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  1. I know it's unlikely, but I'd like to put Marco Beltrami up for the job. He's fantastic at writing horror, which is probably essential for this kind of movie. And he has a very good ear for melodies and atmospheres. A dream cast for me. Otherwise, I'm on team JNH.
  2. Does anyone here have or can anyone get a high resolution scan of the Phantom Menace soundtrack cover?
  3. In addition to the dull and black, text-only covers for the STAR WARS sequel scores, there also were limited editions specially designed for the Japanese market. I have taken these designs, revised them carefully, and also created similar designs for the remaining six SW scores. If you want to know more, in longer form, using even more boring words, please visit my website.
  4. Maybe because he still loves Star Wars and has an interesting idea for a story worth telling. I doubt RJ gives a flying f about the toxic fanbase.
  5. The Disney+ documentary really got me back into the JW groove. Here is my Top10: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Jurassic Park Return of the Jedi War of the Worlds Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Catch Me If You Can The Force Awakens Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  6. Nah, the crowd intelligence will eventually figure it out
  7. Dr. Heidl here. This thread suffers from a severe lack of Stranger Things custom covers. Let me through, I'm a doctor!
  8. I was talking about your SW variations, asking half-jokingly if you accidentally deleted the wrong layer. Nevermind
  9. I had and still have similar plans, even if I'm still not quite sure how to realize them.
  10. This is rad! I must ask: was this intentional or did you accidentally unmask the wrong layer? Edit: don't get me wrong, I really love these and I'm only half-serious about the question.
  11. Leave the World Behind (Mac Quayle) I love this horror music and its mixture of ominous and unsettling vibes. Removed the insufferable Netflix patch from the official cover and created a second version to put forth the actual main character of the movie. Note: The red in these covers seems to be perfectly incompatible with the image compression of this forum.
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