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"A Conspiracy Unmasked" or Analyzing the Fellowship of the Ring CR

The Great Gonzales

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What I'd like to know is why lots film edits and tracking were left in for this set, yet the other two were clearly 'as written'.

Either they were left in by accident, or they decided to present the subsequent CRs 100% 'as written'.

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What I'd like to know is why lots film edits and tracking were left in for this set, yet the other two were clearly 'as written'.

Either they were left in by accident, or they decided to present the subsequent CRs 100% 'as written'.

I think it was part of the process of learning how to do these sets on Shore's part, which affected his choices when he compiled them. Sometimes the final film versions were something he must have been happy with despite those containing tracked or repurposed music and sometimes he chose to include his original intentions. We have things like the Give Up the Halfling on the FotR CR, where he eschews from giving us the film version as he preferred his original piece for the horns. I think it is more about the artist's choices than anything else.

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I honestly think what happened was: they started by just taking the isolated music stem of the EE film and breaking it up into tracks and planning out a 3CD set.


Then they went to a couple places and restored music that had been cut from the film: dialed out bit when Sam is outside Frodo's window in the bushes, ringworld bit when Frodo puts on the ring at Weathertop, Shore's preferred Ford of Bruin music, ringworld bit when Frodo puts the ring on at Amon Hen... then called it a day, ignoring the plethora of other (smaller) instances where music was replaced with tracked music in the final film, probably because most of those still sound OK.


I think with TTT and ROTK, even if they may have started with the isolated music stem as a guide to start, they seemed to go back to the full session recordings for every cue, and did things more properly (though there are still a few curiosities here and there)

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Thank you very much Faleel! I look forward to delving into this more closely when I have a bit of time. :)

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What I'd like to know is why lots film edits and tracking were left in for this set, yet the other two were clearly 'as written'.

Either they were left in by accident, or they decided to present the subsequent CRs 100% 'as written'.

There were early ideas to include an isolated score feature on the EE. Some believe they took this as the guideline for the CR.

Which would seem ... unfortunate.

What do you mean?

He probably means originally, there was no music at all.

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Ahhh! Sometimes, ignorance is bliss!

Although I'm not as picky with some of the edits on the CRs (being a big fan of them in the first), this is a great resource for those who'd like to get a better image of what the truths of the score are. Thanks Faleel!

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  • 4 months later...

Alright, I noticed something interesting in the TTT gamerip:

It seems that there may have been an extra brass overlay for the EVIL TIMES statement in "The Pass of Caradhras", either that or it was something made for the game.

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  • 3 months later...

Unsolved Mysteries

Where does the Nazgul theme at 2:25 of "At The Sign of the Prancing Pony" go?

More or less where it's positioned on the album, although bars have been trimmed before and after. It would have underscored the Nazgul entering the Prancing Pony and trashing the decoy room.

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So the Nazgul music we hear as the Hobbits wake up, is that tracked from the unused cue? or is that intended?

Glad it was cut from the film!

Unsolved Mysteries

Is the bit of the Threat of Mordor for Gimli trying to destroy the One Ring in The Great Eye tracked?

Also, the answer to this one seems to be....


it seems to be tracked from the original A Shortcut To Mushrooms:

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A mess? It's a fantastic album!

You guys are just nitpicking.

The lower mixed choir and the film version of the end credits are the only issues I have with it.

I have to agree with this and over time Fellowship is becoming my favourite of the scores. It was always TTT but now I'm more likely to put on Fellowship.

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When it was released there was very little critisism about these "dropped bars". Only in recent times are the CR's shit all of a sudden.

That's because we discovered only recently how much good stuff was cut out of the full recordings, on this "Complete Recordings".

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Unsolved Mysteries

There is an as of yet unidentified bit of music in the menus of the Theatrical DVD, it features the Descending Third

It's part of the opening of A Conspiracy Unmasked.

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Faleel, I just wanted to thank you for creating this thread and maintaining that list. It's extremely helpful and informative.

