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  1. I was listening to TPM a while back and I noticed something, a motif that popped up quite a bit, and I wondered what it was, then I realized its Darth Maul's Motif! [media=] at 4:30 I believe it is DM's motif, because it also appears in "The Sith Spacecraft" and other places with Maul in it.
  2. Anyone know where I can find Force Awakens violin Sheet music? I have been looking everyone where for its, thanks!
  3. Apparently for me it is Revenge of the Sith (not counting the amounts of time listened to the scores prior to my iPod crash and other variables) at 207 times and Ranking: ROTS: 207 times AOTC: 86 times ESB: 45 times TFA: 39 times TPM: 38 times ANH: 33 times ROTJ: 27 times
  4. I've really been wanting to learn this on piano but it's not been officially released . . . does anyone have it?
  5. I pre-ordered the album from Amazon and it was released tonight. I'm currently on track 17 (Snoke). For some reason, Amazon released it without track names but I've almost completed a full listen-through and it's legit. It's still not out on iTunes yet. There's a few great throwbacks so far and I'm even more anxious to see the film now that I've got some connection to the score! First new JW since 2013, so I'm beside myself!
  6. Sorry if this conversation has already been had. Now if that some time has passed and we have all taken in TFA's score, I want to discuss: which SW has the best action music? Action scenes are an essential ingredient in any SW movie and JW has always written thrilling, fun music to accompany them. I'm not sure I can do a ranking of the best action music by movie but I do think each movie has it's own flavor to it's action music. At the moment the action music in TPM score is really winning me over. I love the use of percussion, it's got some killer, big drum sections. The action music in TPM is fast, fun, and kind of light on it's feet. It's not full of bass and also not full of drama. The music seens more thrilling than dramatic. In particular I love the Escape from Naboo music, everything from the underwater stuff to fighting stupid battle droids to the Queen's starship. Then there's the final battles music. Even with all the edits, there's still a lot of great music to appreciate. I love how DOTF get's a real workout both with it's chorus version and as an instrumental motif weaved into other action music. It's just a lot of fun. Here's an example from TPM, I don't think any other prequel score has percussion as fun as this. And the force theme is integrated so well here. Even the brass has a great lightness to it. If people could give their own impressions that'd be great. I really want to dig into each film's action music.
  7. Let's collect the public reactions in this thread. Also from movie reviews later on when they come out. We will get something pretty soon from the people who are seeing it right now I think. Maybe not that much but it might be interesting anyway...
  8. Hello folks, The roster is now official and includes a lengthy article(s) from the American Federation of Musicians (the musicians union)... http://afm47.org/overture/2016/01_Jan/aveWeb42/WebReader.html ‘STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS’ ORCHESTRA* Sony Streisand Scoring Stage, April – Nov. 2015 John Williams, composer and conductor William Ross, additional conducting Gustavo Dudamel, guest conductor CONTRACTOR Sandy DeCrescent VIOLIN I and II Roger Wilkie Julie Gigante Tamara Hatwan Roberto Cani Phillip Levy Lisa Sutton Bruce Dukov Katia Popov Eun-Mee Ahn Alyssa Park Helen Nightengale Sarah Thornblade Lisa Liu Darius Campo Shalini Vijayan Irina Voloshina Amy Hershberger Lorand Lokuszta Nina Evtuhov Maia Jasper Grace Oh Jackie Brand Serena McKinney Kevin Kumar Jessica Guideri Radu Pieptea Erik Arvinder Joel Pargman Rafael Rishik Sara Parkins Katie Sloan Natalie Leggett Kevin Connolly Carol Pool VIOLA Brian Dembow Shawn Mann Vicky Miskolczy Rob Brophy David Walther Matt Funes Alma Fernandez Andrew Duckles Thomas Diener Marlow Fisher Carolyn Riley Lauren Chipman Darrin McCann Mike Nowak Erik Rynearson Rodney Wirtz CELLO Steve Erdody Tim Landauer Armen Ksajikian Cecilia Tsan Robert De Maine Dennis Karmazyn John Walz Jacob Braun Kim Scholes Dane Little Laszlo Mezo Erika Duke Trevor Handy DOUBLE BASS Nico Abondolo Mike Valerio Drew Dembowski Steve Dress