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What is the last Television series you watched?


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Both are CHaracter driven shows. Both shows feature honorable decent people.

Both also rely heavily on lame plot devices you may file under 'mothballs' and often excruciatingly functional dialogue.

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while the shows Alex likes function on whiskey drinking and smoking cigarettes to show these shallow individual have style. Or that making meth is a worthy way to save your family.

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I wanted to cheer when the RV something something, but I was too mesmerized by the phone call that Hank received.

We're as far as Walt telling Jesse to run.

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Awesome, that's the season 3 finale right? Or maybe the episode before the finale?

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Yes, Half Measures. Full Measure is the next episode, and is the season finale. I am being very good at not reading spoilers to see what happens next, though I saw the synopsis as Netflix began to load it.

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I love serial killer stories, Criminal Minds has wonderfully gory sequences, Plus it's loosly based on the real ones out there. At any given time there are on average 65 active serial killers around the country working their "magic". Contrived??? perhaps but less so than a serial killer who works in law enforcement targeting other serial killers and occasionally the mastermind serial killers from the third rock from the sun.

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No one would root for the main character of Breaking Bad in real life.

Again your misunderstanding of that show is your undoing. Early on we very much rooted for Walter White, yes. But you'd be hard pressed to find someone truly rooting for the character now. Not at this stage in his development arc.

Which is the whole point...

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Do you watch The Killing?

no but it's been recommended to me. I can check the entire 1 season from the library.

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Finished watching the show I was watching while using the elliptical machine in the gym:

Weeds Season 5

Meh. This show is really just not good. It tries really hard, but just ends up being shallow and empty. The first 3 seasons, when Nancy was selling pot to housewives in suburbia was fine, but seasons 4 and 5 just delved into weirder and weirder and yet more and more boring storylines. I don't care about any of the character or what happens to them. I doubt I will even bother to watch seasons 6-8. Will probably find another show to watch while working out.

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Started the new House of Cards series. I really liked the first episode, with Fincher's slick directing and the menacing Kevin Spacey. I have a feeling I'm going to love this show.

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I recently tried to start HANNIBAL, RIPPER STREET and VAMPRIE DIARIES. All were meh.

Yup. Vampire Diaries is definitely meh. But I guess I'll still watch it. Lol

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We watched the pilot of Under The Dome. Too early to say whether it's worth it or not, it was okay but it does that really irritating American thing where the cheap cliffhanger suspense music suddenly strikes up every time the commercial break (of which there were many) interrupts the flow. Luckily our copy skipped them. But the science fiction setup is intriguing and I am lured ever so slightly by the mysteries posed, so will watch a couple more to see if it finds a groove.

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We all need a guilty pleasure. Whether it be vodka or Vampire Diaries.

I'll take the vodka. And if i'm in a bit of a pervert mood i throw in some Kir Royal.

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We watched the pilot of Under The Dome. Too early to say whether it's worth it or not, it was okay but it does that really irritating American thing where the cheap cliffhanger suspense music suddenly strikes up every time the commercial break (of which there were many) interrupts the flow. Luckily our copy skipped them. But the science fiction setup is intriguing and I am lured ever so slightly by the mysteries posed, so will watch a couple more to see if it finds a groove.

I loved the book,until the end

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Don't tell me what happens! (Although it'll be fine to leisurely talk spoilers in say, ten years).

the ending of the book and the ending of the miniseries are not the same. Apparently the origin is even changed.

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I thought the book was great. I even liked the ending. I used to think he'd fallen off of his game but his new stuff is so damned terrific. Can't wait to see the movie version of The Good Marriage from Full Dark No Stars. I've gone back and discovered Lisey's Story and Duma Key, both outstanding. Finished Joyland several weeks ago, it was fun, still have to get back to From A Buick Eight, and Black House. Looks like 11-22-63 will be a miniseries too.

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I need to read 63. But as for under the dome, I love every king book. Hadn't read one in years. Decided to get that one. Read it very quickly and was sooooooo disappointed in the ending. I mean maybe I just really don't like certain genres disguised. Or maybe it was something else. But I felt it was a cop out. I left thinking. That's it? No conspiracy? That's all he's got? Bahhhh!

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sometimes things arn't a conspiracy, think about it which is scarier (using kennedy's assasination as an example), a conspiracy to murder the president, or that a single, lone gunman would be able to kill the president.

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Under The Dome 1x01 Pilot

Not bad, not great. The idea they have here is fascinating - that one day out of nowhere, a transparent dome pops up enclosing an entire city, slicing through houses, cars, planes, and cows in the process. And wisely there are character of all types trapped inside together - good guys, bad guys, killers, lovers, mothers, sons - and seemingly all with some sort of secrets to hide. But which secrets will tie into how the dome got there, and reveal how to get rid of it?