One day I will edit a definitive presentation of FOTR (with available clean sources, that is). One day!

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Unsolved Mysteries

Where does the Nazgul theme at 2:25 of "At The Sign of the Prancing Pony" go?

More or less where it's positioned on the album, although bars have been trimmed before and after. It would have underscored the Nazgul entering the Prancing Pony and trashing the decoy room.

So, somewhat like this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxQSwI5aPja9R1A2UGZWTzhHMU0/edit?usp=sharing

Unsolved Mysteries

There is an as of yet unidentified bit of music in the menus of the Theatrical DVD, it features the Descending Third

It's part of the opening of A Conspiracy Unmasked.


Now to figure out where exactly in the opening it goes.

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BTW, where does this held note come from?



BTW, the main post has been updated, to be even more clear, example videos are slowly but surely being added to the main post.


And, here is a partial rough cut of the alternate Shortcut to Mushrooms:


Did I get it pretty much right?

Unsolved Mysteries

There is an as of yet unidentified bit of music in the menus of the Theatrical DVD, it features the Descending Third

It's part of the opening of A Conspiracy Unmasked.

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And, here is a partial rough cut of the alternate Shortcut to Mushrooms:


hey that sounds cool!

Where did the parts that weren't from the OST come from? And why did it seem like the OST part was sped up?

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Where did the parts that weren't from the OST come from? And why did it seem like the OST part was sped up?

#1 Previs, and Middle-earth Atlas.

#2 Are you referring to the brassy descending third at 1:20? I believe that is part of the original version, which was replaced by the longer version heard on the OST, which was edited down in the film.

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BTW, where does this held note come from?



It's from the original A Shortcut to Mushrooms.

Unsolved Mysteries

There is an as of yet unidentified bit of music in the menus of the Theatrical DVD, it features the Descending Third

It's part of the opening of A Conspiracy Unmasked.

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Jim, those Brass notes at 0:49 of A Conspiracy Unmasked, where did they come from? The Sword That Was Broken?

And where approximately would that held note go in context of my rough cut of the original Shortcut to Mushrooms posted above?

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Jim, those Brass notes that replaced that section in A Conspiracy Unmasked, where did they come from? The Sword That Was Broken?

And where approximately would that held note go in context of my rough cut of the original Shortcut to Mushrooms posted above?

Not sure on the first question (I'll check), but on the second....in the middle of a bit that isn't represented on the video.

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Jim, those Brass notes that replaced that section in A Conspiracy Unmasked, where did they come from? The Sword That Was Broken?

And where approximately would that held note go in context of my rough cut of the original Shortcut to Mushrooms posted above?

Not sure on the first question (I'll check)....

To be clear, its the bit at 0:49 of A Conspiracy Unmasked on the CR.

And finally, what is this from?


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I don't recognize it, but it sounds like a flashback during Rivendell or something.

It's from an earlier iteration of The Council of Elrond, underscoring Frodo presenting the ring to the council and running up to the introduction of the Gondor theme. The bars are dialled out in the TE and partially replaced by new material in the EE.

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I think it's cool that anytime an unknown snippet of LOTR scores come up, we can always at least place what section of the film it must have come from thanks to Shore's awesome use of different musical palettes for different regions, etc.

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Jim, those Brass notes that replaced that section in A Conspiracy Unmasked, where did they come from? The Sword That Was Broken?

And where approximately would that held note go in context of my rough cut of the original Shortcut to Mushrooms posted above?

Not sure on the first question (I'll check)....

To be clear, its the bit at 0:49 of A Conspiracy Unmasked on the CR.

It's from A Conspiracy Unmasked! There's an edit at 0:52 trimming about five seconds of material.

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No, that wouldn't work, each score is way too big to have all it's info jammed up with the other 5 scores

Maybe it's time we move all Tolkien-related threads inside their own sub-forum inside General Discussion, though.

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I would be in favour of this. Don't get me wrong, all this discussion is fascinating (well, at least some of it), but it's all over the place. Can't even remember where I read what.


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