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Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban has Been Nominated


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The Terminal is thr 1st spielberg movie in years that is not nominated in any category.

The 1st since "Always" (15 years ago!), the 2nd since "1941" and the third since "The Sugarland Express".

John Williams won't get the Oscar this time either (maybe next year?). James Newton Howard will likely win it.

I'm happy though, I was afraid Johnny wouldn't get any nomination this time.

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this years Oscars feature some of the most uninteresting films.  2004 was a dismal year for movies, as has been the case for most of the 21st century.

Amen, brother! I'll tune in to see the stars, but I couldn't care less about the films and the nominations.

And yes, Sky Captain was robbed, by Spider Man 2, no less!


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best visual effects is a joke this year, an absolute travesty.

none of the 3 films nominated even deserve to be nominated.

this year they should have given a special award to Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, nothing else comes even close.

I think Spiderman should be banned from it, and i robot what i saw, was not great.

What i have seen in HP, is the most impressive CGI birdlike creature, amonst other things.

But i must way i have only seen spiderman and the Buckbeak's flight scene (and trailers and so)

And i cannot believe you want a special award for a movie that has entirely been filmed in bluescreen... Which im sure it is not 100% unnoticeable.

I hope williams wins. I would like to see him there for the first time since, back in 1993 i missed it, and by the way i was not a true fan.

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My big concern is Finding Neverland. If the movie wins Best Picture, it will be given the award as an extra token (like it's happened so often, see Shakespeare in Love).

This isn't going to happen.

If it doesn't win, it'll be an excellent consolation prize (as it's happened so often, see Life is Beautiful).

This is quite possible. But the score is much more worthy of the oscar than Life is Beautiful was, and is any way in the running. Plus it's the most critically acclaimed of the bunch (even though POA is the most popular)

Morlock is going to suffer a heart attack the minute he sees the Best Cinematography nomineese

No, I was prepared for this. I'm apparantly the only one who can see the incompetence on display there.

I haven't most of the major contendors yet, but here are a few disconnected observations regarding the ones I have seen:

Aside from best actor, Ray does not deserve any of it's nominations.

I'm surprised about Foxx' nomination for best supporting actor. I personaly would rather Cruise got that nomination.

I'm not quite clear on the eligability of the film, but Merchant of Venice definately deserved an art direction, costume design, and adapted screenyplay. And Al Pacino delivered one of the finest performances of his career in that movie, he should've been a shoe-in for best supporting actor.

The Terminal not being nominated for art direction is a mockery, especialy when an uninspired bit of art direction like The Phantom of The Opera is nominated.

The Passion deserves the cinematography nomination. The Phantom of The Opera does not by any stretch of imagination. The Village deserves this one (but that can be said of any Roger Deakins movie). The Terminalould've been a good choice (I think it deserved Art Direction, Cinematography, music, and best actor).

Troy's one nomination is a doozy. It deserved art direction and VFX, but it's costumes were not notworthy.

Always nice to see Mike Leigh nominated for best director, but it should've been at the expense of Ray, not Finding Neverland.

Out of the ones I've seen, Collateral should get the editing award.

Troy deserved the VFX award.

I'm happy Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind got the noms it did. It richly deserves them both.

I'm ecstatic JW got a nom for POA. And for James Newton Howard. I'm very happy they remembered The Village, a stunning score. These two are IMO clearly ahead of the pack.

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And i cannot believe you want a special award for a movie that has entirely been filmed in bluescreen... Which im sure it is not 100% unnoticeable.  

Luke, there are years where only one film is deserving of an Oscar for best visual effects, in those years the award was a special award, rather than a category.

Sky Captain was a visual feast, and yes sometimes it was noticable, but regardless, it was the best eyecandy of any film this year. I don't have a problem with CGI used right, or in this case as an experimentation

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anyways who remembers the score to Finding Neverland,it wasn't such a popular filmK.M.

The screw-ups with the release of Finding Neverland may soften many members of the Academy towards it and give it the sympathy vote. The same happened when Slingblade won best script a few years ago. It only won because it hadn't been given a proper release in the States yet.

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What crew ups? Finding Neverland was widely released, widely seen, widely reviewed, and overall, widely liked. None of this is sympathy votes.

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Ender, don't forget Michael Gore winning Best Original Score for "Fame." That and Goldsmith and Williams getting nothing for "Mulan" and "Saving Private Ryan" are the three biggest travesties of the score category.

No one's mentioning the Original Song category? Two foreign-language songs nominated? That's a first, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm sad that none of the songs from "Team America" made it in. By and large this is a weak field in the song category. I'd be happy if Silvestri wins, and maybe Sir Lloyd Webber will win for the same reason the song in "Evita" won: because it's a cheap way to recognize the other non-original songs in the film. Though I will argue that "You Must Love Me" is an award-worthy song. I really don't want Adam Duritz to win an award. I hate the Counting Crows.