I've never read the book but Marcy has, and continually complained about how this was changed, that was change, that's now how that character was described, etc. Eventually i had to tell her to stop thinking about that and enjoy the show.

Anyway, I enjoyed what I saw, but wish it had been a bit >more< - What I mean is, the dome going up should have been absolutely bat-shit crazy, with more death and destruction and fantastic sequences. Cause now that's it's up, what possibilities are there for crazy action sequences to come? The next bunch of episodes will likely be a lot of personal drama as people's various secrets are finally revealed and play out against each other.

I think it would have helped this show to premier with a double-length episode, because we almost didn't get to learn enough of a lot of characters, and I can see a lot of people not bothering to come back. I am curious though, and look forward to the next episode

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My main misgivings were that it was ever so slightly cheesy. The psycho dude with his girlfriend in the basement for instance, the corny way in which that was handled, I could do without. But we'll see.

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Yes, there were a bunch of cheesy things throughout the entire episode that made me scratch my head. The overall concept is good though, just wish it had been executed better.

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Yes, there were a bunch of cheesy things throughout the entire episode that made me scratch my head. The overall concept is good though, just wish it had been executed better.

It definitely has that conventional primetime feel, which might yet make it worthwhile. Just so long as it doesn't disappear up its own arse half way through, like Lost did.

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It did seem at times like they were trying to be like LOST a bit

I like that we get to see Hank from Breaking Bad be a bad guy (seemingly), since he was pretty much the only true good guy on Breaking Bad

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It didn't look exceptional, but it did spark my curiosity. There were some elements that borderlines typical television cliches, but then the character dynamics have me intrigued. I will stick through the whole season and see how things go.

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Guys, it's CBS, so you know what to expect.

as I pointed out some of tv's greatest shows originated on CBS, not that UTD is one of them.

There was so much action in the beginning of the book. They tamed that down?

they can only show so much in 42 minutes. That's why it's 13 episodes.

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Superman: The Animated Series

It's held up very well over the years. The creators treat the material and adults with respect, and it's still a very entertaining animated series with broad appeal to adults. And the orchestral scores are still so good... why LLL hasn't overcome the red tape for CD releases? After re-watching the three-part "World's Finest", I would love to hear Michael McCuistion and Lolita Ritmanis' score for that on disc.

And Dana Delany is a particularly good fit for voicing Lois Lane. Wonder why she never got the chance to play her in live action...

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I watched the 1st season of Vikings a while ago. A bit hit and miss and not as engaging as say GoT. Some nice performances, Gabriel Byrne wonderfully brooding in his role. Trevor Morris' music is a joke of cheap synths and ever present drums.

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Viking scores need drums Inky! You should know that more then most!

But there is almost nothing but drums. Aye that's the rub. I guess drums that would fit a modern thriller fill in nicely for a story about Vikings as well. Where composers of the yesteryear took the meager scoring budget of a TV show as a creative challenge and it often paid off, now there will be some synth chords and pounding drums to solve the same problem nearly every time.

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Dexter 8x01 A Beautiful Day

I posted my thoughts here (only read if you are caught up on the show)

Under The Dome 1x02 The Fire

I'd have to say I like this show. Yes, it is FARRRR from perfect - it is nowhere near the fantastic levels of writing all the best cable shows get these days. But the wide cast of character all having secrets and mysterious goings-ons are just fun to watch, as is the slowly learning about the Dome itself. Interesting that water can pass through it somewhat (I guess that means if it rains, they will get to collect some fresh water?). Man does it suck that all the fire trucks were gone, as that fire could have easily killed everyone in the dome eventually as was stated. In fact you'd think these people should soon stop driving cars and such as they are goign to be rapidly depleting the only oxygen they have before too long.

I guess Barbie is the one you could say is the main character, but I find him among the least interesting - so far I don't care that much about his background or what's going on, but hopefully that will change. I like the two radio station employees, the red headed journalist (she's hot!), and the lesbian couple with the daughter. don't care for crazy Junior kidnapper guy, or any of the other cops too much really. That one guy was an idiot for shooting at the dome!

The best character is definitely the one played by Dean Norris (Hank from Breaking Bad). I can't wait till learn more about him. So far he always steals the show.

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Started to watch Hannibal. The first episode seems like a quite standard television with a few gruesome images. Not impressed, yet.


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Started to watch Hannibal. The first episode seems like a quite standard television with a few gruesome images. Not impressed, yet.


Psst, it's NBC. What did you expect?

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