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Spanish Tintin Teaser features new footage and new bit of Williams score!


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I'm telling you there's something wrong .

They are AFRAID to put the Williams music in since the beginning and resort to generic trailer chords and the videogame music (which seems to make us think it's the main theme of the movie) . I think they don't especially like it .They have the recording sessions for a long time , there is NO reason to use the videogame music and those stupid MV chords


whenever I hear that bit of 'music" in a trailer whatsoever I want to shoot myself

My heart kind of sank watching this. I told myself if they still use the game music in the final trailer we should start to worry. Because now it's clear they didn't want to use it.And if these are the best 15 seconds they could find at the beginning...

Jesus Christ Mark, take a chill pill! There are a thousand and one reasons why they would use this kind of trailer music and not JW's original score of the trailer, and none of them have anything to do with if they like the score or not, or how good the score is. This is a piece of marketing to sell a movie, and the best way to do that is to get this pumped up MV/RC action music in there to make generic American audiences thrilled to see it. Don't worry, Williams score is a good one. And if you were expecting another masterpiece then I'm sorry, but your hopes have been too high all along.

And there has NEVER been music from the video game in the trailers for the movie - only Williams score and Audiomachine's "Sands Of Time"

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Many of those who have seen parts of the film talk about how good old fashioned Williams-style the music sounds. I choose to believe it until proved otherwise.

But how was it Jason, you have seen the score but have you actually heard the recordings? (Am I allowed to ask?)


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Many of those who have seen parts of the film talk about how good old fashioned Williams-style the music sounds. I choose to believe it until proved otherwise.

Wait what? Who has seen the film? Do you have a link?

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Many of those who have seen parts of the film talk about how good old fashioned Williams-style the music sounds. I choose to believe it until proved otherwise.

Unlike some, I don't need the music to be old-fashioned WIlliams-style to enjoy it.

I enjoy the modern Williams just as much.

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Many of those who have seen parts of the film talk about how good old fashioned Williams-style the music sounds. I choose to believe it until proved otherwise.

Wait what? Who has seen the film? Do you have a link?

No no, parts of it. Nothing new. Past months, people who have been invided to go to Weta and see some clips. It has been in blogs and tweeds. And many have commented that the music was in ET/Indiana Jones style. This one says: "Williams’ score sounds amazing, a throwback to his scores for adventure films from decades past. I can’t wait to hear it in its entirety!"

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The reports I read said they liked how the music sounded and kept mentioning Raiders and Catch Me If You Can.

I seem to recall someone mentioning ET as well. But those are just laymen, not experts with 17.000 posts at jwfan.

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Of course it's quite a change of pace that the usual advance screening blogger floozies praise something to high heaven.

Normally, they offer uncompromising journalistic reviews, right? :sigh:

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I don't get why people who moan about Nuke The Fridge can be OK with Swing With The Motorcycle...

'Cause the motorcycle thing still feels plausible. The fridge scene belongs in a Loony Tunes cartoon.

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Love it!

Can't tell a whole lot, though, from just 36 seconds.

But these 36 seconds might contain more notes than some entire scores by Hans Zimmer. :P

You imply that that automatically makes it good.

Lee - who considers the fridge nuke a highlight of laughably bad movie.

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The fridge scene is one of the very few truly cool scenes in KOTCS.

If you mean that Indy was in a cold temperatures in the fridge then it might be the coolest scene in the film.

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The fridge scene is one of the very few truly cool scenes in KOTCS.


It actually made me laugh, unlike the rest of the film.

Besides that I like:

-The Beginning until they open the warehouse.

-Indy jumping and crashing against a truck, then crashing crashing the truck against the car.

-Indy and Mutt escaping from the bar.

-Indy going through the car in the city chase.

-Indy saying "what is this?" at the Skull.

-Irina interrogating Indy, minus the alien (wtf are they doing with the alien on the jungle).

-The giant hidraulic things at Akator.

-The appearance of the tribe would be one if the score was different.

And I'm struggling to remember more.

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The first half of KOTCS is actually quite good.

From the Snakepit scene onward the movie becomes mediocre (I don't wanna say unwatchable).

Love it!

Can't tell a whole lot, though, from just 36 seconds.

But these 36 seconds might contain more notes than some entire scores by Hans Zimmer. :P

You imply that that automatically makes it good.

Lee - who considers the fridge nuke a highlight of laughably bad movie.

Well, I think it will be good.

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I liked the music

Well it's not the music's fault. But they just found a lost civilization ruled by aliens and it's like nothing happened, no wonder, no nothing.

I meant the music was the only thing I liked about the movie

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I liked the music

Well it's not the music's fault. But they just found a lost civilization ruled by aliens and it's like nothing happened, no wonder, no nothing.

I meant the music was the only thing I liked about the movie

Oh. I like it too. If anything I find it,,, "devoid of stuff". I think it reflects the result of the film, somehow. My favourite part of the score is the music for the villains.

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The first half of KOTCS is actually quite good.

Then the drugs started to wear off? :sigh:

Nope. It is quite good.

The second half includes the monkey scene, the CGI ants scene, the river raft scene, the snake pit scene... and they are all quite ridiculous.

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Dunno, but did they put the music from TLW in the trailer? No. They used the music from Backdraft.

Did they put the music from A.I. in the trailer (before the movie was released)? No.

And both those scores turned out to be great.

Star Wars' trailer did not have a williams score......loook how THAT turned out.

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Some of your are just unbelievably crazy, well only KM if you look at it..... seriously.. HOW can this soundtrack EVER live up to your expectations, if even the slightest, tiniest thing makes you worry and curse the music!

You mean that Williams music was sooo aweful, taht they didn't dare to put it into the trailer?? yet keep it in the movie??! you must be joking :D

maybe you can think of some other reasons why there isn't any williams in the trailers?

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The trailer is no more. Sony has blocked it.

As for the short snippet of JW's music, it reminds me of KotCS (particularly The Snake Pit cue), which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't very exciting either.

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The trailer is no more. Sony has blocked it.

As for the short snippet of JW's music, it reminds me of KotCS (particularly The Snake Pit cue), which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't very exciting either.

It reminds me of Hook.

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Honestly, I get KM's point (or some underlying part of it, at least), though. Using only generic filler music in a trailer is one thing. Supplementing that generic filler with Williams' own brand of generic filler is something else. If Williams' style is less likely to appeal to the aesthetic that draws contemporary audiences, why include any of his music in the trailer at all? Presumably one would feature his antediluvian ditherings only if they were somehow perceived as unusually distinguished or exceptionally marketable. The concern is that if this is what passes for ear candy from the score, then Kingdom of the Crystal Skull + warmed over Hook seems like an increasingly accurate estimate of what to expect.

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The trailer is still here:


I really like it! And the bit of Williams music really adds a different feel to it.

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The trailer is still here:


I really like it! And the bit of Williams music really adds a different feel to it.

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The trailer is still here:


I really like it! And the bit of Williams music really adds a different feel to it.

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No problem.

This time i saved the video.

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Honestly, I get KM's point (or some underlying part of it, at least), though. Using only generic filler music in a trailer is one thing. Supplementing that generic filler with Williams' own brand of generic filler is something else. If Williams' style is less likely to appeal to the aesthetic that draws contemporary audiences, why include any of his music in the trailer at all? Presumably one would feature his antediluvian ditherings only if they were somehow perceived as unusually distinguished or exceptionally marketable. The concern is that if this is what passes for ear candy from the score, then Kingdom of the Crystal Skull + warmed over Hook seems like an increasingly accurate estimate of what to expect.

Depressing but probable.

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