Jeff -- who hopes "The Chorus" will make it to his neck of the woods

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Oscars are no more then a popularity contest

Really? If they're nothing more than a popularity contest, then why did Corigliano win in 2000 for The Red Violin? I don't recall that film -- or score -- enjoying enormous popularity.

A wide range of things are taken into factor. Note that people who have been up for many oscars start drawing sympathy votes - its the same for entrance into the hall of fame for sports. I think that the score nominations are associated more with the film and less with the composer. And therefore musicallity is not singled out as it should be. I am positive that many people will be voting who have never heard some of these scores. That is why agents send out media packets with CD's attached. I have the feeling that since Harry Potter is just a "kid's book/film" in the eyes of many adults that John Williams will be overlooked again by filmmakers who take the art more seriously then purely entertainment.

PS Some scores, like the Red Violin, are just no brainers to vote for. Certain films like Lawrence of Arabia, Schindler's List, The Adventures of Robin Hood were clearly the best of that year. I just do not get how scores like Godfather 2 win, when the first one lost. Clearly that was a sympathy vote (or rather a compensation vote). I honestly don't think that too many people put nearly as much thought into it as we do.

I hope JW wins, this is one of his finest scores ( which is saying something).

In my opinion 9/10 times when he is nominated his is the finest score musically there.

Man I was just reviewing this list of past winners nominees. Some scores which lost which are amazing scores.

no JW included

Gone With the Wind

Magnificent 7

Planet of the Apes



Jeez you just never know with these voters.

I am glad Million Dollar baby was excluded.

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According to The Associated Press, John Williams has tied Alfred Newman for the most Oscar nominations in the Best Score category (adapting music or creating an original score).

Of course, many of Newman's nominations came as the head of 20th Century Fox's music department, when the rules specified that department heads got the nomination.

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According to The Associated Press, John Williams has tied Alfred Newman for the most Oscar nominations in the Best Score category (adapting music or creating an original score).

Of course, many of Newman's nominations came as the head of 20th Century Fox's music department, when the rules specified that department heads got the nomination.

Do you have a link?

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I'm hoping James NEwton Howard wins it for The Village. I bought the soundtrack last summer but only recently saw the film, which wasn't as bad as critics said it was. Taken literally, it is laughable. But as a metaphor, which is what most Shyamalan films are, I find it quite poignant.

If Howard doesn't get it, I'll root for Williams, then Newman in that order.

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I'm sooooooo excited about this!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought for sure he wouldn't get nominated, and if he did, it would be for The Terminal, which, IMO, isn't quite as good a score. I certainly hope POA isn't overlooked for being a "kids' movie" but it could be. :roll: :spiny:

My choices for Best Score winners (in order):

1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

2. The Village

3. Finding Neverland

4. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

5. The Passion of the Christ (I haven't heard it)

I enjoyed them all a lot, especially The Village, for which I would almost hope JNH got his first win, but, ultimatley, POA is simply the best. Good Lord, I hope the voters listen to the scores.

Not that I expected it, but too bad Bryce Dallas Howard wasn't nominated for Best Actress, and POA or The Village for Best Picture, and Cuaron and Shyamalan for Best Director.

~Sturgis, hoping and praying John Williams gets his long overdue 6th Oscar

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Good luck, Mr. Williams. PoA is easily your finest score of the 21st Century.

Justin - Who has a sinking feeling that Finding Neverland will get the nod...

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The Terminal is thr 1st spielberg movie in years that is not nominated in any category.

The 1st since "Always" (15 years ago!), the 2nd since "1941" and the third since "The Sugarland Express".

John Williams won't get the Oscar this time either (maybe next year?). James Newton Howard will likely win it.

I'm happy though, I was afraid Johnny wouldn't get any nomination this time.

Actually, 1941 was nominated for 3 oscars: special effects, sound and cinematography.

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Can you not say the same for Spiderman II?

It shouldn't be nominated for Best Animation, because the animation just wasn't that good in the movie.


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Good luck, Mr. Williams. PoA is easily your finest score of the 21st Century.

Justin - Who has a sinking feeling that Finding Neverland will get the nod...

We all know the category is impossible to predict.

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John Williams' 43rd nomination, for composing the score of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," ties Alfred Newman's record in that music category. Williams is up against Newman's son, Thomas, who is nominated for composing the score of "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events."


Not all of Williams's nominations have been in the category of Best Original Score, though, so the AP article is a little unclear. Alfred Newman, taking into account every category, was nominated 45 times in all.

