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The upcoming review has spoilers, so if you haven't seen Twin Peaks, please avoid it.


Twin Peaks

He is Bob. Eager for fun. He wears a smile. Everybody run.


It was hard...at first. I knew what I was in for, but even then, it was initially hard to digest with some of the shoddy acting, the obvious sets and soap opera plotting. As one mainly raised by films of the noughties, and the polished sumptuous digital visuals of shows like True Detective and Breaking Bad, you can imagine how rough the heavy 90s sensibilities can be!

But there were still lots of stuff that kept me hooked. Take the opening scene of the pilot for instance, for a 90s show, there were a lot of beautiful shots, set to the eerie synth tones of Badalamenti's theme for Laura Palmer, the reveal of of Palmer's dead body immediately brings you in. And as you plough through the harder parts, you realized that by the third or fourth episode, that you became a fan, and one that can't stop.

It's easy to see now how this show laid the foundation and path for many series that would follow. You're initially introduced to what looks like a very normal town, one with all the affairs and twists of your typical soap opera (as it so facetiously mocks in meta fashion via Invitation to Love), but what Lynch is a master of is unravelling this veil and suggesting something dark and sinister underneath. The initial random screaming catches you off guard, but when things get dark, it gets to you. Led by Coop's wonderfully charismatic performance, you are led jubilantly into this expedition to find the killer, but just as quickly intrigued and distrubed by what Coop sees, both in his visions and in reality.

It's a strange mix that on paper just shouldn't work. But on screen, it does. You have the sappy romances (with some cringeworthy moments like James singing to/with Donna and Maddy), the slapstick comedy (Andy took a few episodes to get understand, but his gags are always perfectly timed), deaf FBI agents, a crazy Log Lady, and then ominous spirt characters like the dwarf and the giant! But you can't help but cheer with the Albert redeems himself from his asshole behaviour, or Audrey continues to foil her father's plans or Coop's unhealthy obsession with coffee. It's a bit of a caricature isn't it? An over-the-top satire perhaps of soap TV at the time grounded by Lynch's knack for creating a surrealist experience.

I've often read Lee mentioning how season 2 is where the show took a nosedive, so you can imagine how disappointed I was by the season 1 finale to realize I had gotten throw the glory episodes of the show so quickly. And I hesitantly began the next season, I was surprised to find taht it was even better. Really had some of the show's best moments, whether it be the haunting panning shots of empty hallways, or more eerie visions, you couldn't help with the binge-watching. Finally you come to the episode with the one-armed man's dark reveal of where Killer Bob was! Things were finally starting to piece together, you began to understand just what exactly was this darkness that laid over Twin Peaks. It was something far more sinister than the first few episodes led you believe, much like the finale implications of True Detectives. On that note, in many ways, True Detectives owes a lot to this show. It's pretty much a more polished up, subtle version of it really.

And then it happened, I witnessed what was probably the series' best episode, and one of the finest hours of television. The killer's reveal was disturbing stuff and I'm not even sure how it got on the air. I guess I should have seen it coming, but you honestly never suspect it while watching the show. Brilliantly performed by its actor as well, so kudos to him!

Bless you Ray Wise!

I enjoyed the episode that followed as well, if only to see him killing it more on screen, but it felt rushed. And it was clear that the killer was revealed too soon. At last I understood that Lee was referring to the second half of the show, because boy, the episodes that followed were really cumbersome to sit through. Pointless subplots that made me start to hate the characters I loved (Audrey's new subplot made her lose all the charm she once had), and truly despise the ones I already sort of disliked (who the fuck cares about James' stupid angsty teen-crisis problems!). Coop, who I once admired so much, too seemed to go back on his integrity for me when he so quickly fell in love with this new bland Annie character. And the once subtle and ominous mythology of Twin Peaks and the supernatural, started to become pretty hokey. Heck even the music took a quality dip, with some outdated cheesy synth melodies (and Palmer's theme repeated ad nauseum). It seemed like the show became what it was once a caricature of...I was watching a 90s soap. I mean the first season and a half had soapy elements with some plot-lines that didn't work, but never this bad, and you always had the Laura Palmer mystery. Now that that was over, the show was clearly meandering. And while Windom Earle was played well enough, you were never intimidated by this villain, not after the darker horrors you've witnessed before this.

But things did pick up in the finale, which is great, but not perfect. It reminded me again why I loved the show so much. It was clear Lynch was trying to stuff in as many of the old characters and plot-lines as he could, and it was nice to a degree. But the real highlight was that great sequence at Black Lodge. It was everything I could ask for! A reprisal of all our favourite spirit characters and beautiful Laura Palmer giving us a warning of her return (and to his credit, Lynch plans to accurately maintain this mythology). Followed by her frightening shrieks (she was the true horror in the vision, not Bob). Even Ray Wise's cameo was a welcome one (this guy really should be in the Omen films or something). And the plot twist in the end was quite good though frustrating for its lack of subtlety. The finale is ultimately rough around the edges, but it brought back the show's spark, which was more than I could ask for at that point.

