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Star Trek is better than everything

Unlucky Bastard

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5 minutes ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

which began the unfortunate trend of trying to turn Picard into an action hero.  


Go watch Starship Mine, AKA Die Hard on a Starship.

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7 hours ago, Tallguy said:


Go watch Starship Mine, AKA Die Hard on a Starship.


Yeah, I know. That was also misguided, and also a result of Stewart's whinging. But there was a lot of Trek between that and Generations where Picard was just Picard. But post First Contact was pretty much all action hero (let's not get started on the dune buggy scene in Nemesis), and cerebral Picard was mostly gone.


Patrick Stewart's a fine actor, but his notes on the character for the films were awful, and just frustrated everyone involved. And the less said about his influence on the Picard series, particularly season 2, the better.


As an aside, the best part of Starship Mine are the comedy bits with Data on the planet. That's gold. Gold, I tell you. Gold.

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11 minutes ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

Patrick Stewart's a fine actor, but his notes on the character for the films were awful, and just frustrated everyone involved. And the less said about his influence on the Picard series, particularly season 2, the better.




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2 hours ago, Pellaeon said:

The funny thing about TOS is that the episodes (at their best) felt like completely standalone movies, whereas the feature films had more of an ongoing story.


Yeah. II-III-IV kind of make up a loose (albeit unplanned) trilogy, and the theme of ageing runs throughout all the films.


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It's about you flying a damn computer console posting on JWFan instead of being out there crushing Tokyo.

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I posted this over on FSM just because I was hoping Neil Bulk or someone could give me some insight. But at least here is some interesting FYI.


So, I ran across this:


(About 38:11.)

Obviously the sound isn't as good as either the FSM CD or the LLL. But the voice over is definitely drier and does not have the echo or reverb that has been on all three CD releases of this score, starting with the GNP disc. Maybe this echo was always there and it was just a limitation of vinyl that we couldn't hear it. Who knows? (I bet there are people who know.)

I'm thrilled with all three CDs I have of this score (especially the last one). But I'm also happy to know that I'm not crazy and the voice over did sound less "ghostly" and more like the film (which is bone dry) back in the day.


I used my meager Audacity skills, matched the speed, took out a couple of pops, and mixed the LP VO into the existing LLL track with no VO.


So now I have FOUR versions of the Epilogue (not counting the actual alternate): No voice over, voice over from the LLL CD, voice over from the film, and now voice over from the original LP.

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16 minutes ago, Edmilson said:

Both fandoms now hate their own franchise, anyway.




I haven't hated Star Wars less since 1996. And Star Trek and I get on well enough. I love Strange New Worlds and nobody has ever tried to take original TOS away from me.


OTOH, that Revenge of the Sith Vader is slightly triggering. :D


And hell yes, I'm a nerd. I'm posting on JWFan in a Star Trek thread, for one thing.

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REAL sci-fi nerds know... Babylon 5 is better than both Star Trek and Star Wars. ;)

Katemonkey (In Most Places): "Drop an alien that's not from Star Wars or  Star Trek." — Bluesky


One thing is for sure... despite a couple bad TV movies and the terrible Byron storyline in the first half of season 5... there's still a much better ratio of good to bad, compared with Trek and Wars. That said, I'm very glad to have all three, warts and all... and Farscape... and Battlestar... and that frustratingly little bit of Firefly we got. I've got room in my heart for all of it. And when more bad Trek or Wars are produced, I just move on and appreciate the good stuff, like the delightful Lower Decks or powerful Andor. Even if only a quarter of the stuff coming out in these franchises is good nowadays... that's still something I'm glad to have. Even the first season of Star Trek was a mixed bag with some bad episodes, and lest we forget, the Star Wars Holiday Special came out in 1978!



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Babylon 5 was great. Better than DS9? I don't think so. Better than BSG? Nah. Better than Firefly? Hmmmm. Maybe. Maybe not. Star Wars? I wouldn't compare.


But still a fantastic show. I need to watch it again sometime.

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2 hours ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

Babylon 5 was great. Better than DS9? I don't think so.


I do. And DS9 is quite possibly my favorite Star Trek series. Babylon 5 hits its stride much, *much* quicker. I'd say the best part of DS9 is probably seasons 5 and (especially) 6. I rate the first season of Babylon 5 *much* higher than the first season of DS9 (with the exception of "Duet", probably the best episode of that entire series), and from the Hugo-winning episode "The Coming of Shadows" in season two all the way through the end of season 4, Babylon 5 was firing on all cylinders and is not only my favorite sci-fi, but favorite TV series period. Warts and all.


3 hours ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

Better than BSG? Nah.


Even assuming you mean the excellent reboot, yes I consider B5 far better. If we are just comparing the first season and a half of each series, I think Nu Battlestar wins hands down. My god, the Pegasus storyline and the mid-season "finale" of the second season... just incredible. But it's mostly downhill from there, for me. The second half of that season was a definite step down, and the following two seasons had a lot of great moments and elements but felt like less than the sum of their parts, and added up to a (for me) incredibly disappointing ending. Babylon 5 did stumble during the first half of its fifth and final season, but it stuck the landing (and then some).




