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Miguel Andrade

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Miguel Andrade last won the day on February 13 2014

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About Miguel Andrade

  • Birthday 30/12/1973

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    John Williams know it all
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  1. Anyone interested can find the actual video performance here: The Concerto was also performed in the Summer of 1991, during the Tanglewood season, with Zukovsky as soloists again and Williams conducting the Boston Pops, before the composer removing it from performance. EDIT: I see you had already posted the link for the original video stream. My bad.
  2. Pressed CDs can go over the 80 minutes mark. I have several around 82 minutes long. Actually, didn't Across the Stars went over 80 minutes?
  3. You don't get the same thing. I believe the single blu-ray is lacking the interview with Williams and Denéve. Also, the CD is a single disc, with the Williams conducted portion of the concert, plus Tributes. The Deluxe releases comes with two discs, featuring the whole concert.
  4. The listing mentioned 4 different takes of The Imperial March, one of them from Boston. My guess is that it comes from the concert where the three new arrangements were premiered and recorded (The Long Goodbye, Han Solo and the Princess, Marion's Theme).
  5. There used to be like that in the days you needed a bunch of discs for a 40-minute long symphony. I have a few of those from my grandparents collection. It's a perfectly fine system, as long you have the needed table space.
  6. Different arrangements. Kunzel's recording was arranged by Joseph Price. The one on the Silva Screen album, conducted by Mario Klemens, was arranged by Christopher Tin. The other one is Williams own arrangement, of course.
  7. It was arranged by the late Joseph D. Price, a regular arranger for the Cincinnati Pops.
  8. "The Accidental Tourist" and "Stanley and Iris" give the piano great proeminence. It's not just piano, but do check at least the main titles to those two.
  9. Conversations, for solo piano. Prelude and Scherzo, for piano and orchestra
  10. I think the last time I had a talk with him was pre pandemic, when his brass band released a CD of film music: https://www.glospoliceband.org/cdinfo
  11. According to some Facebook posts, fellow member @Greg1138 has passed away. I had some regular contacts with him during the mid to late 00's (I remember recurring conversations about Minority Report) and then just occasionally exchange a mail. I saw he last logged it last year. I wonder if he was still in touch with anyone around here.
  12. Added to Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/release/30827058-Michael-Zaretsky-Victor-Romanul-Duos-for-Violin-and-Viola Maybe some copies pop up there for sale.
  13. Williams was indeed scheduled to svore Carlifonia Split, which would have been his third feature length collaboration with Robert Altman. His withdrawal is most likely linked with the passing of his wife during filming on location. He was indeed mentioned as the composer for Quintet, but another composer went on doing it. Altman never really settled on a main collaborator as composers go. Had Barbara Ruick still be alive one can wonder of insted of s long standing Spielberg/Williams collaboration we would have had an Altman/Williams one, as both families were very close.
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