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It actually reminds me of one of those artificial caves in old adventure movies, like The Voyages Of Sinbad or Jason and the Argonauts. Not sure that is a compliment.

It also reminds me of the Gerudo Valley fortress from Zelda Ocarina Of Time. Completely strange how Mirkwood gives me a Legend of Zelda vibe in more than one way.

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Are they trees? or stone shaped to look like trees?

They certainly don't look like real trees. They don't look particularly great in that photo either, but the Epic cameras and grading will sort it out and make it look great.

Those are probably just pillars carved to look like trees, a nod to Menegroth in Silmarillion where Thingol's underground halls in Doriath were quite similar to that of Thranduil's two ages laters in Mirkwood. I am sure it is part of the clear wood elven (or elven in general) design that has a lot of plant and natural shapes in it. The few glimpses we have seen of the Halls of the Elven King have the same kind of feel as Lothlorien yet not as exalted or refined and of course transported underground.

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If I may say so, the trees look fake.

Almost everything surrounding the actors looks fake. The green screens are obvious.

Is just me, or does this pirated recording of UAJ look better than the real thing?

Somehow the high-contrastyness of it (the black look like blacks) gives the illusion of 35mm film, and feels more in-line with the gritty look of the LOTR trilogy. You can almost touch the granite.

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If I may say so, the trees look fake.

Almost everything surrounding the actors looks fake. The green screens are obvious.

Is just me, or does this pirated recording of UAJ look better than the real thing?

Somehow the high-contrastyness of it (the black look like blacks) gives the illusion of 35mm film, and feels more in-line with the gritty look of the LOTR trilogy. You can almost touch the granite.

Looks indeed better. Less of a plastic sheen.

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I thought that sequence looked stunningly beautiful in the original AUJ. New Zealand at its finest.

As gkgyver said, it still had a digital sheen to it, despite the beautiful NZ locations.

Can't someone with a fan edit just anti grade the film to tone down the colours if they don't like them?

You'd have to do more than desaturate, though it would certainly help. Increasing contrast and sharpness would go a long way, too. See the Over Hill clip I posted above - that's someone recording a digital projection with his HD camera (hence the water on these lens in the middle of the screen).

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Is just me, or does this pirated recording of UAJ look better than the real thing?

Somehow the high-contrastyness of it (the black look like blacks) gives the illusion of 35mm film, and feels more in-line with the gritty look of the LOTR trilogy. You can almost touch the granite.

Sorry, I just watched this back to back with the blu ray, and the blu ray looks better. This is too dark.

PJ color grades the hell out of the places that are supposed to be otherworldly, but these kinds of landscape traversing shots tend to not suffer that same fate. It looks great on the blu ray.

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If I'm reading that chart correctly, you have to buy the Amazon, Best Buy, or Wal*Mart edition to get the commentary?????

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I'll go with the regular 2 disc BluRay. I don't need 3D at home.

Why exactly does that edition have 3 additional discs compared to the regular 2 DVD BluRay, which also has commentary and appendices?

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Why is the second BluRay 3D not listed as HD?

I think "High Definition" refers to the 1080p 2D version of the film.

Because in the 5-disc Blu-Ray version seems to me that both the 2D and 3D version are included.

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Watched it, cool featurette! Love the real sets. Strange that they showed Beorn's house, and the actor playing Beorn, but not Beorn in full makeup/costume. I don't get all the secrecy behind a guy that will be in the film for 20 minutes in act one and then disappear until film 3.

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Watched it, cool featurette! Love the real sets. Strange that they showed Beorn's house, and the actor playing Beorn, but not Beorn in full makeup/costume. I don't get all the secrecy behind a guy that will be in the film for 20 minutes in act one and then disappear until film 3.

You don't know what tricks Jackso has up his sleeve.

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Watched it, cool featurette! Love the real sets. Strange that they showed Beorn's house, and the actor playing Beorn, but not Beorn in full makeup/costume. I don't get all the secrecy behind a guy that will be in the film for 20 minutes in act one and then disappear until film 3.

You don't know what tricks Jackso has up his sleeve.

In fact, the new Lego sets dedicated to the film show something about it.


On this italian site is reported that sets dedicated to Dol Guldur leave to guess that in the scenes concerned will be present not only Gandalf and Radagast, but also Beorn and the Necromancer in person.


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The US releases of the Extended Edition seem awfully complicated. I just went to Amazon.co.uk and bought the steelbook with 2 3D discs, the film on BR and the two bonus discs on BR. £20 delivered. All the extras, no messing.

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See The Desolation of Smaug clip shown at the MTV European Music Awards!

Legolas: You were tracking the Company of 13 dwarves. Why?

Tauriel: Answer the question, filth.

Orc (in an Orcish dialect): I do not answer to dogs, She-Elf!

Legolas: I would not antagonise her.

Tauriel: You like killing things, orc? You like death? Then let me give it to you.


Oh, and by the way, this scene confirms that the "Our time has come again" line heard in the third trailer is said by the same orc, and not the Necromancer or the Witchking, as was suggested by some people.

Yes, ROTFLMAO indeed.

Still not sure why we need Tauriel.

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I did not like the dialogue, I thought it was quite bad. Especially this ⇒ "You like killing things, orc? You like death? Then let me give it to you." :( The rest was good though!

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I did not like the dialogue, I thought it was quite bad. Especially this ⇒ "You like killing things, orc? You like death? Then let me give it to you." :(

This is what we call a Taurielism. I'm sure BloodBoal can give you a more extensive list of examples, having coined the phrase and all.

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Tauriel's dialogue is awful but she is only a few centuries old so I guess she is a bit adolescent. I often fall in despair when I listen to the younger folks and what they are talking about and how they are abusing the language. ;)

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Personally, I've never heard youngsters talk like Tauriel does. The way she speaks is far too corny for them. A true adolescent would have said something like: "You like death, cocksucker? Then eat that shit up, motherfucka!" *"beats the shit out of the orc with a baseball bat*

I am glad I have yet to meet such violent teenagers. Your neighbourhood sounds scary BB.

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What are you talking about? These are the nice teenagers.

The bad teenagers are far worse than that.


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