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I only got the series 5 disc (which I have no complaints over) a few weeks ago and haven't even slightly listened to all of it. Nice work Silva :)

magical_me - I'd complain about lack of a release, rather than too much. Plus, the fact that they're releasing this means previous CDs are selling well.

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It took me a couple of listens to get into the Series 5 release. It's much less thematic and struck me as much more generic than what Gold was writing for the RTD era. Getting better the more I listen to it though.

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I'm really digging on Season 5 right now. Love Amy's theme and the Doctor's new theme. It's also the first time I've really started to dig the new title arrangement. I thought it was lousy when first broadcast but now I'm loving it. Hearing the middle eight probably helps a lot. And, as an album, I've few complaints. When covering a full season of television, edits are unavoidable.

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Murray never did better with the main title music than his original one. The Series 4/Specials one and Series 5 one are decent, but the first is still the best. I really miss the strong bass dum da dum dum da dum at the start of the subsequent ones.

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I only got the series 5 disc (which I have no complaints over) a few weeks ago and haven't even slightly listened to all of it. Nice work Silva :)

magical_me - I'd complain about lack of a release, rather than too much. Plus, the fact that they're releasing this means previous CDs are selling well.

Of course, obviously I'm glad there was a release at all, but considering how much I forked over for the album I'd have hoped for something presented a little better. I'm in the camp of people who prefer a great listening experience rather than all the music, as I tend to listen to albums as a whole. As it is, I'm finding it hard to appreciate both season 5 and the specials albums because there's too many fluff tracks and bad editing choices. Of course, I can always have my own edited albums for my own enjoyment, but then I'd have nothing to complain about! :)

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My friends and I referred to the Delaware version of the theme as the Tupperware version back when we first heard it (on the BBC video release of Carnival of Monsters). The only good thing about it is that it was so bad it convinced the powers that be to hold onto the original classic version for a few years longer.

BTW, has anyone noticed that the opening "sting" for "Doctor XI", is the same as the one which is used on "The Trial Of A Timelord"?

Not quite. The season 5 version still has the original sting behind it whereas the TOATL was completely different. However, it does have that oscillating thwappy noise which is similar.

Thanks for that, Pixie. "Oscillating thwappy noise"; now I know how to describe the word "crap".

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As it is, I'm finding it hard to appreciate both season 5 and the specials albums because there's too many fluff tracks and bad editing choices. Of course, I can always have my own edited albums for my own enjoyment, but then I'd have nothing to complain about! :)

Can you elaborate on 'bad editing choices'? Do you mean the selections, or actual edits within cues? I haven't listened to every track on the album yet, but I've spotted nothing particularly wrong.

I hope we will get the complete score for this release, C&C. I can see Gold maybe leaving off 20 second cues here and there, but this is a chance to put the whole thing on, including the opening and closing titles (particularly as the S5 disc has the new theme, but doesn't have separate opening and closing like the S4 disc had).

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That was an awesome Xmas special. I thought The Next Doctor sucked enough, but this basically farts all over RTD.

Once again, Smith brings a chemistry to the role that I rarely see in actors these days, and Moffatt's brilliant plotting shone. The music didn't exactly jump out at me but having it on disc will be nice.

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Matt Smith and Steven Moffat rule the world. I think what I enjoyed the most was that this was the first Moff script I can think of since Blink where he just threw every single bit of cracking dialogue he could think of into every corner of the script. Wordy fireworks, fantastic.

Anyone else notice the obvious Star Trek references? There were many.

As far as the music goes, there were a few neat arrangements of the 11th Doctor theme, and I thought the cue for when they're looking out of the TARDIS into the "sky sea" of fish was quite nice.

EDIT- Oh, and the series 6 trailer? Awesome.

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I've watched it twice now, which was a very good idea on my part. I was a little underwhelmed on the first viewing, though that probably had a lot to do with the environment in which I watched it. It's the first time in about 5 years that I've watched an episode with my family (I moved out years ago and usually watch by myself in a quiet room), but considering it was Boxing Day and I was home I thought I'd stay a bit longer to watch it with them. Couldn't hear all the dialogue over my little brother scuffling about trying to get comfortable for half an hour, or the low volume as Dad has super hearing and doesn't like it too loud, so some of it didn't quite make sense to me. I enjoyed it, but didn't get most of it.

