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Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson 2017)

Dixon Hill

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I hope they don't build Rey as a lightsaber wielding warrior only. It would be cool if they made "being a Jedi" something not dependant on lightsabers and war, and instead doing good with the Force (with the occasional weapon of choice for a particular Jedi if it becomes necesary). Of course, I have zero hopes of that.

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7 hours ago, Brónach said:

I hope they don't build Rey as a lightsaber wielding warrior only. It would be cool if they made "being a Jedi" something not dependant on lightsabers and war, and instead doing good with the Force (with the occasional weapon of choice for a particular Jedi if it becomes necesary). Of course, I have zero hopes of that.


She's probably the Sword of the Jedi

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I think due to The Force Awakens being such a powerhouse in mid-December, Disney will probably push it back to December 2017. It's not a surprise they scheduled both TFA and Rogue One for December 2015 and 2016.


I see Cameron's Avatar sequel opus being delayed again. 

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$2.7 billion worldwide, that's why.


I'm hoping Fox puts the kibosh on these three sequels. Avatar isn't anything to write home about apart from the visuals.

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5 minutes ago, Matt C said:

$2.7 billion worldwide, that's why.


I'm hoping Fox puts the kibosh on these three sequels. Avatar isn't anything to write home about apart from the visuals.


Fox is spending the same amount of money on Independence Day: Resurgence as Disney did on TFA. It wants its own franchises to become formidable rivals.

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Independence Day Resurgence will be lucky if it gets a fraction of the business TFA is getting now. Without Will Smith, that movie will be a one-and-done. Thor's brother and Jessie Usher isn't going to fill the void Smith left.

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13 minutes ago, Woj said:

Of course not. After Earth. Pursuit of Happyness. Even as far back as the zombie movie remake of Omega Man. He's not the boxing office draw he used to be. 

The Pursuit Of Happyness is a small character drama, and it still grossed $163 million. I Am Legend grossed $256 million, with Hancock grossing $227 million the year after. After Earth bombed because of M. Night Shyamalan and the fact that it was a film made to push a scientology agenda starring his son.


Men In Black 3 did $624 million!

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3 hours ago, Koray Savas said:

Men In Black 3, a horrible and unnecessary sequel, made a ton of cash simply because of Will Smith. 


Yes, he still has box office draw. 


Men In Black 3 was pretty decent after the useless second movie. I enjoyed it on home entertainment. 

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15 minutes ago, Woj said:



I check on JWfan on my phone. I see this thread has been updated with a post from the great and insightful Woj, and all I get is a friggin "K"?!


This board has become a mobile data hog since its upgrade, so I expect dissertations to make every click worthwhile, people!

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Is there any further news on Ep.8 or is this now the 'will Will Smith will a big box office bill still?' Thread.


Back to Star Wars; I heard Daisy said she thinks the Script for Ep.8 is great and that she starts filming as early as January.

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2 minutes ago, Jay said:

I wouldn't considering filming in January early for a May 2017 release date of the film.



Yeah I say early purely because of it literally being days away. Probably should have said "as soon as January."


I heard too that J.J. regrets not returning to direct after reading the script, which is encouraging 



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I'd say not a chance he had final cut. If he carried the weight of Spielberg perhaps he would have it, but he was perhaps the closest director of the new trilogy to have at least an almost final cut. Johnson and Trevarrow are way too small to have final say. They will have day to day on-set directional choices and some behind the scenes creative choices, but I think both of them more so than J.J. will be saying "I think this is a good idea. Can I do that please?"

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JJ probably has a lot more control then Johnson and Trevarrow will have. Lucasfilm and Disney actively sought him out because of his success in revitalizing Star Trek. I'm sure negotiations dealt largely with creative control rather then financial aspects. And JJ, not only being a succesfull "name" director, but also in possession of a rather successful production company (Bad Robot) could make stronger demands then relative newcomers like Johnson and Trevarrow could

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Does Rian Johnson have access to all that Bad Robot has to offer for Episode 8?  Or is Bad Robot only involved with Episode 7?

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Disney will do the same thing they do with Marvel. Hire technically talented directors who arent A-list so they maintain a high level of creative control.


This is ultimately why Spielberg will never direct a Star Wars film, and why Disney will probably look elsewhere when they do a new Indiana Jones.

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5 minutes ago, Quintus said:

Really? Jurassic World had no class whatsoever. I quite enjoyed it but it was junk. 


My favourite part was when that woman got killed by the pterodactyls and that big sea dino.

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Jurassic World was entertaining and directed well. Meaning he didn't do anything stupidly 'artistic' or go mad on shaky cam etc. He proved he can direct a huge film with big visuals and a lot of technical shots to work out, and with a huge history and expectation behind it, which is all Disney need. The script will be the main thing.

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I think Abrams, Johnson, Treverrow have been/will be given final cut with an "if" - i.e. if they are producing something that Lucasfilm/Kennedy is happy with and not wildly inconsistent with the Star Wars stylebook, they'll let it be (but if the film is a disaster, Kennedy would swoop in).

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That's not really how final cut works.


Usually a director will submit his cut and if the studio is happy with it they will release it like that.

Being given final cut rights is essentially the studio giving the final creative control over to the director. It's a right that's not given to just any director. You will have to be quite a succesful one to acquire that.


Spielberg, Cameron, Nolan, Tarantino etc all have final cut right I assume.

I'm guessing Peter Jackson has. But a director like Sam Mendes does not automatically have that. Certainly not on something like Bond.

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Well, in that case, I'm glad the directors (theoretically) don't have final cut on the movie.  Star Wars is a product more than an auteur film series.  I'd prefer some level of quality control.

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I know Kathleen Kennedy has already announced that entire Episode 7 cast is returning for Episode 8.  

But I wonder when we'll get an announcement about any new cast members?  I wonder what type of character they'd add into the mix now?

Empire Strikes Back added Yoda, Lando, and Boba Fett, but we already have Maz  a like a Yoda and Phasma is  speculated to turn into more of a Boba Fett.  I don't know how there can be a Lando character and Rey and Finn don't really have any "old friends" they can call up to help.


I'm thinking we'll just  get a lot more Poe than a character like that

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2 hours ago, Stefancos said:

Disney will do the same thing they do with Marvel. Hire technically talented directors who arent A-list so they maintain a high level of creative control.


This is ultimately why Spielberg will never direct a Star Wars film, and why Disney will probably look elsewhere when they do a new Indiana Jones.


That's not why Spielberg won't do a SW film. He's best friends with Lucas and Kennedy, and furthermore I don't think he's interested in doing a SW film. It wouldn't interest or challenge him.


And if I recall correctly, Lucasfilm has a deal similar to how Pixar and Marvel Studios are run. While all three are owned by Disney, the Mouse House gives them a fair bit of autonomy. The studio ultimately calls the shots in terms of release dates, marketing, budgets, and distribution -- but the live-action movies produced by Marvel and Lucasfilm bear the subsidiary copyrights, not "Disney Enterprises".


Plus, Kathleen Kennedy seems like a truly collaborative producer. She knows the ins and outs of the industry, straddling the line between creative freedom and commercial appeal, as well as consistency and coming in on budget. It seems like she hires directors passionate about story and how they would set it apart from everyone else. She seems like a guiding force behind the scenes, rather than imposing her will on the filmmakers.


I haven't heard horror stories about her like I have about Scott Rudin and the Weinstein Brothers. 

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