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What is the last Television series you watched?


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Yeah, it lacks the dryness of The Thick Of It, but it really succeeds as its own thing. I think Veep is great!

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Yeah, it lacks the dryness of The Thick Of It, but it really succeeds as its own thing. I think Veep is great!

Only that the people talk like british comedy writers implanted in american government pod people.

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Well I guess nothing is definitive, but I have to imagine it will be. I mean, half the cast is now gone and they always joked about Six Seasons and a Movie anyway

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Modern Family 6x11 The Day We Almost Died

Some critics are calling this "the best episode of Modern Family ever", but I can't agree. It was good, lots of funny moments, a nice story structure, but some elements where misfires. Cam having the hots for Phil was very funny, but completely out of character. Mitch and Claire's story was the weakest, and didn't make a lot of sense. Haley and Alex's was the exact same story they've had 2-3 times before. Luke was hilarious as always - loved the Diet Coke / Mentos jet pack!

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The Fall, Season 2.

Binged all 6 episodes yesterday. Similar to season 1 in quality, very good stuff for the most part, terrific acting from the two main leads (Anderson and Dornan) with some scattered moments of head-shaking logic (like the killer being able to sneak through the back of a ritzy looking hotel undetected and somehow capably break into a room without a camera picking up his face).

There is one character whose arch was completely wrapped up in season 1 who should never have been reintroduced into this new season. He was completely unnecessary and his incorporation into the finale was a distraction.

Few gripes aside, I really liked this show.

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Parks and Recreation 7x01 2017

I dunno, this episode was just all kinds of off to me. It wasn't just that Donna, Ron and Tom no longer work for Leslie at all, and that April has an actual important role there, or that Larry is now Terry. It wasn't the fact that despite having 3 triplet children, they weren't seen at all and were only mentioned once, or that Leslie had a distracting wig on (the conversation about bangs with Ron was funny though). Something was just... off. Maybe seeing all these characters continually striving to make something for themselves is just more interesting then seeing them already on top. Though Andy having a tv show was almost more of a joke here than a new career path. And the Leslie / Ron feud seems like something that will drag out for too long, and now have the payoff that being dragged out rewards it, but we'll see. April and Andy's concerns about being boring adults was a strong subplot though.

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Girls 4x01 Iowa

Very very odd episode - it felt more like a season finale than a season opener (kind of like Six Feet Under 4x01). I mean, it really wrapped up all the various plot threads from Season 3, put a little button on them, and set up very little about what's to come this season, other than Hannah being in Iowa for at least some of it. Not that many funny parts either. And I was reminded about how much I cannot stand Adam, the worst character on the show. Every episode I hope will be his last.

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Community - Seasons 1-3

A pretty uneven show, which is at its best when it embraces its craziness (the best episodes being the wackiest ones: Abed directing a movie on Jesus, the conspiracy theories' episode, the various timelines' episode, the Law And Order spoof, etc... and of course the paintball episodes!) and generally at its most boring when it is "grounded in reality". That's why I had some trouble with the first half or so of the first season (which really feels like your average comedy compared to what comes next). Even if it has its fair share of meh episodes, it's impossible for me not to love this show, though, because when it goes crazy, it really pulls out all the stops. As a result, some episodes feel really massive, with great production values (the aforementioned paintball episodes being a prime example of that). The cast is also pretty strong, with hilarious actors like Pudi (love it whenever he plays a more confident character, like during Shirley's wedding for example) and McHale. The only weak link probably is Chase (I'm not sure if it's because of his acting or the way his character is written, though). It also has a cool variety of secondary characters: Magnitude, Garrett, Leonard... It's also one of the best shows when it comes to pop culture references, and one of the most imaginative shows around: I mean, you have an 8-bit episode, a stop-motion episode, a "cop show" episode, a "war movie" episode, a "zombie apocalypse" episode,... You never know what you're gonna get when a new episode comes around!

Overall, it's a fun show which I'd advise everyone to watch even if they didn't like the first few episodes, which are in no way representative of what the show really is like (it only found its tone halfway through the first season). And if you're still not convinced, just watch the two paintball episodes from Season 2 and dare tell me these aren't some of the most hilarious TV episodes you've ever seen!


And now it's time for the Harmon-less Season 4... :mellow:

Was the best comedy on TV in its first 3 seasons. Season 4 sucked, and season 5 was never able to get the show back on its feat. With half the cast gone in the new season, I just can't see season 6 bringing it back to form either.

Btw what were your thoughts on the Dungeons and Dragons episode?

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It wasn't my favourite either, but it was the episode that got me into it. Friend introduced me to it, and I found the music especially funny.

The best episodes are the ones with real heart to them, like the episode in the second season where Abed goes through his Christmas emotional breakdown.

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I didn't make it past 15 mins pilot. Disappointed, because if heard it gets really funny and rather touching.

I watched the second episode. Trust me, it's not touching, it's ridiculously corny. I quit!

I rather watch The Office for a third time!


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No, but yesterday I watched the pilot for The Paradise. Isn't that funny?

