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Will JW write for Harry Potter Anymore?


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A few notes and intervals are vaguely similar, but it is totally incomparable in tone. Everything is derivative, of course, but "Hedwig's Theme" is hardly a cheap knockoff of something from another Williams score. "Across the Stars," on the other hand...

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Hedwig's Theme is a Hookified-HomeAlonized knock-off of that famous English tune you always hear in medeival/colonial situations/events/stories.

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Hedwig's Theme is a Hookified-HomeAlonized knock-off of that famous English tune you always hear in medeival/colonial situations/events/stories.


Just like Goldsmith didn't use Horner's themes for Star Trek,and at least those were worthy

Nicholas Meyer did not want to use Goldsmith's theme. He wanted a different sound and besides it wouldn't have fir the film.

And quite right too. If you're going to bring in a new composer, let him do his own thing! Almost all Trek scores are good to great, no matter who's writing it. Come on, don't we have enough examples of how horrible everything turns out when a composer is forced to slave himself to a previous Williams work?

Sure thing. It sucks to have to follow someone else’s work. However the new score should be as good if not better that before (I am talking generally, not just about HP)

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Hedwig's Theme is a Hookified-HomeAlonized knock-off of that famous English tune you always hear in medeival/colonial situations/events/stories.


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"Hedwig's Theme" is argueably the best theme Williams has written in the last 10 to 15 years.

It is in every way to the great themes of the 70s and 80s. "Hedwig's Theme" is otherworldly.

Too bad it was lifted somewhat from Hook.

bullshit, total bullshit, Harry Potter is a better score than Hook. If anything sounds like Hook its that AOTC love theme

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With a sprinkling of Witches of Eastwick. And it's quite a nice recipe.

If Chris Columbus hadn't pissed in the stew.

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Hedwig's Theme is a Hookified-HomeAlonized knock-off of that famous English tune you always hear in medeival/colonial situations/events/stories.



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I just don't understand that line of thinking. On one level, yeah maybe that's true. But, this is JW we're talking about. Each one of those movies (and just about every other movie he scored), gets at least one piece that is an honest melody, that was inspired by and created for only that film. That what makes Williams Williams to me. I just don't understand this disrespect and simplification.

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Agreed...what style would've worked better for the first two films? The operatic, epic Star Wars sound? The ominous intrigue of Nixon? The restrained tragedy of Schindler's List, the raw primitive nature of The Lost World? Of course not. Williams created a score for the first film that fit it like a glove. Why shouldn't it have certain intrinsic similarities stylistically to other scores of his for similar genres/subject matter? It definitely has its own sound apart from that; the Potter scores, for example, are much darker overall than anything in Hook or Home Alone. Sorcerer's Stone is just as unique as earlier revered scores that share similarities like Star Wars, Superman, and Raiders.

And I agree that "Hedwig's Theme" is certainly Williams' best, most inspired theme of in his "modern era," and unquestionably on par with the best of his classic years.

Ray Barnsbury

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I'm not accusing Williams of anything.

I just don't understand some of the dislike for Hook when it's obvious that Harry Potter draws alot of inspiration from that score.

There's a difference between inspiration and copying.

I think Williams did a great job with the Harry Potter scores.

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I wasn't directing that post at you, or anyone specific really. I also don't understand how one could despise Hook while loving the Potter scores, or vice versa; they're more or less cut from the same cloth. In a good way.

Ray Barnsbury

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Well, I agree there. Both are fantastical world which seemed to inspire JW's imagination. Even for CoS, whihc may not be a great score, JW seems to me to have clearly been inspired at least by the book to create an additional tapestry of themes.

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At least we can agree that the Potter scores are good, no matter where their roots lie.

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"Hedwig's Theme" is argueably the best theme Williams has written in the last 10 to 15 years.

It is in every way to the great themes of the 70s and 80s. "Hedwig's Theme" is otherworldly.

Too bad it was lifted somewhat from Hook.

bullshit, total bullshit, Harry Potter is a better score than Hook. If anything sounds like Hook its that AOTC love theme

Sorry joe but that post alone makes your opinion on Hook and AOTC completely unreliable.

I mean that you cannot hear the hook reference in Harry potter, and (or better 'since') you are a Harry Potter ultrafan.

Instead, you hear hook in attack of the clones, and you 'hate' both movies.

