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Star Wars Prequel Music Resource

Henry B

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I highly doubt those two horn notes were for the droids walking in... I've always thought it was part of that unreleased horn part at the beginning of "Fighting With Grevious"

BUt I'm done arguing this... the only thing we know is that we don't.

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Using an editing program like Cool Edit Pro and do a fade out before the other piece begins.

By the way I am listening to a DVD front channel extraction I did of "The Asteroid Field" from the Collector's DVD that came with the ROTS the new mix they did souly for this release.... damn it why couldn't they have made a perfect mix like this when they re-released the OT scores under the Sony name? This mix is absolutely perfect. Every instrument coming out of their proper channels (properly) and there are some instruments I never really heard before while listening to this mix.

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so, someone asked me today to check my temp internet files for something they'd hope my computer would save.

And I found something else entirely that cuaght me by surprise.

I remember a while ago, i was looking at star wars video game websites and one website in particular... it played a lot of the OT music in a different mix than what we have...one that sounds wonderful... also it wasn't layered and had clean endings.

The one track my computer saved was "Into the Trap."

Now, if you have the anthology or the SE, when you listen to this cue, you will notice a great deal of upper level hiss.

Not sowith this file.

Unfortunately, the file was mp3... so there are slight noise in the beginning, and his has this kinda odd digital echo that occurs on occasion... but other than that it sounds amazing.

I was trying to find the website and I can't now. I think it was the promo website for the new star wars game (The Force Unleashed) but it's not there anymore... they redid it)... so I just thought I'd put that out there that I found this... and that I'm going to start working on the OT scores once I finish Episode II.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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A slight bump here....but there's a new Battlefront game coming this fall called "Renegade Squadron".


It looks like it'll only be available for the PSP system. I do wonder if new music from Episode II and III will be with it, if there is it might sound crap because of the lower bit rate encoding I guess they use for the PSP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From an article at AICN:

Among the most compelling features of the newly redesigned StarWars.com is the incorporation of an online video-editing tool provided by Eyespot. It allows users to add their own video shots to more than 250 scenes and music taken from all six Star Wars films and create their own Star Wars movies to share with others.

Something to keep an eye on. The feature was *supposed* to go live today, but we'll see...

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I noticed that, even a perfect clean opening for the film version mix of "Heroes Collide". Other than the DOTF part there's no unreleased music, which kinda blows. It's also in mono which sucks too...

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Hmm,well this kinda sucked.Maybe they'll keep adding more stuff.

Actually great dual isn't better than what we have

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From an article at AICN:
Among the most compelling features of the newly redesigned StarWars.com is the incorporation of an online video-editing tool provided by Eyespot. It allows users to add their own video shots to more than 250 scenes and music taken from all six Star Wars films and create their own Star Wars movies to share with others.

Something to keep an eye on. The feature was *supposed* to go live today, but we'll see...

Its open only to Hyperspace members...

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I've been meaning to post this, but when the site went down I completly forgot.

There are TWO cues on this mashup that have extra music not released.

One is a clean intro to "Padme meets Anakin." The other is an unused Horn bit from "Droid Fight" (from the beginning of the film when they're on the Trade Federation ship).

I managed to get both and re-edit them into the cues I made. They're available on my site next to Episode I.

Those are the only unreleased bits.

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  • 1 month later...

On the new site for The Force Unleashed, there's some music in the background which I'm listening to now, but so far I've only heard cues from TESB, ROTJ, and "Padmé's Ruminations" from ROTS. Still, I don't think I've heard any repeats yet, so there could be something yet. Anywho, here's the link:


EDIT: Ooh, there was the Arrival on Utupau cue. And now some other ROTS stuff...

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Listening to it now. The thing is, last time I overdosed on mp3 compression, I had to spend six months in rehab--a truly nasty experience. So I doubt I'll actually care to listen to any new music that comes out of this. :music: Thanks for posting it, though!

Let's see...there's "It Can't Be," after some of the unreleased stuff that comes later in the cue...ah, but now we're back to ROTJ.

Ah, and now "Arrival on Utapau," but we're back to TPM, and now to the beginning of "Arrival of Utapau," which fades out awkwardly and sends us hurtling back into ROTJ...meh, I'm gonna stop listening now. Long music loop, but as I said, the mp3 compression makes it mostly worthless for my tastes, unfortunately.