Then I came home and watched it by myself, and it was miles better. I got all the little jokes, got emotional in all the right places and didn't even mind the Doctor's manic rambling (which I've never been much a fan of). What a touching, beautiful fairy tale. Michael Gambon was just brilliant. He seemed to be having a lot of fun too, unlike the latter Potter movies where he seemed to be bored and going through the motions as Dumbledore. Murray Gold has delivered his best score as well - mostly subtle with some big dramatic moments that didn't drown everything out like usual. I'm loving Abigail's song too, regardless of whether or not it is a reference to the Silence as many have speculated. Simple yet beautiful.

If you've watched it once and wasn't a fan, I recommend a second viewing. There's so much packed into it that you're bound to miss something, and it's worth taking in everything of this one. Best Christmas Special yet (though that's not hard when considering the previous ones).

I watched Confidential too, Gold talks about how he wanted the finale to climax into a "Muse" like sound with guitars and drums and such. Not sure about anyone else, but I find it so cheesy and over the top when he does this; he overused it in the Proms performances and a lot during Tennant's run (particularly the End of Time) and I hate it. I think he's under the impression that it's cool but I just find it obnoxious (probably cause I don't like Muse). Interestingly however, that never happened in the score, so I'm wondering whether he changed his mind or someone requested he keep the sound more traditional. Either way I'm glad, because the end result is fantastic.

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I love the Doctor's maniac ramblings! One of the best aspects of the character.

I have to echo Gambon being brilliant, he really was. You can tell he was really enjoying himself.

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Stunning special, with a real Christmas feel and theme this time (rather then just an invasion story set at Christmas, like all the others)

Matt Smith is brilliant as expected and Michael "Corner" Gambon is superb as the old Miser.

Loved the Star Trek (2009) lens flares

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ok to be more precise i liked the allusion made by having them in their costumes.

PS: that policewoman costume is very very easy on the eye.

Hah, yes, I was expecting the explanation for them being in those outfits to be exactly what it was. That's classic Moff, straight from the Coupling days. So was a lot of the relationship advice.

Loved the Star Trek (2009) lens flares

Me too. The whole bridge set had Trek written all over it. Visually from the new movie, but a lot of the SFX, including the touchscreen panels, reminded me more of the 24th century TV shows. I swear they even used the same "warp fly-by" sound.

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Haha, not to mention a Geordie LaForge clone, with visor and all.

As it is, I'm finding it hard to appreciate both season 5 and the specials albums because there's too many fluff tracks and bad editing choices. Of course, I can always have my own edited albums for my own enjoyment, but then I'd have nothing to complain about! :)

Can you elaborate on 'bad editing choices'? Do you mean the selections, or actual edits within cues? I haven't listened to every track on the album yet, but I've spotted nothing particularly wrong.

Sorry, completely missed this post before! I've been listening to it more recently and I'm warming to it far more. Most of the music itself is magnificent, and the season was Gold/Foster's best work on the show (even better was "A Christmas Carol", which was just magical). But there are still some things I don't like. I'm generally not a fan of the comedy/mickey mousing writing from the show - it just screams "THE DOCTOR IS WACKY! LAUGH AT HIS HI-JINKS", so tracks like "Fish Custard" don't do much for me. It's kept to a minimum on this album though, so that's refreshing. I can't get over some of the editing choices though.

"The Time of Angels" is curious in that the creepy, tense music is repeatedly interrupted by the separately recorded vocal "sting", which is how it was presented in the show. But as a listening experience it's jarring. The worse would have to be the cut at the end of "Amy in the TARDIS", which omits the fantastic climax of "The Eleventh Hour" as the camera pans over Amy's bedroom to her wedding dress and replaces it with a pasted, anticlimactic ending.

Similarly, the end of "I Remember You" just finishes randomly in a weird way, with the string ostinato theme just kind of cutting off as it gets going. That was also how it was in the show (the scene shifts to the dancing at the reception with source music), but it doesn't flow well at all. Especially considering the very next track begins with the same ostinato. It would have been very easy to just merge these tracks together, and would have created a much better listening experience. I suppose I can do that myself though, so these problems aren't really that huge.

Don't get me wrong, i love that we are lucky enough to get these releases at all, let alone in such abundance. But a little quality control wouldn't have hurt. Between what I mentioned above and the infamous error in "I Am the Doctor", it just seems like this was a rushed release with little thought put into it as a listening experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is the epic version of the new theme only to be found at the end of "Onwards!"?

