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The JWFan.net Movie Club

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I nominate:

Back to the Future (as mentioned on the previous page)

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (in honor of FSM's new release)

The Usual Suspects (because I can)

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Well looks like another week where I will not be participating.

Why not?

I missed out last week, but I'll do my best to get in this week. It'd be nice to have an excuse to watch TWOK.

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I'm not sure if I understand the concept of starting a movie club and then throwing your toys out of the pram when it doesn't come to a movie you like.

If you don't like it man, tell us why! This doesn't have to be a love-in.

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I'm not sure if I understand the concept of starting a movie club and then throwing your toys out of the pram when it doesn't come to a movie you like.

If you don't like it man, tell us why! This doesn't have to be a love-in.

It was made before 1990. ;)

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I'm not complaining. You guys can watch the movie. I don't own it, nor do I want to. I'll probably still stop by the chat, which I doubt will be about the movie at all. I don't think anyone watched Jaws last week.

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I'll probably pass, last time was a lot of fun but there was a lot of Star Trek talk (even with the subject being Jaws) where I just can't contribute anything (neither did Nick) when people start talking about their favortie Enterprises and stuff. I have a feeling this time will be worse with a Star Trek flick. I do think that the chat is not very good for discussing movies and that we should keep a weekly chat in a more general way.

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I'll probably pass, last time was a lot of fun but there was a lot of Star Trek talk (even with the subject being Jaws)

It was?

Yeah, it got that way. We did hit Jaws a few times, but half of that was quotes for fun. I thought part of the problem had to do with the fact that the selected film was a big favorite--there wasn't much to add to everyone's high opinion of it. I think in the future the movies should probably be derived from a pool of material that might spark some differing perspectives, even some good-natured debate.

And that's not to say we ought to keep the discussion straight on track with the one film, and nothing else, from beginning to end. We should be realistic here. Say you get together with a group of friends at a local pub each week. The purpose is to discuss a movie you've watched during the last seven days. Would every moment you spent hanging out that night be focused exclusively on that single subject? When friends get together, even for a specific purpose, other things come up. You talk. You laugh. Maybe you spend most of your time on the issue at hand, but some nights that might not be the case. You're there for the conversation, for the company, for the fun of it, not to get a passing grade in Film Analysis 101.

That's how the chat should be. We can throw a movie out there for a default subject, and I'm sure we'll cover it at some point. To insist that everyone stay in lockstep for the entire time (some of us were in there a good couple of hours) is ludicrous--it would actually kill everyone's enthusiasm for the chat altogether.

Keep in mind, too, that not every week will feature a movie you ever saw or particularly cared for. You might not think you'll have a lot to contribute. I doubt that's the case, but it's up to you. Show up. Don't show up. Your choice. Last Friday night brought back a lot of great memories for me; if I'm available on a Friday night, no way I'm gonna miss it, whether I've seen whichever movie or not.

But that's just me. :D

- Uni

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I'm not sure if I understand the concept of starting a movie club and then throwing your toys out of the pram when it doesn't come to a movie you like.

If you don't like it man, tell us why! This doesn't have to be a love-in.

I like Jaws. I've just been too busy in the last week to sit down and properly watch a movie.

And did Friday's chat actually focus on the movie for more than 5 minutes?

That's how the chat should be. We can throw a movie out there for a default subject, and I'm sure we'll cover it at some point. To insist that everyone stay in lockstep for the entire time (some of us were in there a good couple of hours) is ludicrous--it would actually kill everyone's enthusiasm for the chat altogether.

Keep in mind, too, that not every week will feature a movie you ever saw or particularly cared for. You might not think you'll have a lot to contribute. I doubt that's the case, but it's up to you. Show up. Don't show up. Your choice. Last Friday night brought back a lot of great memories for me; if I'm available on a Friday night, no way I'm gonna miss it, whether I've seen whichever movie or not.

- Uni

I'm up for just the chat tbh. If it happens to focus on a movie then great, but I just love the idea of us all talking, instead of pseudo-talking like we are now.

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I'm not sure if I understand the concept of starting a movie club and then throwing your toys out of the pram when it doesn't come to a movie you like.

If you don't like it man, tell us why! This doesn't have to be a love-in.

I like Jaws. I've just been too busy in the last week to sit down and properly watch a movie.

And did Friday's chat actually focus on the movie for more than 5 minutes?

I have no idea. But that was directed towards Koray.

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And did Friday's chat actually focus on the movie for more than 5 minutes?

I have no idea. But that was directed towards Koray.

Well, no we didn't really talk about Jaws. We kinda started out on the film, discussed some bits about the shark not working which turned into a joke. We talked about some other shark movies like Shark Attack 3. There was some prequel discussion, and a fair amount of Star Trek discussion which is when I Christian Bale-d out.

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Keep in mind, too, that not every week will feature a movie you ever saw or particularly cared for. You might not think you'll have a lot to contribute. I doubt that's the case, but it's up to you. Show up. Don't show up. Your choice.

- Uni

The thing is, I don't have ST 2, I'm not going to buy it right now, so if I could find the time I would have to look for it at blockbuster, and I'm not even sure they would have it, being an old movie and with Star Trek not being that popular in Mexico (something I mentioned on the chat). Also I haven't seen the first one and I imagine I would be lost, so I would also need to find Star Trek 1 too.

Anyway if I can I'll stop by and say hello, the time is a bit difficult too since here it's on the afternoon.

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You can watch Star Trek II without seeing TMP, or any other Trek for that matter, and still enjoy it. It's very newcomer accessable, like the new movie.

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Like in...a mind meld?

Well, Neil did say... now what were his exact words... "I'm such a whore".

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I'll stop by and say hello, didn't watch the movie and I have an appointment at 6, so I have to leave at about 5:15, Central Time.

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james horner. the kobayashi maru. the submarine cues. 'damnit jim, what the hell's the matter with you? other people have birthdays, why are we treating yours like a funeral?'. acting, particularly montalban and shatner. khan's whispering. paul winfield. GIANT FAKE EAR. the mutara nebula. the editing and production design. amazing grace. 'he's so -- human.' 'nobody's perfect, saavik'. the three-dimensional battle. spock talking about geese.

these are many of the things I love about TWOK.

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Wrath of Khan. Great movie. Very quotable.

I'm not going to make it tonight (or to be more honest, if I pop in I know I'll be in there for at least 3 hours and I can't get wrapped up tonight). However, I'm thinking about a "supplimental" chat tomorrow evening my time if anyone's interested.

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Wrath of Khan. Great movie. Very quotable.


I now know where that 'tranquilizer' line you and Mark keep using comes from.

I watched it last night. It was my third full viewing, that I can remember. Highly enjoyable. Never feels like it drags. I could watch it again tonight and be just as entertained. The character interactions and the delicious dialogue keep me coming back, as well as the amazing soundtrack.

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John I'd be interested.

I popped in at 4:00 pm for about 10-15 minutes but had to leave. I came back at 6:00 pm and we had a chat until 11:00 pm.

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