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John Williams at Symphony Hall, June 7-12, 2013 (Boston MA)


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The way I look at it is: Every May (or June) Williams concert at Symphony Hall may be his last. You'll regret not going, but you won't regret going.

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I wish you weren't so right!!! Although there's also the Kentucky show coming up, which is driving distance for me, so that makes it harder to justify going this time. Hmmmm.

Still need to think about it.

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That's true, Williams does seem to be doing an unusually large amount of concerts around the USA this year


JUNE 4, 2013
‘Music of the Movies’

JUNE 7, 8, 11 & 12, 2013
‘Film Night’

AUGUST 24, 2013
‘Film Night’

AUGUST 30 & 31, 2013
‘John Williams: Maestro of the Movies’

SEPTEMBER 28, 2013
John Williams Conducts the Phoenix Symphony

NOVEMBER 8, 9 & 10, 2013
‘John Williams at the Movies’

DECEMBER 5, 2013
‘John Williams Joins Yo-Yo Ma’

JANUARY 18, 2014
‘An Evening with John Williams’

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Keep doing it ONE MORE YEAR, Williams, just one more year. Next year in Boston -- if it's the same time of year (preferably one week or two later) and if I have the money -- I'm there!

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That's true, Williams does seem to be doing an unusually large amount of concerts around the USA this year



JUNE 4, 2013

‘Music of the Movies’


JUNE 7, 8, 11 & 12, 2013

‘Film Night’


AUGUST 24, 2013

‘Film Night’


AUGUST 30 & 31, 2013

‘John Williams: Maestro of the Movies’


SEPTEMBER 28, 2013

John Williams Conducts the Phoenix Symphony


NOVEMBER 8, 9 & 10, 2013

‘John Williams at the Movies’


DECEMBER 5, 2013

‘John Williams Joins Yo-Yo Ma’


JANUARY 18, 2014

‘An Evening with John Williams’

That's a good thing because it shows he has no need to slow down due to any health issues. He is remarkably energetic for a 81 year old in the sense that conducting a two hour concert and this amount of travelling would be a challange for most people his age.

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Keep doing it ONE MORE YEAR, Williams, just one more year. Next year in Boston -- if it's the same time of year (preferably one week or two later) and if I have the money -- I'm there!


hopefully, I'll be there as well.

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Cool, Alice!

Also, if he comes to New York before this time next year, I would consider that as well. It's really NY which is the major draw after Williams for me. Everyone I know has been there, except myself. My next US trip would HAVE to cover NY.

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It would be great to meet Alice -- as it would to meet any of the other people here, just to check if you're all as crazy in real life. ;)

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The thought of a discussion about merits and disadvantages of the the complete and chronological score release in a real time situation with booze....


Btw, during the JWfan dinners, do the MB Rules apply? Can I get banned for talking about politics and religion?

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OK so Ren, Stefan, and myself all have no idea what you're talking about Quint

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Josef, since you have been at that hostel before? How are the facilities? Is there good wifi? A power-socket for charging my phone and somewere to stow away my stuff while I am out and about

Well, I just find that hosteling international moved from Hemenway st. where I lived at 2010 to Stuart street, so it is hard to say. The previous hostel was not quite great - there were really darkened rooms and you should use computers in the hall way only if you paid 1 dollar per 10 minutes - I have never used the pubic Wifi, because I did not had the smart phone with Wifi reciever. Powersockets will not be a problem and there are some boxes where you can put your stuff, but a as almost everything there, I did not used them. So, the only thing I can say is that I have seen a pictures of the new hostel and it is looking 5 times better than the previous one. You should look at them.


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Looked at hotels. Seem to be hovering around 200-250$. Wouldn't mind reminiscing at the Boston park plaza again but will book something tomorrow.

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At saturday there will be my french friend Laëtitia, but I am not sure if she will join our meeting sessions :)

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The name sounds promising.

I would need a detailed physical description before getting excited though.

Calm down Dutchie, she is probably reading this thread now :D

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So she is the member here?!

Well, I am not sure, but I have sent her the link on this thread, which is readable for wide public without need of registration.

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I have nothing to be ashamed of! You brought her up!

You did not said anything wrong - It was just a kind of precaution ;-)

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