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The Hobbit Recut - The Fan Edits thread


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You're the one who thinks he's better than PJ by making all these videos showing how the film 'should' have been scored. Just who in the hell do you think you are? Rest assured you'd be first on the list, as we've well established.

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  • 1 month later...

That's how I feel about all these fan edits. Wait for the BOFA EE to see if it will have something you want to make your edit better in it!

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Pretty much how I would have cut the AUJ and DOS material.

It is a tad too long for a prologue for the Hobbit though, even if most of it should be placed before that story. ;)

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Yeah I agree about the EE comments. I want to do something far less drastic myself but I wouldn't do anything before that.

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Well you probably have some idea what will and won't be in it already. I wouldn't change much at all with AUJ. Main things would be moving the High Fells sequence to the film and possibly music changes, depending on how difficult that would be. I do like the idea of having the Witchking flashback in the council, which is obviously where it was meant to go, especially as Elrond was supposed to be the one who threw the sword in. But then would it mean losing the Beorn scene in DoS? Beorn has precious few moments as it is, so I don't know about that yet.

DoS - remove as many Tauriel parts as possible, and certainly the stuff with Kili and her. Get rid of Thrain's Wilhelm scream somehow. Add Smaug's death to the end of the film. Possibly do a fade ending on Thorin heading down the stairs towards Erebor. Obviously change the credits song to something (anything) else.

BotFA - start with the Dol Guldur stuff, unless Jackson adds something new in the EE. Transition to the Dwarves journeying back to Erebor, with the title card appearing here. Much of the Alfrid shit will go. Obviously Tauriel and Kili shit will be cut. Trim much of Legolas' stuff. Probably copy how that guy did Kili and Fili's deaths if I have the talent. That's about as far as I've got right now.

I've accepted that it will be difficult to cut Tauriel entirely without doing some painstaking stuff, so I'll probably just have her appear as a partner-in-crime for Legolas at certain moments, like during the barrel escape and Gundabad.

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Elrond was supposed to be the one who threw the sword in.

What does this mean?

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Into the Witchking's tomb. It was mentioned in an artbook. I think he was supposed to be part of that flashback sequence, along with the Dunedain. Perhaps they were going to do some kind of spin on Fornost with him being involved, perhaps in place of Glorfindel?

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Well that would have really fitted the White Council scene but would have been out of context in the place where they finally used it.

And yes it is impatience that makes people try their hand in doing these fans edits before the final EE is out. I do not know if this is the first time I have encountered so many who are able and willing to re-cut a film and in this case three to improve upon the director's work. Certainly not a feather in PJs cap, not that he could care less.

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Well in a way it does at least attest to people's recognition that there is much good in these films, and that they can be salvaged to meet their own expectations/wants. Otherwise they surely wouldn't even bother.

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Well in a way it does at least attest to people's recognition that there is much good in these films, and that they can be salvaged to meet their own expectations/wants. Otherwise they surely wouldn't even bother.

That is a positive way of looking at it.

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Well you can't fault people for hoping for a film little more in line with the novel.

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I'm still contemplating creating a two-film cut of the entire trilogy, just to see how that would work out. There'd be some odd things you'd have to look through here and there, but I'd be interested in seeing a two-film version just once, to see if it flows better.

Then again, I still haven't seen all three films back-to-back either. I'm curious to see how that works as well.

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I can only say it so many times that a straight adaptation of the novel would be bad, bad, bad

And PJs convoluted adaptation one is not great either.

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  • 5 months later...

Well that is one kind of dedication. I really can't say I have ever seen this much effort lavished on a film to make it better or satisfying after the fact. By fans I mean.

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Well given that the films were one big CG fest, I don't think Weta Digital got many free hours on these.

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I can only say it so many times that a straight adaptation of the novel would be bad, bad, bad

If you don't like the book, why do you even care if it gets adapted?

