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Steven Spielberg: Someday superhero movies will go 'the way of the Western'.


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Well, the reason Western died was mainly because of the rise of space-themed movies and also the generation that lived the Western era or identified with it was also getting older, the newer generation didn't connect with it as much. And so space movies filled that place. It's a well known story, of course I'm not saying anything new here.

I agree with Steven, but for superhero movies to die out there's gonna need to be something bigger, but I have no idea what it could be.

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So Spielberg's making the completely unprecedented conjecture that one day a current fad will fade away and be replaced by another fad? Man, this guy's another Nostradamus! How does he come up with this stuff?!

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Well the superhero genre is still going strong in another medium long before it became a fad. And I think as long as the superhero comic books are still churning out new stuff it may survive longer than the Westerns. Besides, legions of nerds have wanted to see some comic book stories brought to life on the big or small screens. Plus with the success of the Netflix series Daredevil I don't think the moviegoing public will totally lost interest in the superhero movie genre.

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Well, for starters saying that "superhero movies" are a genre by themselves is a mistake. It's the same as putting animated films as a genre. On both cases the genre depends on the movie. You could have a western superhero movie, for example, and if done well, people would eat that shit up.

As a fan of westerns and Leone's take on the genre in particular, I do think they are kinda limited in a way. There's only so much you can do with it before drifting into already familiar territory or stuff that doesn't fit within it. When Leone did Once Upon a Time in the West, there was nothing left to say about westerns. He revived it and he killed it. In a way it's better they died out because we have less in quantity but more in quality. If they had kept on going, maybe we would have gotten sick of it.

And besides, the western belongs to the 70's. It needs to look like film. Digital doesn't fit with the old west.

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It's a basic economic principle that if you flush the market with the same or similar product the consumer will eventually get tired of it. This will happen to the wave of superhero movies that the film industry is awash in now regardless of the quality of the films themselves. Some day expanded universe-style comic book movie making will fall out of fashion.

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