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Congrats to John Williams on his 43rd nomination. Let's all hope he is not robbed again! I myself prefer the score for The Terminal, but POA was extraordinary. I am aware that your chances of winning go way down if you are nominated for two.

When I first heard the news, I thought he had no chance to win since POA is a sequel and all that, but I thought about what someone else said before. The Academy pretty much gave Jackson the Best Picture and Best Director Oscars and Howard Shore the Best Original Score Oscar for ROTK for the whole trilogy. So, even thought the HP films aren't a trilogy, JW scored 3 of them and if he wins for POA then that would be like an award for scoring all three HP films.

It looks like his biggest competition is Finding Neverland. A friend of mine saw Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and said that the music wasn't very good. The only other nominated score I heard was The Passion of the Christ, which was excellent, but it seems like it doesn't have much of a chance due to the film's controversy. The Village might have a chance though IMO, because it was not nominated for anything else, so the score must have been great.

Even if John does not win, he still has plenty of chances left in his career to get another Oscar. Next year he's got WOTW. Call me crazy, but the if the Academy gets their act together and nominates him for ROTS, that would be grand. It will be the best 2005 score and it is the last SW movie ever! There's also that 1972 Olympics in Munich movie and the Abe Lincoln biography that Spielberg is planning on.

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I enjoyed the A Series of Unfortunate Events score, but it's not nearly as good as POA. The Village is a great score, but I still think POA should win.

Is your avatar Liam Neeson dressed up like Abe Lincoln? :spiny:


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Thanks, Hla-roo. I knew some of Williams' 43 nods were in the song category, but I think the AP was referring to all music categories.

If Newman truly has 45 nominations in music, then Williams has only three to go to be the overall winner.

Walt Disney had 59 nominations, so he has a long way to go for the overall record.

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Congratulations to Williams and PoA. It's the best of the bunch.

A Series of Unfortunate Events was a great score, but the rhythms and passages that Newman had running throughout were all familiar. There didn't seem to be anything groundbreakingly original, or even a theme to call its own for that matter.

The Village was also great, especially the violin solos. But it can't compare with PoA. Same with Passion.

R.E. Spiderman II and visuals - I thought they were infinitely better and much more fluid/realistic than the first movie. Personally I don't think PoA's effects were all that brilliant. The Dementor's and the Patronus are really the only things that stand out off the top of my head. I just wish the Dementors could have been done how Cuaron wanted them - underwater puppets. I'd imagine that would get the attention Gollum did around the time of TTT.

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So theoretically Jeff, John could tie Alfred this next year if he were to miraculously write three monumental scores, and then have next years academy recognize that.

There is another minor detail about John's 43 nominations, he being the most nominated living person, means he's also the biggest loser with 38 loses.

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The Terminal is thr 1st spielberg movie in years that is not nominated in any category.

The 1st since "Always" (15 years ago!), the 2nd since "1941" and the third since "The Sugarland Express".

John Williams won't get the Oscar this time either (maybe next year?). James Newton Howard will likely win it.

I'm happy though, I was afraid Johnny wouldn't get any nomination this time.

Actually, 1941 was nominated for 3 oscars: special effects, sound and cinematography.

Thanks! I wasn't sure about it.

Then, only 3 Spielberg movies have been absent from the Academy Awards ceremony.

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when is it on? i'll have to get my students to watch it because this could be the year!!!!!!!!!!!!  

but i have a feeling passion will win.

Feb 27th.

I am confident JW will win.

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And yes, Sky Captain was robbed, by Spider Man 2, no less!


And i cannot believe you want a special award for a movie that has entirely been filmed in bluescreen... Which im sure it is not 100% unnoticeable.  

Luke, there are years where only one film is deserving of an Oscar for best visual effects, in those years the award was a special award, rather than a category.

Sky Captain was a visual feast, and yes sometimes it was noticable, but regardless, it was the best eyecandy of any film this year. I don't have a problem with CGI used right, or in this case as an experimentation

You both saying that is the most ironic thing i have read in my whole life.

Joe, AOC was the most eyecandy movie of 2002 and you critisized it for that very reason.

And as i have heard Skycap could have the same 'crap' dialogue and acting.

Luke, who thinks this is not the same 'experimental' Joe who wanted an Animatronic Hypogriffon in PoA.

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Joe, AOC was the most eyecandy movie of 2002 and you critisized it for that very reason.

AoTC is not eye candy, as AoTC is a bad looking film.

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incidently Luke, I thought that TPM and AOTC both deserved the Oscars for

visual effects over the Matrix, and Spiderman, neither which were worthy IMHO.

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Sky Captian was supposed to be a completely CG movie, as a fun change for movie-goers. It had a great 1930's, almost black-and-white look to it, which it was supposed to. And the acting and dialogue were very good; you could really feel that Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow had a history together.

