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Howard Shore's The Desolation Of Smaug (Hobbit Part 2)


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Why so much bruha over Shore not being at recordings?

That is what I have been wondering for quite a long time now. It must have something to do with the authorship of the music and how it is diminished by the fact that he is not conducting the music nor making the in situ changes at the podium to conform the music to the film. This has been taken as a sign of distrust and some kind of bad blood between Peter Jackson and Shore, a show of disrespect to Shore's work on the films. Or this is what I am reading from the comments around here.

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When have you ever heard of a big name composer not being present at the recording?

COS is the one instance I can think of.

It just doesn't seem to happen. Not with Zimmer, Silvestri, Giachino, Elfman, Arnold, Powell, Beltrami etc etc...

But now not only isn't Shore conducting, for the first time he's using an orchestrator.

What happened?

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Some folk we never forget

Ya ya ya ya!
Some kind we never forgive

Ya ya ya ya!

Haven’t seen the back of us yet

Ya ya ya ya!
We’ll fight as long as we live!

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I think the song applies to you disgruntled folks quite well.

But at least I won't be thinking about Conrad Pope's involvement in the music every time I listen to the DoS score.

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Who says I'm disgruntled?

I just think it's funny that we are encouraged to see the DoS recording situation as "normal".

It's not. Not for Shore, not for film composers in general.

Even the ones that don't conduct are there during the recording.

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Who says I'm disgruntled?

I just think it's funny that we are encouraged to see the DoS recording situation as "normal".

It's not. Not for Shore, not for film composers in general.

Even the ones that don't conduct are there during the recording.

Why should there be a strange mystery or catch in there? What is the actual concern in all of this really? Is it preferable to make up fanciful conspiracy theories or try to parse why things are happening as they are. No, it is not the normal situation like with the LotR or AUJ but what of it? Do you want some kind of justice? Explanation and apology? What?

But I guess this is as good a way to pass the time before the score's release as any.'

Oh and you can say "I told you so" if the DoS is going to be a lousy score Stefan. ;)

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He wasn't present the day those photos were taken. And we know he had to go back to NY for a lecture. Bear in mind the sessions have been going on for some months. Shore was likely there for much of the scoring

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i dont think so. he has never been shy on being photograped in sessions. and There is no mention of him being there from anyone. And the people involved cannot comment on it.

I'm not going to award the success or lack thereof of DOS score to Pope that is for sure. Not unless it is full of flute flourishes and boom tzzs, of course :P

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i dont think so. he has never been shy on being photograped in sessions. and There is no mention of him being there from anyone. And the people involved cannot comment on it.

I'm not going to award the success or lack thereof of DOS score to Pope that is for sure. Not unless it is full of flute flourishes and boom tzzs, of course :P

Weren't you expecting part of the track called The Train from the Legend of Zorro to appear in the score before you believed that Pope was in charge of the score? ;)

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Who says I'm disgruntled?

I just think it's funny that we are encouraged to see the DoS recording situation as "normal".

It's not. Not for Shore, not for film composers in general.

Even the ones that don't conduct are there during the recording.

You are concerned that because this hasn't been done before, it might reflect the quality of the work?

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You are concerned that because this hasn't been done before, it might reflect the quality of the work?


Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Give big applauds to Blume! He cracked it!

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Some people are mad for continuity. ("All the Middle-earth films should have the "Music Composed, Orchestrated, and Conducted by Howard Shore"!")

Why fix what wasn't broken? :)

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Howard Shore is slowly approaching 70. Maybe the mad schedules of Peter Jackson don't agree with him. He seems more of a intellectual type of person who likes to work in peace. That's how I see it.


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Some people are mad for continuity. ("All the Middle-earth films should have the "Music Composed, Orchestrated, and Conducted by Howard Shore"!")

Why fix what wasn't broken? :)

Obviously something wasn't working if they changed the MO this time around. Hopefully the change is for the better for all involved.

Howard Shore is slowly approaching 70. Maybe the mad schedules of Peter Jackson don't agree with him. He seems more of a intellectual type of person who likes to work in peace. That's how I see it.


Indeed. A good point.

But now I am going on like a broken record. I'll stop for now.

I am just trying to be positive about this score!

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I think we all need to. There's nothing more to discuss here till we actually get to hear the new music and how it plays in film.

(Hey, I'm repeating myself again.)


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We've all been repeating ourselves for the last couple of pages in this thread.

The radio silence on news/updates/samples of this score is unravelling the potential for discussion here.

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I am just trying to be positive about this score!

That's called negativity under disguise! ;)


What a cruel world we are living in. I have been abetting negativity by staying positive! :eek:

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I don't think that's a reasonable fear, Steef. This might just be the future of film scoring.

If nothing else I would take a fresh and energized Shore over serving critiques over Skype to an in-person jet-lagged zombie Shore who hasn't slept in 48 hours to work on the score.

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I am just trying to be positive about this score!

That's called negativity under disguise! ;)


What a cruel world we are living in. I have been abetting negativity by staying positive! :eek:

And Anakin only wanted to save Padme...


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I don't think that's a reasonable fear, Steef. This might just be the future of film scoring. If nothing else I would take a fresh and energized Shore over serving critiques over Skype to an in-person jet-lagged zombie Shore who hasn't slept in 48 hours to work on the score.

You really think Shore is able to judge a performance better over a wireless transmission rather then actually being in the room?

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I think he can judge the performance equally well. If Shore was in the room, then he would have headphones on. The headphones would be piping the same music he hears through the transmission.

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Howard Shore is slowly approaching 70. Maybe the mad schedules of Peter Jackson don't agree with him. He seems more of a intellectual type of person who likes to work in peace. That's how I see it.


I think that is quite different to PJ's schedule ;)

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The concerto playing in the video (is that the cello concerto?) sounds wonderful. How I'd love to hear the whole thing.

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Well, we can hear a recording playing in the video!

Yes a passage from it. Let's hope they have recorded the whole piece and Shore will release it soon! :)

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I love it too! I found that piece to be the perfect piece to study to. I wish I could lay my hands on it.

Have anyone tried asking Doug Adams anything about it? I wish he would give us some info about the piece; if it will be released and if King Kong ever will.

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Why did I just watch a video of a lonely old man locked up in a pretty house with two dogs and a piano?

I guess watching a ladies man surrounded by hot babes (and a piano) in a groovy 1970's LA bungalow pool party would have been more suited to your liking.

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