I distinctly remember it from the first episode of season 5 when Amy and the Doc run out of the house to the 12 year old shed....or when the weeping angels get gravity owned. Oh and especially in the trailer for the 5th series, following 11th Hour.

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Gold seems to leave out some strange stuff for each CD. The series 4 disc included the unremarkable 'tablaphone' music, but didn't include the 'doomsday' orchestral finish to the cliffhanger. Tried a DVD rip but it's covered in sfx.

Just looked up the release date for Christmas Carol soundtrack... March 21st...! Are they trying to tie it in with the launch of the new series or something?

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The most likely start would be the last Saturday in March or the first one in April, that's when it usually is. The rumor is that BBC America will be having same day airings like they did for the Christmas Special this year.

And regarding Gold CD selections, I've been pretty bummed out that the powerful "Time Lord Victorious" cue(s) from toward the end of The Waters of Mars didn't make it onto the CD.

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Yeah, that and Planet of the Dead got a bit left behind. I'd rather have had that than the unused second part of one of the Vale tracks or Altering Lives (nice, but goes on quite a bit, and not exactly optimistic in tone).

I did appreciate many of the inclusions though. The cue when they first step outside the bus in PotD, the finale of that episode, the action rhythm from WoM, the Time Lords' reveal in EoT pt. 1. Just those little moments that leap out when you watch the episode, and so often they're not included. I'd have liked the finale of EoT pt. 2 more complete though... to give us the entire wrap-up. Unfortunately it was presented more as a listening experience

I think he's made some good choices in the past too. Ever since the live projection of 'The Runaway Bride' I wanted the taxi chase cue so badly, and there it was on the series 3 disc! And the series 4 disc put some of the beautiful music from the library episodes, and limited the directionless action to one or two cues.

And strangely, the immense amount of tracking in series 1-4 (by series 4, half of the finale score is tracked; I guess it cuts recording costs) makes it all the better because there's less original music to remain unreleased.

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Yes, I tried to cut together a score for Journey's End but ended up losing patience.....wonder if anyone else has had success?

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Ever since the live projection of 'The Runaway Bride' I wanted the taxi chase cue so badly, and there it was on the series 3 disc!

Still my favorite Gold Doctor Who cue.

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A nit-picking-y question about series 4 (ahem, I mean 30!): does the series C.D. have the wonderfully discordant music that accompanies the TARDIS in that lovely long shot at The Medusa Cascade, or the plinky-plonky piano illustrating early shots of Davros?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Track list for the Christmas Carol CD,

1. Come Along Pond,

2. Halfway Out Of The Dark

3. Pray For A Miracle,

4. Geoff,

5. You Didn't Hit The Boy,

6. Fish,

7. Kazran Sardick 12 ½,

8. Ghost Of Christmas Past,

9. Babysitter,

10. Talk About Girls,

11. Sonic Fishing,

12. Just A Little One,

13. Big Colour,

14. I Can't Save Her,

15. The Other Half's Inside The Shark,

16. Abigail,

17. He Comes Every Christmas,

18. Shark Ride,

19. New Memories,

20. Holding Hands,

21. Christmas Dinner,

22. Goodlucknight,

23. Goodnight Abigail,

24. The Planet Is Ours,

25. Ghost Of Christmas Present,

26. The Course Of My Life,

27. Ghost Of Christmas Future,

28. Abigial's Song (Silence Is All You Know) Katherine Jenkins,

29. Everything Has To End Some Time.


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I'm convinced Abigail's song is a reference to the Silence/Silents. But it still doesn't give much to go on...

I think you are almost certainly right.

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I was holding out hope that he would make one more appearance on the show... Though I knew he was in bad health, he did do a Sarah Jane ep a few years ago... Sad news, the brig was a wonderful character. :(

This. Very sad.

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So I've been watching this thing.

I'm in. :)

Welcome. :)

The alternate universe Brigade Leader in Inferno is also one of the greatest Who villains of all time. Also, in the timing department, I just so happened to have just gotten Battlefield on DVD. Say what you will about the bulk of the story (and I do like it), you will not find a better love letter to the Brig. "Can this world do no better than you as it's champion?" "Probably. I just do the best I can!" BOOM!

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