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Perhaps the game itself will have the rest of the unreleased Revenge Of The Sith music we're looking for.

Edit: It's too bad this music in mono... however I am listening to some bits from "It Can't Be" and the edits are those from Battlefront 2...

Edit 2: That's exactly what they're doing for the site is using the edits that they placed in Battlefront 2. I hope they don't do a repeat for the actual game music though...that would literally suck.

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If any more stuff was going to leak it probably would have by now, though I hope I'm wrong. These game sound designers tend to go for the same stuff.

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Good point John.

I just wish they'd release a 2-CD set for AOTC and ROTS all ready. At this point I'll take anything even if it's Ultimate Edition style. Yes I would love to have the complete intended scores for both and TPM but I doubt we'd get those...

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4M6 I Am The Senate

5M1 Palpatine Instructs Anakin

Whats the music that plays when Mace is killed then? Its not part of eaither but is not listed.

From what I can tell, "I Am The Senate" is heavily edited in the film. It was originally intended to cover from the Jedi entrace until just after Darth Vader gets his name. Here is a rough breakdown of the cue (up to Mace's death) as it is heard in the movie.

1. The opening fanfare when Anakin enters the speeder is cut and pasted from a later part of the cue.

2. The section of quiet music where the the Jedi confront Palpatine is slightly looped at first to extend it but otherwise it is the originally intended music.

3. The first part of the lightsaber dual (starting where Palpatine moves to attack up until we see Anakin's speeder) is tracked with music intended for the second part of the dual (starting after the speeder lands and going up until just before Mace kicks Palpatine).

4. The speeder landing scene is tracked with two parts of the music intended for the force lightning section (without percussion).

5. The second part of the dual uses the originally intended music but it is transposed to a higher key and does not have percussion.

6. The section starting where Mace kicks Palpatine's face and ending after Anakin enters is tracked with music intended for the climax of the force lightning section. The use of music from then until the lightning stops is abandoned. The music then picks up with originally intended music.

If you listen to mus_mustafar_dark_jedi_master_quest.mp3 starting at 00:40, you can here what was probably the originally intended music starting from the middle of the second part of the dual and ending right where the music in the movie picks up. The mp3 fades out, but you can hear it is about to lead into the music in the film. The first 40 seconds of the mp3 jumps around and can confuse you as to where the file is edited. I ran the music alongside the film and my theories tested out well.

Good point John.

I just wish they'd release a 2-CD set for AOTC and ROTS all ready. At this point I'll take anything even if it's Ultimate Edition style. Yes I would love to have the complete intended scores for both and TPM but I doubt we'd get those...

If they are going to release the soundtracks this year, it makes sense it would be in November. If so, we may not hear anything until October. I say this because, in the past, Lucasfilm and Sony announced the TPM and OT 2-CD soundtracks about a month before their releases so they may do the same here. However, Comic-Con is happening soon. I seem to remember Lucasfilm making big announcements in the past at Comic-Con so we could get an announcement then. If we do not get an announcement by October, they probably won't be released for awhile. The next time I could imagine them being released is after The Clone Wars starts airing and Indy 4 is released on DVD. Maybe complete Indy soundtracks will be released then too.

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Sido-Dyas... I'd have to hear your edit. I did an edit a while back that I'm pretty confident is close to the original edit. I based it upon the music in the video games, listening to nuances at the end of the reocrding's... looking for hints of what would go next.

Also, part of the music during them talking is used earlier when Grevious is spinning his blades around... so in one of these cases, the music was tracked. I think it's this particular moment personally... but it's hard to say.

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I have a feeling it was tracked into the scene with Grievous, not into the confrontation with Palpatine. We honestly don't know, but the fact that the scene with Grievous is mostly tracked and the fact that the passage in question is mixed with extra drum beats and so on would seem to indicate that this was added later, since the scene involved heavy CG and wouldn't have been ready for scoring as soon as the scene with Palptatine.

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the weird thing , if I remember right, is that there seemed to be some sort of distortion in the cue as heard when they speak... but when sped up to be in sync with how it is when Grevious is spinning his blades, it seemed to dissapear...

Hard to tell I suppose... I usually just started it on the last horn note before the dooo do-do, do-do....

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Yeah, it was specifically reported that Williams wasn't able to score all of that scene because it was incomplete.