Ed Meares Chris Kollgaard Geoff Osika Oscar Hidalgo FLUTE Heather Clark Jenni Olson Geri Rotella OBOE Jessica Pearlman Fields Lara Wickes Leslie Reed Lelie Resnick CLARINET Don Foster Stuart Clark Gary Bovyer Ralph Williams BASSOON Ken Munday Rose Corrigan Damian Montano Samantha Duckworth Judy Farmer HORN Andrew Bain Dave Everson Steve Becknell Daniel Kelley Mark Adams Jenny Kim Dylan Hart Ben Jaber Teag Reeves TRUMPET Jon Lewis David Washburn Barry Perkins Daniel Rosenboom TROMBONE Bill Booth Alex Iles Phil Keen Bill Reichenbach Jim Miller Steve Holtman John Lofton TUBA Doug Tornquist Jim Self TIMPANI Don Williams PERCUSSION Alan Estes Jerry Williams Greg Goodall Peter Limonick Judy Chilnick Steve Schaeffer PIANO | KEYBOARD Randy Kerber Gloria Cheng Mike Lang Alan Steinberger Bryan Pezzone HARP JoAnn Turovsky Allison Allport
  9. To me 'Bombing Run' sounds a lot like the ending of ANH to me, appropriate considering the circumstances but it also features a return of the Minor 'strained' scoring that gives the feeling the Resistance are the underdogs as the Rebels were. I was wondering if the more musically in tune could point out similarities between these two tracks because I'm sure there's something there that lets me say with full confidence that I wouldn't even blink if 'Bombing Run' was put into ANH. Here's the two tracks for reference: 1. Bombing Run - Force Awakens 2. Battle of Yavin - A New Hope
  10. https://www.facebook.com/GDudamel/photos/a.10150274477143605.347258.17116083604/10153715589193605/?type=3&theater
  11. Is TFA allowed to be nominated for Best Original Score and nab Williams his 50th Oscar nomination? Have the eligibility rules changed so that using established music no longer excludes a score from nomination?
  12. I have an unknown motif from Star Wars in my head, possibly heard early on in Episode V, at least. I am attaching a transcription of what is in my head. Can anyone identify its thematic attachment, if any? ~Conor
  13. Despite over a hundred appearances across 6 films, The Force Theme remains one of the most versatile themes Williams has ever written. Yet despite so many films there surely remain renditions of the theme we all yearn to hear. Personally I'd love to hear a completely choral rendition in TFA, or even the theme on piano. What do fellow JWFaners hope the theme might transform into across the sequel trilogy?
  14. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-star-wars-force-awakens-music-score-john-williams-20151217-story.html What a sweet, amazing man he is.
  15. (From http://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-music-comes-to-spotify) As expected, no new music. But the playlist idea is kind of cool. The official Star Wars Spotify profile can be found at https://play.spotify.com/user/official_star_wars Here are the cover images for the initial three playlists:
  16. From what I understand, the original trilogy will be the 1997 SE programs, the prequel trilogy will be the OSTs. Star Wars: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B015BSI7RI The Empire Strkes Back: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B015BSI7UK Return of the Jedi: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B015BSI836 Phantom Menace: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B015BSI8EA Attack of the Clones: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B015BSI7E6 Revenge of the Sith: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B015BSI7KU Revenge of the Sith seems to contain the same bonus DVD as the still-in-print original release. More info from another site (look at the price difference, indicating the OT will be 2CD sets and ROTS will have the DVD) http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/products?term.prodkey=SICP-30860,SICP-30861,SICP-30862,SICP-30864,SICP-30866,SICP-30868 More about Blu-spec CD: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-spec_CD
  17. https://www.instagram.com/p/-ZqlaNP7HO/ To my knowledge it's just the pentatonix show, but the Star Wars Instagram tweeted the photo of John Boyega and John William at the recording session. Maybe they'll premiere the first bit of the score. ADMIN NOTE: Click HERE to jump right to the video
  18. Someone on Reddit pointed this out: Thoughts? J.J. is known to be a huge Beastie Boys fan and has included at least one or two other references to them in the film.
