffs and Lindir asking how much longer the dwarves are going to stay etc. and having Bilbo wander around the place.

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I think PJ wants to suggest that they spend two nights in Rivendell.

The CGI dwarves in the fountain - that shot really has to be done with CGI, as they wouldn't look right as normal people. At all.

Watching the Great Goblin song a couple more times - I'm becoming more tolerant of it, though I won't go as far to say it's grown on me. I quite like the chorus part. Would have (probably) preferred it if it didn't come at the expense of Shore's music.

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Remember that the reason I came up with that theory about the Narsil scene is because of Elrond's outfit during the Moon Runes scene, which is the same during his conversation with Bilbo (suggesting both scenes happen the same day with the conversation taking place before the moon runes), while it's different for the White Council scene.

To me, it just doesn't make sense to have Elrond wear an outfit for the Moon Runes scene, then have the same outfit the next day for his conversation with Bilbo but change it for the White Council right after that scene.

Fickle are the ways of the elves and their wardrobe!

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Yeah, but you don't change them suddenly to go to a war meeting!

Actually you would put on a better suit for an important meeting!

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Back to Shore though - the key opportunities for new music will be Bilbo visiting the marketplace and the flashback to his childhood. I'd be surprised if we heard anything new (as in, not on the soundtrack) during other extended scenes.

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What I've read about the EE so far is just plain awful. Bilbo's theme tracked again? Bullshit I say.

We...knew this already....did we not?

And on the bright side, all the scenes that we have seen, that correspond to tracks on the CD (thought there are not many) seem to be intact (besides Bilbo's Theme obviously).

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Good Lord...the extended scenes I've scene so far nearly convinced me to avoid this EE crapfest entirely.

I always felt the LotR EEs were must-haves for any decent fan, because I thought many of the scenes that were cut were still pivotal moments to cherish. By the looks of it, the extra scenes in the EEs might just be an excessive dosage of horribly conceived PJ gags. That little Goblintown song was truly the worst I've seen from PJ's canon and goes to show what a long way The Hobbit's gone from what LotR once was.

All pessimism and cynicism aside, I'm still interested in the EEs for the documentaries and I look forward to DoS. And as I expected, doesn't look like we'll be getting new Shore music, just edited alternate material here and there likely.

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And this is surpising how?

Most of the EE material for ROTK was exactly the same, we just did not have a 2 disc soundtrack release for it to be pressed onto.

BTW the EE Digital includes the special features.

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I blame Tolkien for including a 'Down, Down to Goblin-town' song in the first place. Don't be giving PJ ideas.

To be honest though I like all the other stuff I've seen in the EE. Let's just be thankful he didn't add Azog and his band singing 'Fifteen birds in five firtrees'

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I blame Tolkien for including a 'Down, Down to Goblin-town' song in the first place. Don't be giving PJ ideas.

To be honest though I like all the other stuff I've seen in the EE. Let's just be thankful he didn't add Azog and his band singing 'Fifteen birds in five firtrees'

Shush! Don't give PJ ideas for pick-ups!

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It's too late for the EE of course, but it could still be included elsewhere! They could change it to 'Fourteen fish in thirteen (?) barrels' and have them sing it as they pursue our company downriver.

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It's too late for the EE of course, but it could still be included elsewhere! They could change it to 'Fourteen fish in thirteen (?) barrels' and have them sing it as they pursue our company downriver.

That's it! No more ideas for PJ! Shush-shush-shush now!

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If PJ does lurk here and saw Faleel's video of the Thorin/Azog confrontation with POTC music, we're in HUGE trouble.


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Tauriel will bring the unification the Lost geeks and LotR geeks.

Yes, and Christopher Lee bridged the gap between LotR geeks and Star Wars geeks. Balance to the Force was accomplished.

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:lol: Martin Freeman, a class act and so generous an actor, giving us so much...

even the finger.

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