I suppose it's BBC's answer to Downton Abbey.

And now for something completely different ...



The Man In The High Castle is getting very positive reviews! Color me intrigued!

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I didn't make it past 15 mins pilot. Disappointed, because if heard it gets really funny and rather touching.

I watched the second episode. Trust me, it's not touching, it's ridiculously corny. I quit!

I rather watch The Office for a third time!


I pinpoint the moment where I switched Derek off, now that I think about it. The part where is fell in the pond thingy.

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It wasn't my favourite either, but it was the episode that got me into it. Friend introduced me to it, and I found the music especially funny.

That reminds me of something I forgot to mention: I love it when they parody film music (like the wailing woman singing "Aaaaaaabeeeeeeeed" in the episode where he's directing a film on Jesus. Hilarious!)

Love that episode! "Shiiiiiirleeeey"!

Also the Inception parody music in the conspiracy episode or the Batman parody in the Halloween episode. Score for the show is pretty good in general :)

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Parks and Recreation 7x02 Ron & Jammy

Pretty funny, maybe a step up from the season premiere. Leslie's new hair is magically reverted to her normal hair with no explanation. Second episode in a row where we don't see her and Ben's tripletts once - wtf? Megan Mullally is always fun on this show, and pairing her with Jamm was a pretty inspired touch. I liked that Leslie and Ron teamed up to free him from her, though dislike that they are dragging this Morning Star thing out. Not sure how I feel about Tom and Lucy - I mean, i want to the show to end with him happily dating someone, but in the 3 years since he's became a successful business man he didn't have anyone? I barely even remember Lucy. The funniest story was April and Andy buying that house from Werner Herzog. Werner was great!!

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The Man In The High Castle is getting very positive reviews! Color me intrigued!

Departs pretty significantly from the novel (starting with the I Ching being dialed down to almost a bit role--at least in the pilot), though it preserves just enough of an outline that it makes you wonder why they bothered. Still wondering how this would work with a 13-episode order.

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Modern Family 6x12 The Big Guns

I really like the casting of Zahn and Anders as the Dunphey's neighbors, but the fact that having a boat would impact the Dunphey's driveway is kinda silly. It made me wonder if old episodes have always showed their driveways so close like that. Luke is once again the funniest part, his interaction with the hot neighbor girl was very funny and clever. Lily smacking Cam around in the clown outfits was funny too, even though you could see the end of that story coming a mile away. The Joe potty training plot was meh.

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Saturday Night Live 40x11 Kevin Hart / Sia

I HATE KEVIN HART. That being said, he was actually more tolerable here than I've ever seen him. Some funny sketches throughout the night actually, though several cast members still need to either get better at remembering lines, or get better at reading cue cards. Weekend Update is getting better week by week.

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Brooklyn 99 2x13 Payback

I thought Terry's wife being pregnant was going to be a long con where he just told that to Jake to see if he could trust him, and in the end he actually had another secret. I guess it's a nice followup to the earlier episode with Jake convincing Terry to not get a vasectomy, but it was dumb they had Jake spill Terry's secret. The better plot this week was Holt and Amy teaming up for the old Brooklyn Broiler case, lots of comedy gold there. The other funniest bits where Jake paying people back the money he owed them in different ways.

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We watched American Horror Story Freakshow series finale tonight. It ran 1 hour 17 minutes. Damned bloody episode. But I found it satisfying. It stayed true to its roots. We are all freaks.

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I'm watching Fawlty Towers before it's yanked free Netflix. Very funny.

For all its horseplay, there is a painful truth in its depiction of the petty bourgeois who suffocates himself with his own stuffiness. Of course Sybil will outlive him by 30 years while still smoking her fags in bed.

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FT is the most hilarious sitcom ever made. At only twelve episodes it provides more belly laughs than 90 % of other long-running sitcoms.

I'm sorry publicist but I couldn't resist : DON'T MENTION THE WAR ! :D

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Girls 4x02 Triggering

You'd think any completely Adam-free episode would be a better than usual episode, but unfortunately, it was also almost completely Hannah-centric, which is almost just as bad. For a show that purports to be about 4 girls trying to make it in New York City, sending a character off to Iowa and spending a whole episode on that maybe wasn't the best idea. I didn't really care about her struggles with her classmates, the bat, or her stolen bike. She's such a narcissist just watching her get torn to pieces by her classmates isn't enough. Meh, the show is way past it's very brief prime.

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too often tries too hard to mimic Harmon's style and fails in the process.

Yup. This is the bane of this season. It's like the writers were Community fans who were pushing the Community card too hard, and it just didn't work.

Bring on Season 5 (Harmon's back, baby)!

I wouldn't get too excited. Too few episodes, and with cast members leaving, it doesn't quite capture the magic again.

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Chevy Chase is an essential component to the study group, at least in the first 3 seasons. A Pierce is necessary to bring balance!

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Donald Glover leaving was horrible for the show. That actor went nuts. Won't even appear in Season 6 for one episode.

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