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jocores last won the day on September 25 2021

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  1. In fact they refused Alan Silvestri which, of course, had done a more "classical" approach. I'm sure they wanted Zimmer from the beginning but he was unavailable and finally the score was signed by Klaus Badelt. John Williams was never an option it was not the sound they were looking for. But I don't think Williams would have delivered a Hook style music for this project.
  2. John Williams was approached for the first Mission: Impossible movie and, according to Brian de Palma, he turned it down because he had to use Schiffrin's theme.
  3. I was luckier. My ex approved to use indeed The Throne Room for my marriadge
  4. So so happy... But listening to the song samples, they seem to be newly recorded for this edition. Don't you think? I mean There are reports about Julie Andrews recording Childhood but listening to the samples I does not seem her voice.
  5. I placed my order for LP and CD long time ago and still waiting. Have you ordered both of them in the same order and received it? Because I'm starting to worry about it.
  6. In fact he refused Mission Impossible because he had to use Schiffrin's theme. I would be interesting to know what he had in mind for the movie.
  7. The Palau de la música català has just published the Prelude and Scherzo as played by Gloria Cheng las summer, for free. Here you can watch it: https://www.palaudigital.cat/destacats/videos/preludi-i-scherzo-de-john-williams
  8. What an awful web... It has collapsed right from the beginning.
  9. According to Doug Adams, the concerto will be recorded by the end of the week! Williams is on fire! https://twitter.com/DougAdamsMusic/status/1442619707035734016?s=20
  10. Pablo Sáinz Villegas, the spanish guitarrist who premiered 10 years ago Rounds, has just revealed in an interview for the spanish newspaper El Pais that he received a letter from John Williams inviting him for a collaboration with Yo Yo Man and him for a new album they are recording with the New York Philharmonic. https://elpais.com/cultura/2021-09-24/pablo-sainz-villegas-me-escribo-con-john-williams-por-correo-postal.html
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