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  1. Hello! If you've heard the Last Jedi OST album and would like to discuss the music on it, this the place! The original thread can still be used to talk about receiving your physical copy, differences between various editions, where to buy or stream it online, etc, but here, it's all about the music. Starting the thread now because I found this on youtube, and I haven't checked yet to see if its real or fake.
  2. In this thread you can openly discuss The Last Jedi with no spoiler blocks at all, but here in the early days before wide release it's ok if you want to block certain things. LAST WARNING!!! SPOILERS ALLOWED BEYOND THIS POINT!!!
  3. Hello! This thread is to discuss the Last Jedi score as heard in the film. No spoiler tags are needed but you're welcome to use them in the early days now before it's opened wide. @Oskar has already kicked off the discussion, you can read it here, and let's continue it here!
  4. No reactions on Twitter about the score yet. Don't really want to read too many reactions lest someone reveals some huge spoiler. Also, is it weird we've heard next to nothing from JW about the score? TFA had, what, two separate featurettes with JW, two 60 Minutes features, a 30 minute Tavis Smiley interview, countless newspaper articles. I think the only time JW's even mentioned TLJ was that radio interview for the Spielberg/Williams collaboration, plus the infamous "I don't want anyone else scoring for Daisy!" anecdotes at his concerts.
  5. Anyone check the IMDB page lately? There's a lot of bizarre credits in the music department; not sure if they're fake or not.
  6. In case there are any fans of Star Wars here, the Last Jedi red carpet premiere will take place on December 9 at 5pm PST and will be live streamed here: http://www.starwars.com/news/watch-star-wars-the-last-jedi-red-carpet-live-at-starwars-com
  7. What's this music? Probably library stuff, but it does sound orchestral.
  8. COULD CONTAIN SPOILERS From Reddit, “The score was masterful: unobtrusive and really built up the tension of the action scenes. I can’t wait to hear more of it!” Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/7i14ge/japan_special_screening_first_1015_minutes_of_tlj/?st=JAVNMX5U&sh=5be09d85
  9. Alright....I'm gonna hold off making a thread for now but strange things are brewing on Reddit. Somebody posted these pics: And APPARENTLY that person claimed this is the tracklist: Admin Note: Jump HERE to confirmation this tracklist is real
  10. what's this music https://www.ispot.tv/ad/w_lE/nissan-master-the-drive-sales-event-fulfill-your-destiny-altima
  11. This weekend the Dutch Philharmonic will perform a concert that includes a lot of music from Star Wars. It is in one of the best venues we have here in the Netherlands. They just announced that the concert will be streamed live on the internet: Streams: https://www.facebook.com/NedPhO.NKO/videos/1612478478808509/?fref=mentions www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBmJV91-7ps The concert starts at 20:15 CEST (11:15 AM PST) Source (in Dutch): https://www.facebook.com/events/459958841014762/ I will not be listening to the streams because I will be in the audience ;-)
  12. The Force Awaks will turn 2 yo in a few days... Already two years! Woo-oooo!!!! As you know, the FYC album was available very shortly after the release of the score, allowing the fans to make their own playlists very quickly. Did you stick to the OST album? Did you stick to the FYC Album? Did you make your own playlist? Bespin wants to know!
  13. No extra music or anything, just "2 collectible cards" https://www.target.com/p/-/A-52936836 They have an entry for the normal edition too: https://www.target.com/p/-/A-52994365
  14. With The Last Jedi looming as the second last Star Wars score ever conceived from the mind of John Williams, that leaves few chances to decide how you first experience one. This was a hot topic with The Force Awakens, as many fans chose to discover the score and experience its new themes "cold" in cinemas for the first time. Aided by Disney's steadfast protection of the score to prevent leaks (and with less than a few minutes of score being released pre-release), this made the choice of avoiding the score far easier than the likes of Attack of the Clones (whose OST leaked weeks before release, complete with a music video). So have you decided how you'll treat his score for The Last Jedi? With less than a month until release, we've uniquely heard nothing of the score. We have no details other than a rumoured tracklist, that the Main Titles were re-recorded, but no indication of JW's direction for the score nor any new themes composed. So how much are you willing to learn before seeing the film itself?
  15. Not sure if this has been discussed, but from what I can hear the brass sounds very similar to TFA's recording. Not that it's 'new' music unfortunately, but it could be from the TLJ recordings.