Which makes me wonder exactly what the recordings originally sounded like. It's been discussed before, I know, but I can't get over that fanfare that plays just after the main title on the album AND after the tracked statements of Grievous' theme. It ends with two different transitions--one into the music for the Battle of Coruscant, and a similar but different one for the non-tracked music in the scene with Grievous. I really wish I knew if these were two different recordings as parts of two different cues, or if they are one and the same, but with one version featuring an edit into another cue.

In any case, I think the fanfare works much better in the one context that was used in the film, and I rather like the non-tracked music that follows.

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It's been discussed before, I know, but I can't get over that fanfare that plays just after the main title on the album AND after the tracked statements of Grievous' theme.

This fanfare is not tracked. It's very clear that it is different in orchestration and performance from the "Boys into Battle" opener. Both of these fanfare statements are original and intended for the scenes for which they were written, for both are followed, unmistakably, without edits, by different music.

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It's been discussed before, I know, but I can't get over that fanfare that plays just after the main title on the album AND after the tracked statements of Grievous' theme.

This fanfare is not tracked. It's very clear that it is different in orchestration and performance from the "Boys into Battle" opener. Both of these fanfare statements are original and intended for the scenes for which they were written, for both are followed, unmistakably, without edits, by different music.

Got to agree with Henry on this one about the opening of "Good Guys Arrive". It is indeed not tracked but a reprise from "Boys Into Battle", just like the little tidbit from "Moving Things Along" that was later reprise in "I Am The Senate" when Palpatine fries Mace.

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Ah, I forgot about that "Moving Things Along"/"I Am the Senate" bit, too. And in both cases, I imagine you guys are right...it'd make a lot more logistical and musical sense, anyway.

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Arrival to utaupau is not remotely tracked fromm Another Happy Landing,but uses the same republic motif.JW can still use the same motif twice in a score right?

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Arrival to utaupau is not remotely tracked fromm Another Happy Landing,but uses the same republic motif.JW can still use the same motif twice in a score right?

Yes, you are logical Mark. The Good Guys Arrive/Boys into Battle fanfare is still a mystery to me, but if it is true there are differences, that could solve it. I think it is interesting in the film, but I wonder if it was intended or not.

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Arrival to utaupau is not remotely tracked fromm Another Happy Landing,but uses the same republic motif.JW can still use the same motif twice in a score right?

Holy crap i was not impliying a cut paste work there! :P (just another example of a double used motif in ROTS)

No pun taken anyway :P

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Well, I was looking for the AOTC complete score analysis page that used to be under the filmography link, but apparently that part of the site is still under construction, so . . . .

Does anyone have the proper editing instructions for On the Conveyor Belt and The Battle of Geonosis? I was looking for the score analysis page because it specifically listed all the exact editing start and stop points for all of the tracked music and what went where, etc. I realize these two cues are monsters of an editing job, but I figured I'd get around to working on it, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Why would you want to edit "On the Conveyor Belt"? I mean, much as I wish Williams had included Yoda's theme in the original cue, the tracking job leaves a little to be desired.

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I agree and plus the cue "On The Conveyor Belt" that was put on with the Target releases is complete and in it's original form. The hack job they did in the film is pointless and undesirable by many here.

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Well, A, the full track does sound good, but I'm editing it simply because I want to, and B, no worries because I actually found the page I was looking for (found it way back in the message boards from 2002).

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You don't want to edit the Battle of Geonosis. I tried twice way back when all this started, and it doesn't work. It's missing music, and the music that goes together cannot be edited smoothly together. It was intended for sound effects to cover up edits.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, I'm a long-time lurker who was able to edit together my own expanded AOTC score using this thread. It was a lot of fun. And, I'd like to thank all of you who found the pieces of the Star Wars prequel scores and put them together (I hope that makes sense). :)

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Henry, I was wondering, how did you determine how to re-edit The Elevator Scene (The Grievous part)? It was first edited differently, and I thought it sounded better in the first way. How did you find out how it was originally?

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Watch the deleted introduction of Grievous scene. "The Elevator Scene" was meant to underscore that scene (the beginning, anyway - I'm not sure what's going on in the tunnel sequence).

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Watch the video I made. It shows how the music was intended:


It was edited based on how the music is heard in that feturette. Latter, after I'd edited it, I placed it against the film and it fit perfectly as you can see.

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