It's severely underrated. Especially on JWfan

Now that it's finished, I think this trilogy's finally gotten the level of disdain that it's deserved since film one. Naturally, all that hate leads the people who do like the films to defend them more fiercely and maybe even feel that they love them more than they otherwise would. I'm certain the opposite is true as well. Those who dislike the films hate them more than they would on their own because they have people like me fanning the flames.

By the way, there's nothing men can do in the face of such reckless hate! ROTFLMAO

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It's simple. Some love them, some like them, some like/love particular films/parts, some are underwhelmed to varying degress, some dislike them, some hate them, and most don't give a fuck either way. I think we should just move on at this point, short of any additional versions of the films coming in future.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm not one for fan edits, at all, but the Maple Films "JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit," clocking in at 247 minutes, is my go-to version of The Hobbit now. There's actually a pretty decent film under all of that bloat. It's amazing how much fat can be trimmed from those films and not miss a beat.


Here's a pretty comprehensive list of what he did:



Basic Cutlist:

- A 542 minute trilogy cut to a single 247 minute film
- Well over 600 actual edits and trims made
- An Intermission splits the film in half, at the exact point where Peter Jackson originally intended to split the Hobbit when it was still two films. (For the curious, it's the scene where the company first encounters Bard)
- Overall, the film remains focused on Bilbo and the dwarves
- Unnecessary subplots, characters, and CGI silliness have been jettisoned. That means little to no Legolas, Tauriel, Alfrid, Radagast, and more
- Color corrected in several sequences to match LOTR’s visuals more
- Edited and mastered in 5.1 Digital Surround Sound
- Numerous digital alterations, including a new opening title, gold coating removed from Smaug, Radagast erased from an eagle flyover shot, etc.
- Orc subtitles altered to explain plot adjustments
- Several unused music cues by Howard Shore have been re-inserted in key scenes, including the famous Misty Mountains theme that was abandoned after AUJ.
- Various scenes from the Extended Editions have also been added where needed. Yes, Thorin’s funeral is in here.
Cuts and Additions:
- No Dale/Erebor prologue. This was cut because the dwarves’ backstory is told in a much better fashion when they are in Bag End. 
- Bilbo’s opening lines remain, but Frodo is removed
- Some dwarf silliness is gone from the Bag End sequence (just a few shots)
- No Necromancer/Dol Guldur subplot. It distracts from the main quest and was poorly conceived and executed anyways. As it was in the book, it is only briefly hinted at now.
- No Radagast whatsoever
- Azanulbizar flashback is gone, but is featured in my side quest film "Durin's Folk and the Hill of Sorcery."
- Azog. This is one of the biggest issues with the fanedit. Azog is a lousy CGI villain that looked immediately dated upon the film’s release. However, Jackson made him the primary antagonist across the three films and his role is unfortunately essential. Even so, I have cut his role down considerably in AUJ. 
- Troll scene has been trimmed, with some silliness removed
- The Daylight orc chase is gone. I spliced the company checking out the troll cave with their entrance to Rivendell.
- No White Council/Galadriel/Saruman
- The Stone Giants, while they were in the book, were overdone and ridiculous in Jackson’s film. They have been cut.
- All scenes with Gollum are untouched except for his initial scene knocking the goblin out and dropping the ring in front of Bilbo. As it is now, Bilbo awakens alone and finds the ring without knowing anything about it...just like the book. The film makes it clear that he sees Gollum drop the ring and decides to steal it instead.
- Goblintown escape has been cut drastically, removing almost all of the physics-defying stunts and cartoonish CGI bits.
- The tree fight/eagle rescue sequence is edited to remove the Azog/Thorin showdown. It was obviously beefed up late in production in order to have a more “action-packed” climax for AUJ. Orcs show up and the party is rescued by eagles. This segues immediately into the beginning of DOS with the company arriving at Beorn's house.
- Other miscellaneous trims here and there