  16. I've been listening to the TFA score for about two years now, which is enough time for me to absorb it properly and I've had just about every kind of emotion towards this score in that time: sometimes I hate it, sometimes I love it, and sometimes I'm just not really interested. I've gotten to the point where I absolutely love it concretely now and it's mostly because I've had a lot of epiphanies about how it squares up against previous Star Wars entries. At first glance it seems lacking. The orchestrations are fairly simple overall compared to previous entries, so initially it comes across as somewhat "vanilla" and very basic. The strings/horns take front and center even MORE than they did before, with a lot of Williams' typical decorative bells and flutes not quite as present especially during action sequences. The "mickey mouse" is almost completely gone here so to speak, which initially came off as very self-conscious. It's almost as if he's somewhat stripped away a lot of what I love about his music, yet, still gave me something absolutely solid to the core. This is why I was disappointed initially but couldn't really admit it to myself. But... I couldn't stop listening Rey's theme. Rey's theme brings it all the way home. It reminds me the most of Across the Stars, not so much the melody but his placement of the theme throughout the film. It's almost used like "musical wallpaper" to give the entire picture a single theme to remember, rather than previous entries' "bottomless mug" approach. The way he scores Rey's scenes reminds me the most of how he scored E.T.'s scenes; delicate bells complimented by warm, rising strings that feel more like a hug than anything else. Curious and naive, yet also intelligent. But still, Rey's theme wasn't enough to solve the biggest puzzle in my head: why does the orchestration in this score feel so stripped down? Where are my twenty new themes like TPM? Is JW getting lazy? Was it on purpose? Wait... That's when it hit me like a brick: BACK TO BASICS. The whole approach that Kennedy and Abrams had for TFA was all about going back to it's roots; finding the essentials of Star Wars and building off of that. Well that's EXACTLY what JW did with this score. He stripped all the fat and cut a Star Wars score right to it's core giving us the basic building blocks of a AAA film score. The orchestration speaks for itself in my opinion, and perfectly reflects the spirit of the film. I can't wait to see if JW slowly builds onto the TFA score with TLJ, adding elements of the older trilogies here and there so that by the end of the trilogy everything feels well rounded. It's as if JW is reinventing himself for this trilogy by going back to his roots yet bringing us a somewhat fresh approach without feeling too derivative (the film itself is already a little too derivative, which explains why he didn't go full "Star Wars" with this one yet) I really can't put my finger on it, and might need all of my fellow JW fans to take another look at this for me, but I swear that the bouncing flute at the beginning of Rey's theme is a variation of the Imperial March. It could be a coincidence, as it usually is.... but maybe it's not. Mods: If you need to put this in the TFA thread I totally understand.
  17. We come to it at last; the great poll of our time. Both are massively influential giants in the sci-fi genre, and continue to excite and inspire millions of fans decades after their inceptions. Which sci-fi epic do you prefer; the rollicking action and adventure of Star Wars, or the cerebral intelligence and ingenuity of Star Trek?
  18. Hello my name is Paul Klusman I'm known for a series of cat videos on YouTube starting with "An Engineer's Guide to Cats" and others. I'm working on a cat video of Star Wars ep. IV A New Hope and I need to contact Mr. John Williams for permission to use his composition in my video. I'm not using the original theatrical recordings but instead I am singing - "meowing" the melodies and using it as underlying music in my video. I would like to use the exact melodies rather than skewing them as a parody. I know this is a long shot but does anyone have a way to contact Mr Williams quickly? The video is nearly done and I'd like to release it on YouTube in a week or so. Thanks so much, Paul Klusman
  19. Dunno if this is legit or not; the track titles give away much of the basic story structure, and in previous OSTs, the opening theme is usually referred to as "main title" not "main theme", and the final cue often includes "finale". Still, it's worth giving a look. Also, by the way, if anyone here has Instagram, you can find me at @realjohnlong.
  20. The trilogy that forever shattered a fanbase in two. The trilogy that, arguably, scarred the reputation of one of Hollywood's greatest storytellers. The trilogy that, whatever its shortcomings may be, features some of the most badass music John Williams has ever composed. Which film and score do you prefer from the divisive Star Wars prequel trilogy?
  21. There is a little video on the Star Wars instagram about dogs dressed up like porgs - anyway, it features some music reminiscent of the introduction of 'Knight Bus' with some pizzicato strings. Is this music familiar to anyone? (Before starting the discussion 'could it be Williams??)
  22. Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, which released the album John Williams Film Spectacular (85th anniversary collection) earlier this year, will release the one-CD album Star Wars Heptalogy on 22 December in Europe and USA, and on 13 December in Japan. It seems that some of the tracks are taken from the Film Spectacular album. According to amazon.co.jp, using Google translate: https://www.amazon.co.jp/スター・ウォーズ・フィルム・スペクタキュラー-日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団/dp/B075RBWMLJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1508842429&sr=8-1&keywords=B075RBWMLJ https://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Spectacular-Japan-Philharmonic-Orchestra/dp/B075RBWMLJ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1508837804&sr=8-1&keywords=B075RBWMLJ https://www.amazon.com/Star-Spectacular-Japan-Philharmonic-Orchestra/dp/B075RBWMLJ/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1508843325&sr=1-1&refinements=p_32%3AJapan+Philharmonic+Orchestra
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