So what about the future? It seems like I did this just in the nick of time, with the upcoming revival of the series. The question is, will it work now? I honestly don't know, and I have no clue what to expect, especially after the note they left it on. But somehow I have faith he'll pull it off, and I'll be among the first in line to see it.

Argh. It's hard to put my feelings to words and I don't think I've done an adequete job of it here, but I guess that's what great TV and film does to you, doesn't it?

P.S. I believe I forgot to mention that Lynch seems to have a real eye for women. There were some stunning ladies in this show. Helped motivate me through the first few episodes ;)

Oh and for those who have seen it, should I bother with the 1992 film?

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I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Two cups of good, hot black raktajino like this.


Oh, man, that hits the spot. Nothing like a great cup of black raktajino.

Oh. Anyway, I know there's a dedicated Deep Space Nine thread, but it seems to have suffered the same fate as Sisko's wife. Suffice it so say, I am still religiously watching Deep Space Nine and will no doubt continue to derive years of enjoyment from it.

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Diane, I have just been interrupted by the most God-awful racket which you can probably read over the words of my post!

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I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Two cups of good, hot black raktajino like this.


Oh, man, that hits the spot. Nothing like a great cup of black raktajino.

Oh. Anyway, I know there's a dedicated Deep Space Nine thread, but it seems to have suffered the same fate as Sisko's wife. Suffice it so say, I am still religiously watching Deep Space Nine and will no doubt continue to derive years of enjoyment from it.

I know, I know.

I need to get back to it

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How's that "Fargo" series that came out last year? Is it worth buying on Blu-Ray?

I've been watching it lately; I've seen all but the final episode. For the first few episodes I felt that it was enjoyable enough but wasn't particularly enthused by it, but it began to get really compelling around the middle. Can't wait to watch the conclusion now.

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Brooklyn 99 2x11 Stakeout

This episode seemed out of sorts with the general direction the show's been heading. I wonder if it's a leftover script idea from Season 1 or something. They haven't really done much with the Jake/Boyle friendship in a long time, so it was kind of odd that they were so excited to hang out together here. Usually they are depicted more in a "Boyle worships Jake" kind of way and not like friends like this. Oh well. Terry's children's book was pretty funny, down to Amy's pants suit of armor :) Holt was on fire this episode too, getting the funniest moments with his limited screen time - first with the Wunch bit in the cold open, and then his interaction with Rosa in regards to her dating his nephew. Funny stuff all around!

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Very eloquently put thoughts mate, glad you caught the bug! Yeah, after the fantastic killer reveal in Season 2 the story, structure and pacing ploughs into the ground. But in the end we forgive it because of THAT finale at the Black Lodge. I actually really love the shock ending, it's frustrating and devilish at the same time!

*rubs nose while glimpsing inconspicuously at KK...*

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Black Mirror: White Christmas (2014 Christmas Special)

Another solid episode of this extremely solid show! I liked getting this little special in advance of the upcoming third season. It was nice to break the structure and play around with things a bit; Instead of a single episode telling a single story, we get three mini stories with a framing story, that all connect and relate in the end. Jon Hamm was very good as well as the other lead, and the supporting cast was all solid as well. I didn't even realize until afterwards that the Cookie girl was Robb Stark's wife, and the party girl was Tonks from Harry Potter / Osha from GOT (or even that Tonks and Osha where the same person before).

I always love the various technological advances each episode of the show introduces, and the concept of digital doubles that will run your smart home, and blocking real life people ala social media blocking was interesting too. If the episode loses any points is that the ending wasn't fully realized, and someone reminiscent of another Black Mirror episode.

Still a solid entry and man I can't wait for the third season.

BTW, there are easter eggs of all six prior episodes buried in this episode you can look out for (or come back and check out after, probably the smarter idea:

There are references to all previous Black Mirror episodes in this special, particularly during Joe's story.[10] During a UKN ("The National Anthem") news report of the train crash, one of the lines on the news ticker reads "MP Liam Monroe claims Twitter account hacked" ("The Waldo Moment"). On the same ticker is the headline "Victoria Skillane appeal bid rejected", which references the protagonist of "White Bear" and also appears in Greta's story. There are brief shots of Hot Shot ("Fifteen Million Merits") and Tonight For One Week Only ("The Waldo Moment") when Joe flicks through the TV channels. The pregnancy test Joe finds in the bin is the same type of test that Martha uses in "Be Right Back". Bethany also sings "Anyone Who Knows What Love Is", the same song that Abi sings in "Fifteen Million Merits". In the first story, one of the people watching Harry has the username I_AM_WALDO ("The Waldo Moment") and another has the username Pie Ape ("Fifteen Million Merits").

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No, it's not back yet. Their aired a Christmas special in December. There's no announced date for when Season 3 will air.

