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SPOILER TALK - The Last Jedi (open spoilers allowed!!!)


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6 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:

- Rey and Luke seem to be spending quite a few days on Ahch-Too island, but the whole Rebel Fleet subplot seems to spread over just a few hours, yet they all end up on Crait on the same day. Theory of relativity, I suppose?


TESB has the exact same issue.


Ring theory!

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9 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:

- Luke and how he deals with the Dark Side: "Papa Vader killed thousands of innocent, but there's still good in him: must do everything I can to bring him back to the Light Side! Baby Ben seems to possibly be drawn to the Dark Side? Must kill him right now!" There may be a problem of consistency there..


About 20 years of personal growth? We all become less hopeful as we age.


1 minute ago, BloodBoal said:

Wrong! Han and Leia spent one day on the belly of the space worm, and four days on Bespin. Luke spends five days on Dabogah. It all fits!


Luke trained up to be a Jedi in 5 days? OK

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10 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:


- Rey and Luke seem to be spending quite a few days on Ahch-Too island, but the whole Rebel Fleet subplot seems to spread over just a few hours, yet they all end up on Crait on the same day. Theory of relativity, I suppose?


Rian's also a big Game of Thrones fan. 

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13 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:

Have the Jedi religion revolved around the Light Lodge and the Dark Lodge.


Have most of the plot take place on a planet called T'uin Pik Ze.


And all the eligible, available women in town work at Dex's Diner.

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19 minutes ago, BloodBoal said:

- Luke and how he deals with the Dark Side: "Papa Vader killed thousands of innocent, but there's still good in him: must do everything I can to bring him back to the Light Side! Baby Ben seems to possibly be drawn to the Dark Side? Must kill him right now!" There may be a problem of consistency there...

I can see this raising questions with regard's to how Luke has developed as person but I don't see this is a flaw in the film. People aren't perfect. People are inconsistent. I don't think a filmmaker acknowledging just how messy people are is necessarily a flaw. There's a different between a "bad" character and a "badly-written" character.

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People seem to forget 30 years passed between these events and Jedi. A 60-year old is not going to react to everything the same way his 25-30 year old self would.

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1 hour ago, MusicPerson13 said:

I can see this raising questions with regard's to how Luke has developed as person but I don't see this is a flaw in the film. People aren't perfect. People are inconsistent. I don't think a filmmaker acknowledging just how messy people are is necessarily a flaw. There's a different between a "bad" character and a "badly-written" character.


100% this.



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I like how the Force is portrayed in the film. Bit more interesting than Sith/Jedi dichotomy and I like how Luke talks about Jedi being vain and arrogant.


But I have to say Williams overdid it with Force theme. It's becoming one of those lazy musical shortcuts.



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3 minutes ago, crocodile said:

I like how the Force is portrayed in the film. Bit more interesting than Sith/Jedi dichotomy and I like how Luke talks about Jedi being vain and arrogant.


Yep. Wish it had been more developped though (it felt mostly like surface-level stuff).


3 minutes ago, crocodile said:

But I have to say Williams overdid it with Force theme. It's becoming one of those lazy musical shortcuts.


Yep. Maybe would have been a good thing to come up with a new theme there. History Of The Force or something. ;)

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How old is Kylo Ren? Seems Luke wouldn't have been exiled on that island for a long time .  Kylo looks the same but Luke is made to look much younger in the flashbacks

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Just now, king mark said:

How old is Kylo Ren? It doesn't seem old enough  that Luke exiled himself on the Jedi Island a long time ago but  Kylo looks the same but Luke is made to look much younger in the flashbacks

Stress makes one grow old fast. ;)



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Indeed. Embracing the concept of the Jedi as a flawed monastic order, and the idea of "Luke Skywalker" as a legend, are all good places to start to push the franchise forward. Would have been nice to see Johnson delve more into that. The thematic material in this film has a lot of potential.


And yea, Williams' score uses a lot of past themes as a crutch, though I'm sure the filmmakers had some part in that decision. Would have been nice to have heard the Jedi Steps theme expanded more for the training scenes.



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Just now, Stefancos said:




Does that matter

I need a refund. ;)


1 minute ago, king mark said:

well there's one between Luke and Kylo ren

They never clash though.



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9 minutes ago, KK said:

The film plays/flirts with all the classic SW features well enough. We saw enough lightsaber action to be satisfied.


Not the true fans! They are screaming BLOODY murder! MURDER!


Johnson raped their childhood memories!

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