Is is coincidentical? No, its just that in this matter you are completely biased.

I'm SW biased, with the contrary on HP.

yet i hear the hook in both scores.

And as corny as hook movie is, its score is great, and just personal opinion to put it over or below Philosopher's stone.

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"Hedwig's Theme" is argueably the best theme Williams has written in the last 10 to 15 years.

It is in every way to the great themes of the 70s and 80s. "Hedwig's Theme" is otherworldly.

Too bad it was lifted somewhat from Hook.

bullshit, total bullshit, Harry Potter is a better score than Hook. If anything sounds like Hook its that AOTC love theme

Sorry joe but that post alone makes your opinion on Hook and AOTC completely unreliable.

I mean that you cannot hear the hook reference in Harry potter, and (or better 'since') you are a Harry Potter ultrafan.

Instead, you hear hook in attack of the clones, and you 'hate' both movies.

Is is coincidentical? No, its just that in this matter you are completely biased.

I'm SW biased, with the contrary on HP.

yet i hear the hook in both scores.

And as corny as hook movie is, its score is great, and just personal opinion to put it over or below Philosopher's stone.

Although No. seven is the last

JK did say she didn't want to close it

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Hook was almost like a testing ground for ideas for Williams. Many of its' elements have made their way into future scores.

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I think I'm with Joe on this one, we need to do everything short of storming the WB executive offices (hell, maybe that too) to get Williams back for the last movie.

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Williams should be back for Deathly Hallows, but because he's the best, not because he should reprise all his previous themes.

I kept dreaming up music in my head (or having a song from Wicked stuck in it) as I read. I kept thinking about certain themes like "Family Portrait" and "A Window to the Past," and wondering if they would work (and I was leaning more toward the former). Voldemort's theme I can't imagine back; it doesn't convey well the real Voldemort, only the shadow Harry faces in the first two films.

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Voldemort's theme I can't imagine back; it doesn't convey well the real Voldemort, only the shadow Harry faces in the first two films.

An interesting point; I'd never really thought about that. In a way, I reluctantly agree, though it depends on which theme you're talking about. (No, I'm not about to mistake the Sorcerer's Stone's theme for one of them, don't worry.) The one that's always sounded "slinkier" to me seems inappropriate for further use, except perhaps as a brief fragment. The other one--the one that is so wonderfully stated in the brass when Harry encounters Quirrel in the Forbidden Forest--that one would still work well, I think. It'd still be interesting to hear some new material though, perhaps based on or derived from or built around that theme. Voldemort has changed dramatically, yes, but something in me breaks every time a great theme is abandoned.

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The one that's always sounded "slinkier" to me seems inappropriate for further use, except perhaps as a brief fragment.

I quite like that for perhaps Nagini, or some equally "slithery" moments. Definitely not for the true sadistic or horrific nature of Voldemort though. I also think that the other theme (the "Quirrel/forest" one) is very chilling and would certainly fit the description.

Then again, if JW did return, I would await an even more menacing theme for the character.

I suppose one comfort is that whoever the composer of DH will be, there's a very very large chance they will end the film with a statement of Hedwig's Theme. That's all I really ask for!

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I quite like that for perhaps Nagini, or some equally "slithery" moments. Definitely not for the true sadistic or horrific nature of Voldemort though. I also think that the other theme (the "Quirrel/forest" one) is very chilling and would certainly fit the description.

Agreed. Cool idea about Nagini, though I never thought of that particular theme as quite that serpentine.

I suppose one comfort is that whoever the composer of DH will be, there's a very very large chance they will end the film with a statement of Hedwig's Theme. That's all I really ask for!

I'd really like that, assuming it were well done...

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If not JW, they're going to give the job to someone nobody expected.

I'd like to see what Christopher Young could do with it (provided they don't bring in Lurie and Debney to f*ck up his music this time.)

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Voldemort's theme I can't imagine back; it doesn't convey well the real Voldemort, only the shadow Harry faces in the first two films.

An interesting point; I'd never really thought about that. In a way, I reluctantly agree, though it depends on which theme you're talking about. (No, I'm not about to mistake the Sorcerer's Stone's theme for one of them, don't worry.) The one that's always sounded "slinkier" to me seems inappropriate for further use, except perhaps as a brief fragment. The other one--the one that is so wonderfully stated in the brass when Harry encounters Quirrel in the Forbidden Forest--that one would still work well, I think. It'd still be interesting to hear some new material though, perhaps based on or derived from or built around that theme. Voldemort has changed dramatically, yes, but something in me breaks every time a great theme is abandoned.