  19. Have you guys seen what this app Ditty is letting everyone do with Star Wars songs? I've attached an example. I'm shocked they have the Star Wars songs in the app. I've understand Mr. Williams to be very particular about how his songs get used. Assuming he approved this, it's pretty cool he's up for people making up lyrics to all these famous Star Wars songs. Search Ditty in the app store to find the app....it's free and worth checking out. What do you think of my video? IMG_7021.mp4
  20. This is my first attempt at creating a "concert suite" of "Kylo Ren's Theme" which I pieced together from moments in the score. More work will need to be done, but here is is for now.31Kylo Ren's Theme.mp3
  21. Did you guys see this new interview with John Williams about The Force Awakens? http://www.bmi.com/special/john_williams
  22. I'm shocked by the criticism of the score. Not just here, but seemingly everywhere. Would we have preferred Hans Zimmer or MIchael Giacchino? A score that sounded like the RCP trailer music?? No, really, people are complaining that the score didn't sound like the trailer music or that the trailer music wasn't on the OST. This actually happened. Jesus H. Christ.
  23. Here is what I would have written for the plot of the Force Awakens - I would have had everything mostly the same up until they leave Jakku, then I would have them head straight for the Ileanium system or wherever they said the resistance was based. (They don't run into Han and Chewie) When they get there, they are reunited with Poe, who Finn thought was dead, and meet 3PO and R2. They learn that Leia was once with the resistance but she left to find Luke many years ago. She is a Jedi herself who trained with Luke and the other children after ROTJ. They then put the map together and learn where Luke is. What they didn't know was that they were being pursued by the first order when Ren detected the Falcon was on the move (because Ren found the Falcon a few years ago and put a tracking beacon on the ship because he thought it could lead him to Luke if Solo found it. Also Ren isn't Han and Leia's son). Ren tracks them to the resistance where the first order discover them and launch an attack. The first order cripple the resistance, and Akbar, leader of the resistance, tells them to leave quickly with the map and find Luke and maybe even Leia too as a result, who could stop Ren and the first order. Poe is involved in the defence of the resistance base and tells them if they make it to Luke, to meet at a secret resistance rondezvous point. They find and remove the tracking device and escape in the falcon just in time as the resistance base is overrun by the first order. There is no Starkiller base, no snoke as well, just General Hux is the leader of the first order and Ren is the darkside presence with them. At the end of the second act, they make it to Luke, ( He has his own lightsaber with him) who they discover blames himself for Ren's fall to the darkside because he should have seen the darkness within when training Ren. Luke also senses a power within Rey but doesn't tell her. They leave the first jedi temple on the falcon (Rey, Finn, BB8, Luke, R2 and 3PO). R2 gets jealous of 3PO talking to BB8 and they have a sort of lovers tiff for a bit of lighthearted humour and R2 and BB8 have a little scrap with their many accessories and gadgets. 3PO puts a stop to it. They head to the secret rondezvous point that Poe told them about. They get there and Poe isn't there, but some resistance are, who tell them the resistance main base has been destroyed and that only the forces at the rondezvous are left and a few smaller factions elsewhere. The third act sees Rey becoming interested in the force and she even moves something with the force slightly, but gets scared by it and stops, telling no one. Luke watches her with interest. Finn wants to go and find Poe, who he believes he owes a debt to after helping him escape the first order. Rey agrees they must search for survivors, but the resistance at the secret point tell them they have lost all communications with the resistance main base and they have heard from no one. They still refuse to not help and just leave anyone who might be captured. 