AotC did have bad acting and crappy dialogue, and they couldn't find chairs, apparently, so they had to make them computer generated. Plus, the CG just looks bad all around.

IMO, TPM is a better movie, the only thing really distracting being Anikan's acting; even the CG is better, and there isn't so much of it.

And I think the first Matrix had better special effects than either Spider-Man movie or AotC.


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I'm hoping James NEwton Howard wins it for The Village.  I bought the soundtrack last summer but only recently saw the film, which wasn't as bad as critics said it was.  Taken literally, it is laughable.  But as a metaphor, which is what most Shyamalan films are, I find it quite poignant.

If Howard doesn't get it, I'll root for Williams, then Newman in that order.

Well,yes,you can go root for James Newton howard at his MB.

K.M.Who thinks some JWfans should get their priorities straight.

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Ok Every thing in the preques is poorly done.

Even Williams couldn't make  good scores.

Its impossible to reason with you guys, really...

AoTC is vapid crap. How much reason does it take?

Morlock- who thinks several things in TPM were very well done

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Is your avatar Liam Neeson dressed up like Abe Lincoln? :thumbup:  


It sure is. I got it off spielbergfilms.com. The administrator there found it somewhere and made it his avatar. I love it. I proves that Liam Neeson would make a great Abe Lincoln. I hope Spielberg makes that movie!
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FieryAngel, it's okay - I can point you in the right direction. :) Anyone that also likes JNH's work is welcome to drop by, (and freely express your joy at the Oscar nod lol), fun place...There are several JWFan members that post often there. :wave:

(Funny, but there are several Dutchies over there, like at many film music sites... Steef it seems I run into you guys everywhere I go on the internet...love that Dutch humor though)

KM - That wasn't necessary (hands on hips), most here are big fans of several other composers as well, and for many that post, Williams is not necessarily their #1 - but this board is ALL-inclusive and welcomes any and all!

Greta - suggesting group hug :thumbup:

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I know King Mark is just kidding around. John Williams is my favorite composer- that's a given. But I think preferring a score other than Williams is one of say a little more objectivity. Obviously I won't let my respect and adoration for Williams' music cloud my judgement. For me, of the scores nominated, I believe Howard's Village is the strongest.

I'm saddened by the fact that had Yared's score been left in Troy, that would have easily been the best score of the year. Hands down. That's it. No more to see here folks.

I'm also disappointed that Debney's Last Temptation rip-off was given a nod. Would have much preferred Giacchino's Incredibles or even Williams' The Terminal which, for me, was the stronger of his two efforts this year. "Jazz Autographs" alone is one of the finest compositions I've heard from 2004 and certainly one of Williams' greatest themes. There have been some folks, not on this board mind you, that have compared Zimmer's As Good As it Gets to The Terminal. Zimmer simply doesn't have the chops to write in the harmonic complexity of something like "Jazz Autographs".

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The Terminal [w]ould've been a good choice (I think it deserved Art Direction, Cinematography, music, and best actor).

Agreed. I was really hoping the score would get a nomination. And that set was amazing. But oh well. It's the best picture of 2004 in my book.

Here's hoping for Potter! :wave:

Ozzel - who is seriously considering picking up JNH's The Village.

EDIT: Holy horse crap, this is my 500th post! Woohoo! Root beers for everyone! beerchug

:thumbup: <----- (I just wanted to use that one because I rarely get to.)

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This is a really great list of nominees, I'm very pleasantly surprised by it. Three of the five are on my personal top 5 list, and I'm familiar with all of them except PotC. I'm ecstatic about PoA (!!!). Williams deserves the award for the most original and daring of the Potter scores, as well as for his incredible body of work for the series. I'm extremely pleased that The Village was nominated also. If Williams doesn't win, Howard definitely should. It's a magnificent work. Finding Neverland is likewise great. On the other hand, I'm pretty surprised that Newman was nominated; though it contains some fantastic highlights, Lemony Snicket's... is unremarkable as an overall score. All in all, it should be a good race this year!

Ray Barnsbury-who would love to finally be able to see Williams win live!

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I know King Mark is just kidding around".

Yes,I was.But still my post was not so obvious maybe.Your just off next years considerations for the MB High Council,that's all.

Still,I'd root for Williams getting the Oscar even if it was for Stepmom over somne great masterpiece from another composer.


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I saw Million Dollar Baby today.Glad it wasn't nominated,since it's the same simplistic cue repeated over and over.But it's a misleadingly emotionnal cue that mght leave the impression to some this is a great score,so who knows.

I'm not sure I liked the movie.The last 45 minutes sort of dragged on and on.Overall it has a few touching moments but it's slow moving and formulaic.


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