3 hours ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

Better than Firefly? Hmmmm. Maybe. Maybe not.


Eh, it's probably an unfair comparison since Firefly didn't even get to finish a whole first season. I was grateful to get Serenity, but just like Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars, it was a flawed wrap-up that was a far cry from having another season of the show to tell a drawn-out and developed storyline. Certainly I think Firefly had the potential to top Babylon 5 in my affections if it hadn't been aborted.


3 hours ago, Nick1Ø66 said:

But still a fantastic show. I need to watch it again sometime.


You should. Maybe you'll appreciate it more. And it's looking better than ever (though still far from perfect of course) on Blu-ray.



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I agree DS9 doesn't really hit its stride until Season 4...though there are some incredible moments before that. But from Season 4 through the finale? Simply some of the best science fiction ever on TV.  And eminently rewatchable.


The first two seasons of BSG were mostly damn near perfect...as you point out, through the Pegasus storyline. After that, the show took something of an unfortunate downturn. And things were never really the same after New Caprica, which they never fully recovered from. I still think there was a lot more story potential based on the original premise that remained unexplored. But the showrunners really painted themselves into corner between New Caprica and the fact that the thole thing started to become weighed down by its own mythology.  There were still some great moments in Seasons 2 & 3, but they never quite hit the highs of the first two.


On the whole, I prefer both DS9 and BSG to BB5, but I also wouldn't argue with anyone who preferred the latter, it's a defensible and respectable take. They're all great shows.



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My issues with DS9 are actually in later seasons. The earlier ones were more boring and predictable but by season 5 the show was tonally all over the place and there were so many absurd episodes. I remember tuning in at one point and seeing Kira and Jake Sisko fighting with force lighting on the promenade and wondering what the hell was going on. Gul Dukat's character was also ruined.

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I agree that Season 5, while good, is the weakest of the final four seasons, the force lighting fight being a low point.


That said, I think the Season 5 finale, Call to Arms, is one of the best episodes of the series.

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DS9 season 6 is by far the best of that show... noticeably better than either season 5 or 7 on either side of it, despite those having some strong highlights. The final 10-episode arc of season 7 is really really good... until the last couple episodes, which I found to be a huge disappointment.


Season 4 of BSG has some good stuff but is easily the worst season of the show, with a pretty bad finale.


So yeah, despite stumbling in the first half of its final season, Babylon 5 comes out way on top for me because they really stuck the landing. "Sleeping in Light" is an even more powerful series finale than "All Good Things..." IMO.



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Had to scroll past the last few posts because I’m watching DS9 for the first time ever

Im midway through Season 3 and enjoying it greatly. Though I will be slowing down as my daughter is home from college for the summer. 

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On 23/05/2024 at 12:20 AM, Andy said:

I’m jealous!  Supposedly, it’s UK only?


Such an underrated film. 

Then you don't want to heat I've got my tickets booked for both already 😁. That's a surprise, hopefully you guys across the pond will get an announcement for screenings soon. 


And TSFS is definitely underrated, and like @Tallguysaid I also think this is because of the "odd numbers are bad" myth 

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16 hours ago, Andy said:

Had to scroll past the last few posts because I’m watching DS9 for the first time ever

Im midway through Season 3 and enjoying it greatly. Though I will be slowing down as my daughter is home from college for the summer. 


Awesome! I finished my watch last year and it's arguably the best Star Trek series, full stop. (TOS has different advantages because it's TOS.)


I've been watching the end of season 2 as part of my 30th anniversary re-watch (All Good Things turned 30 this week) and it's so freaking good! I had remembered it taking longer to get traction (like most Star Treks) but by this point they were an all cylinders.

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32 minutes ago, Tallguy said:

At some point I'll have to give The Final Frontier a serious sit down.


Pity. Were it not for The Final Frontier I could rank the TOS movies exactly in release order. Damn you Shatner!

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1 hour ago, Nick1Ø66 said:


Pity. Were it not for The Final Frontier I could rank the TOS movies exactly in release order. Damn you Shatner!


1 and 2 are nearly a tie for me. Together they are the Platonic Ideal of Star Trek. On some days I could argue 4 is better than 3. (4 is my wife's favorite.) I'm wondering what I think of 6 compared to 5 these days. 6 has not aged well at all for me. I have no fond memories of 5. Sigh.

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On 28/3/2024 at 9:29 PM, Nick1Ø66 said:


I actually prefer Peck to Quinto, the latter of whom played Spock like a thinly veiled psychotic who always seemed seconds away from a murderous rampage

Seems Quinto was method acting!  His repressed Vulcan emotions just exploded to the surface!  Most illogical human behavior. :nono:


Quinto Yells at Restaurant Staff Like Entitled Child, Makes Host Cry



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41 minutes ago, The Great Gonzales said:

Cue twisted Courage fanfare.


"Where is that bass guitar music coming from?"

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