How do you live in the UK, like the show, and completely miss the airing of the Special on Channel 4?

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Once Upon A Time In Wonderland

Not that bad, a decent mini-series. Would have worked better and 8-10 episodes instead of 13, but the cast all performed admirably and there was some good story ideas. The minor connections to the main Once Upon A Time series were cool but essentially meaningless, and didn't make a difference at all. Dunno if I'm surprised or not that Will and Alice didn't end up together.

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Black Mirror: White Christmas (2014 Christmas Special)

Another solid episode of this extremely solid show! I liked getting this little special in advance of the upcoming third season. It was nice to break the structure and play around with things a bit; Instead of a single episode telling a single story, we get three mini stories with a framing story, that all connect and relate in the end. Jon Hamm was very good as well as the other lead, and the supporting cast was all solid as well. I didn't even realize until afterwards that the Cookie girl was Robb Stark's wife, and the party girl was Tonks from Harry Potter / Osha from GOT (or even that Tonks and Osha where the same person before).

I always love the various technological advances each episode of the show introduces, and the concept of digital doubles that will run your smart home, and blocking real life people ala social media blocking was interesting too. If the episode loses any points is that the ending wasn't fully realized, and someone reminiscent of another Black Mirror episode.

Still a solid entry and man I can't wait for the third season.

BTW, there are easter eggs of all six prior episodes buried in this episode you can look out for (or come back and check out after, probably the smarter idea:

There are references to all previous Black Mirror episodes in this special, particularly during Joe's story.[10] During a UKN ("The National Anthem") news report of the train crash, one of the lines on the news ticker reads "MP Liam Monroe claims Twitter account hacked" ("The Waldo Moment"). On the same ticker is the headline "Victoria Skillane appeal bid rejected", which references the protagonist of "White Bear" and also appears in Greta's story. There are brief shots of Hot Shot ("Fifteen Million Merits") and Tonight For One Week Only ("The Waldo Moment") when Joe flicks through the TV channels. The pregnancy test Joe finds in the bin is the same type of test that Martha uses in "Be Right Back". Bethany also sings "Anyone Who Knows What Love Is", the same song that Abi sings in "Fifteen Million Merits". In the first story, one of the people watching Harry has the username I_AM_WALDO ("The Waldo Moment") and another has the username Pie Ape ("Fifteen Million Merits").

Yeah, that was another good one. The show is clearly still in good form, and I'm really looking forward to the new season! Jon Hamm was great.


Very eloquently put thoughts mate, glad you caught the bug! Yeah, after the fantastic killer reveal in Season 2 the story, structure and pacing ploughs into the ground. But in the end we forgive it because of THAT finale at the Black Lodge. I actually really love the shock ending, it's frustrating and devilish at the same time!

*rubs nose while glimpsing inconspicuously at KK...*


I wonder how Lynch will follow it up with the revival series though. Honestly don't know what to expect.

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Middlemarch, the BBC's 1994 adaptation of the George Eliot novel (which I haven't read), written by their go-to costume drama guy Andrew Davies, and starring Juliet Aubrey, Rufus Sewell and Balon Greyjoy. Strangely, the picture quality on the DVD was so faded and grainy I sometimes found myself wondering if this was an authentic product or an amateur transfer of someone's twenty year old VHS recording.
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Brooklyn 99 2x12 Beach House

Pretty funny, loved having the whole gang together the whole time. The Rosa/ Nick Cannon subplot is still meh, though - and I thought it was more than just a bit odd that Boyle would so gleefully help her out after being so in love with her for the entire first season. Surprised they didn't stick in a single Amy/Jake moment in here anywhere, too. Loved all the Hitchcock/Scully moments, and Gina's ranking of drunken Amys.

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I can't believe they're turning this movie into a show....

Original cast returns for Wet Hot American Summer series, makes a day of it

I mean, getting the entire cast back together and having them play even younger characters than before is fine, but do it for a one off movie not an 8 episode series. Yikers.

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Recently re-watched Jericho (2006). It's still a favorite series of mine...it's a shame that it got cancelled. It's on Netflix if anyone is curious about it. It can be kinda of slow at first but stick with it it is pretty good and there is only 2 seasons. There was only going to be 1 season with it ending as a think for yourself cliff-hanger but fans rallied together and had Paramount give us a handful of episodes for a second season to finish up the series.

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The likelihood hood of Paramount/CBS putting out a blu-ray restoration of DS9 is looking uncertain at this point, so I'm wondering whether I should buy the existing DVD set. I'm quite eager to see what all the fuss is about with this show.

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The likelihood hood of Paramount/CBS putting out a blu-ray restoration of DS9 is looking uncertain at this point, so I'm wondering whether I should buy the existing DVD set. I'm quite eager to see what all the fuss is about with this show.

It's up to you to buy it ...not sure if you're able to get access to the US version of Netflix since it's on there. If it's looking less likely about a Blu-Ray release for DS9 then get the DVD set.

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