3PO and R2 stay put and Rey, Finn Luke and BB8 head for the resistance base to search for survivors and discover if anyone has been captured. They arrive in the falcon and find it totally decimated. No first order ships are around. They land and look around the wreckage. They find no survivors. They hear an alarm from the falcon, a ship approaches. They rush back and find a first order destroyer has emerged. They attempt to escape, but are shot down and crash on the planet surface. They are brought aboard as prisoners to the destroyer, as is the falcon itself (luke doesn't fight back against their capture as he wants to get to Ren). They discover Akbar, a couple of senior officers of the resistance and Poe and a couple of pilots are prisoners also. Rey and Finn are escorted to a separate cell, but Phasma intercepts the troopers and tells them she will deal with Finn herself. She takes him and Rey is distressed, angry and shouts for him. The walls slightly shake around her in the corridor from her force anger, and Ren appears, and tells her to come with him. He takes her to a room where Luke is being held, and Ren shouts at Luke to tell him who this Rey is and why Ren can sense a power within her. Luke doesn't tell. He just says "why?" to Ren. Meanwhile BB8 appears out of a small compartment in the falcon. He was hiding in the falcon as the others were captured. He sneaks out into the first order ship and heads to a control panel. He finds where they are being held. He shuts down power to the section where Poe, Akbar and the other resistance are being held. They try to fight their way out. As that is happening, Phasma is interogating Finn about what he has learned in his time with the resistance and Luke, but as power is shut down, Phasma dispatches troopers to the prisoner cells to contain them. As she is distracted, Finn attempts to escape but she knocks him down. They begin to fight. The action cuts back to Ren, Luke and Rey in a room together. Rey asks Ren "who are you?" and Ren replies "I was like you once. Young, naive. I thought I could stop the darkness. But it isn't a choice. It's destiny." Luke has known who Ren is all along and says "The force is strong in my family. My father had it. I have it. And my sister...." Cue some Williams Imperial March. Rey looks in utter disbelief at Ren (now revealed as Leia, but she never removes her helmet the entire film) Leia/Ren then turns her lightsaber on and points in at Rey. "You couldn't save me. Now you can't save her." It cuts to the resistance fighting their way out to a ship. Poe sees Finn getting his ass kicked by Phasma and goes to help, shooting Phasma in the side from afar. Finn then kicks Phasma to the ground and runs. Phasma is still alive but unconscious. Finn joins the few resistance who are escaping, and get to the hangar bay. BB8 is there waiting and directs them to the falcon. Finn asks Poe where Rey is and he says he doesn't know. Finn says he has to find her and runs off, Poe tells the few resistance to take off and says "take care of them BB8." Who looks sad to see his master leave. Poe follows Finn saying "I have a bad feeling about this." Luke looks worried for Rey but defeated and ashamed as Leia turn her lightsaber to him. He sits there in despair, not wanting to escape, but Rey closes her eyes and uses the force to snap her restraints. Leia throws her across the room into a wall using the force. And she is seemingly knocked out. Leia force rips Luke's restrains off and takes out his lightsaber from her cloak and throws it at Luke saying "take it. This ends now." Luke gets up and throws his saber to the ground, "I will not fight you sister." As he says that, he has a little flashback in his head, just Vader's voice saying "sister, you have a twin sister. If you will not turn to the darkside then perhaps she will." And Luke closes his eyes, ready for death (like Obi Wan in A New Hope) but as Leia pulls back her lightsaber to swing at Luke, you here Luke's saber turn on. Leia looks behind and sees Rey standing there holding it. She says "who are you?!!" And Rey replies "I'm no one" and swings her saber at Leia. They begin a lightsaber duel, but Rey is being dominated. After a short but brutal duel, just as Rey is about to be killed, you hear Finn shout "Rey!" And Leia turns to them, and Luke suddenly grabs Rey and pulls her away. Leia is shot at repeatedly by Finn and Poe but reflects the blasts easily. But it gives Luke and Rey time to escape. As Finn and Poe run off too, Ren pursues with storm troopers. They make it to the Falcon, but the troopers and Leia catch up and Luke tells them to go on without him as he uses the force to literally stop Leia and the troopers dead in their tracks. They can't move. Rey wont leave without him, as Leia slowly moves towards them, like she is walking in slow motion against Luke's force. He says to Rey "I wont be able to hold them for long. You have to go. I have seen great power in you. You must realise your potential. You must live. Go to where you found me. Learn the ways of the force. Go." They leave and jump to hyperspace. Leia reaches Luke as he stops using the force, and he says "When I lost you Leia, I saw no way back. But now there is hope." Leia replies "You cannot save me." And Luke says "I know. But there is one who can." We cut to Rey, who stares out the cockpit of the Falcon. She understands she must realise her destiny. CUE THE END TITLES.
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