Either theme; they are similar. They're too Imperial March like and while they wonderfully fit the campy evil portrayed in Sorcerer's Stone, they don't do much more than that. Imagine, in Deathly Hallows, the theme accompanying Voldemort as

he realizes that Harry knows about the Horcruxes and starts killing every Death Eater in sight,

then try not to laugh.

I suppose one comfort is that whoever the composer of DH will be, there's a very very large chance they will end the film with a statement of Hedwig's Theme. That's all I really ask for!

Yes, I am hoping for something very akin to

"Leaving Hogwarts."

Opening the end credits would also work, though, and it's too bad Hooper broke this pattern. (I only stayed in the theater for half of the end title, but all of it is tracked music, right?)

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Either theme; they are similar. They're too Imperial March like and while they wonderfully fit the campy evil portrayed in Sorcerer's Stone, they don't do much more than that. Imagine, in Deathly Hallows, the theme accompanying Voldemort as SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER, then try not to laugh.

I don't need to try; it doesn't sound funny to me. Some of the evil in SS is a bit campy, yeah. Nevertheless, I'm sorry, but I find the theme to be effective. Not at all like the Imperial March, either, except that they both quite directly "speak" of something very evil.

Yes, I am hoping for something very akin to SPOILER Opening the end credits would also work, though, and it's too bad Hooper broke this pattern. (I only stayed in the theater for half of the end title, but all of it is tracked music, right?)

Now that I've finished the seventh book, I think you're right about the music. Call me a crazy fanboy who is looking for thematic continuity in a saga that has none to begin with and shouldn't have any, but I think

the family theme from SS could be used quite effectively in the scenes with the new families, both because of what it originally symbolized and because it works on a sheerly visceral level. I definitely feel like "all was well" every time I listen to "Leaving Hogwarts"...so IMO, it fits.

And yes...whoever does the final two scores MUST bring back the idea of original music in the credits, at least at the beginning.

Henry, I didn't stay for all of the credits either, but I did use the restroom beneath the theater while the credits were still playing, close to the end, and it seemed to be tracked from the first scene at the Ministry. My suspicion is that it's all tracked. And if it's not worth writing a few minutes of new music for the only part of the credits that almost everyone will be there for, why would anyone write new music for the parts of the credits that only obsessive folk like myself might stay for?

- Datameister, who's feeling very, very good after finishing the seventh Potter book, which he feels redeems any flaws Rowling showcased through the fifth and sixth books

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I can't imagine Williams being able to come up with a very good screenplay.

Did I miss anything? Does he write screenplays now, too? What a genius!

Anyway, imagine A Window To The Past when

Harry and Hermione visit the snowy graveyard in Godric's Hollow to visit Harry's parents! While I read it, I imagined the singing from inside the church accompanying them, then slowly segueing into A Window To The Past. The sort of thing that was done with Double Trouble.

And I found Hooper's Posession theme quite fitting, actually. It wouldn't hurt to reuse it, especially because it contains references to Doyle's Voldemort theme, the only bright spot in his score.

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Actually, I don't think I'd like "A Window to the Past" in that particular scene. Not because I dislike that theme, mind you--I think it's brilliant. But that just doesn't fit the way I imagined the scene in my head. In fact, I think I'd actually want that scene without music, or perhaps with something quiet and atmospheric and slightly tense. To me, that scene came across not so much as tender and sentimental, but tense and disturbing and saddening.

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I agree that Williams would need a new Voldemort theme should he return. Can you just imagine a statement of it, not to mention the whole cue, for

the attack on the Order as they try to get Harry away from Privet Drive, especially when Voldemort appears, flying without a broomstick!

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Then again, that's how I read "The Mirror of Erised", but look how that turned out.

Yeah, I might have scored that scene a bit less tenderly. Of course, if I'd been the one scoring, it wouldn't have been an album worth buying. :blink:

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"A Window to the Past" would work wonderfully in

the graveyard

, but it should be treated very heavily and sadly, not flightily and wistfully.

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