- No prologue at the Prancing Pony
- Once again, no Dol Guldur/Necromancer subplot
- Once again, no Radagast
- Legolas and Tauriel. Another unfortunate addition by Jackson that cannot be removed entirely. They make a brief appearance in Mirkwood when they arrest the dwarves, and are briefly in the orc skirmish during the barrel chase. Every other scene with them in DOS is gone. 
- The barrel chase has been heavily cut. No more Bombur rolling all over orcs or Legolas tap dancing on the dwarves heads
- Laketown scenes have been cut or trimmed, especially regarding Alfrid
- Bilbo’s encounter with Smaug is pretty much untouched. This was one of the high points of the Hobbit films.
- Smaug playing hide and seek with the dwarves is gone, along with the dwarves lighting the furnaces and throwing flashbangs at Smaug’s head. Dumb.
- Smaug bursts out of Erebor right after telling Bilbo he can watch the people of Laketown die. His skin has been digitally color corrected to remove the gold coating in the original version.
- Other cuts here and there

- Smaug’s attack on Laketown is now dwarf and Tauriel-free. 
- Alfrid has been completely removed from the film aside from the opening scene and the shores of Laketown.
- Since the four dwarves from Laketown were never actually there, I removed their reunion scene with the company.
- Some of Thorin’s “dragon sickness” scenes have been cut or trimmed. There were too many of these scenes in the original version and they dragged the film too much.
- The giant were-worms are gone. Azog’s army simply marches out of the mountainside.
- The actual Battle of Five Armies has been drastically cut. I boiled it down to its most essential element- Dain’s army is quickly overrun and Thorin must decide whether to help or not. Everything else that happens is not crucial to the plot. Therefore, most of the fighting in Dale has been cut along with some of the more ridiculous bits of the battle. Everything has been streamlined and is much easier to follow now. It also puts more focus on Dain, which is nice.
- Legolas and Tauriel appear VERY briefly once the battle begins. Legolas warns Gandalf of the approaching army from the north and is never heard from again.
- Ravenhill has been trimmed considerably as well. Fili and Kili's deaths occur at the same time, to make it appear that they were both captured and killed in front of Thorin and Bilbo.
- Unfortunately there is no onscreen death for Bolg since PJ gave him and Legolas the most unrealistic and ridiculous fight scene ever. So let’s just assume Beorn ate him or something.
- Thorin’s fight with Azog is trimmed a bit but is mostly the same.
- The film is basically untouched after Bilbo begins his journey home. I added Howard Shore's sublime "Dreaming of Bag End" over the scene where Bilbo and Gandalf part ways.
- The End!



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No idea if there's a stream, it's easy enough to do a direct download from his site, in whatever file size/format you wish. He does have a trailer and some clips up.


His work is impressive.  The guys a professional film maker and you'd have no idea you were watching a fan edit if you didn't know it. Of course, if you're into the bloated Hobbit it won't be your thing, but if you're interested in a version of the Hobbit that's much closer to the book, and more focused on Bilbo, I'd recommend checking it out. 

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It's slightly forced but not bad really. I kinda like the "Dreaming of Bag End" one. Obviously indulgent but the whole project is fan service, anyway. There are worse music edits in the actual trilogy so I think the guy is allowed a little wiggle room...

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Wow, I am going to have a look athat fanedit! More Misty Mountains, less pointless crap, this seems to be what I'm looking for! Just a pity it doesn't contain the Azog-Thorin AUJ confrontation (female choir, where art thou?)

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38 minutes ago, bollemanneke said:

Wow, I am going to have a look athat fanedit! More Misty Mountains, less pointless crap, this seems to be what I'm looking for! Just a pity it doesn't contain the Azog-Thorin AUJ confrontation (female choir, where art thou?)


Come back and let us know what you thought of it. I actually thought the trailer he did was even better than the official ones.

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Sure, I'll let you know what it's like, but don't hold your breath yet because someone wants to watch it with me and we still have to find a way to watch LOTR3 first. Scheduling a TV evening is quite a challenge in this household.

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