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    Tallguy got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    I had less problem with not "knowing" why Threepio's arm was red than I did with the fact that he didn't look metal anymore.
    You ain't wrong.
  2. Like
    Tallguy reacted to GerateWohl in What Is The Last Score You Listened To? (older scores)   
  3. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    Keeping out that it shut the door on The Three (or even The Four with Lando) appearing together again both in story (Han) and in reality (Carrie Fisher) it's actually a pretty awesome ending. 
    But it depends entirely on pay off. And there is no pay off. J.J. doesn't DO payoff.
    Johnson ignores it as much as he can. I like the story that comes with Luke in The Last Jedi. (The ONLY thing I still like about TLJ is Luke, Rey, and Kylo.) But it in no way justifies Luke not being in The Force Awakens. They didn't stick the landing.
  4. Like
    Tallguy reacted to Davis in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    The large egos were behind the camera. 
  5. Like
    Tallguy reacted to Davis in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    How do you cast Fisher, Ford and Hamill in a Star Wars movie 32 years after RotJ and don’t put them all together in a scene??
  6. Like
    Tallguy reacted to Demodex in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    Am I the only one that didn't have a problem with this?
  7. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from Tom in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    He's saying J.J. didn't say "Hey! There is this big piece of information missing in my movie. Can we put it in a book or something?"
    The writers said "Hey, J.J. left out this big piece of information from his movie! Let's put it in our book!"
  8. Haha
    Tallguy got a reaction from Naïve Old Fart in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    The only reason that would have been an expectation would be because at this point in Star Wars if you wanted to you could find the backstory of the droid that Luke almost picked in the first movie. OT Star Wars was filled with characters who had no actual backstories but felt like they did. An easy way to do that? Cast Max von Sydow. He's an old guy who knows Leia and has the MacGuffin.
    Where you start to need explanations are when you give the audience things they don't have any idea about in any context. 
    First movie: Oppressive Galactic Empire, plucky Rebellion trying to overthrow it. Right, we get this one. What is hyperspace? Here's is Han Exposition with some helpful explanation. The Force? Do tell us, Old Man Who We Just Met.
    JJ: The Republic is in power, there is an army of, well, rebels, really, that are so well funded that they have... an army and a navy and... a Death Star made out of a whole planet? And Our Heroes are fighting for the... um... (checks notes) Resistance? Are they resisting the Republic? Or the First Order? Or... Why isn't the REPUBLIC resisting the First Order? I might need some explanation here. What? Go read the books? No thanks.
  9. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    The only reason that would have been an expectation would be because at this point in Star Wars if you wanted to you could find the backstory of the droid that Luke almost picked in the first movie. OT Star Wars was filled with characters who had no actual backstories but felt like they did. An easy way to do that? Cast Max von Sydow. He's an old guy who knows Leia and has the MacGuffin.
    Where you start to need explanations are when you give the audience things they don't have any idea about in any context. 
    First movie: Oppressive Galactic Empire, plucky Rebellion trying to overthrow it. Right, we get this one. What is hyperspace? Here's is Han Exposition with some helpful explanation. The Force? Do tell us, Old Man Who We Just Met.
    JJ: The Republic is in power, there is an army of, well, rebels, really, that are so well funded that they have... an army and a navy and... a Death Star made out of a whole planet? And Our Heroes are fighting for the... um... (checks notes) Resistance? Are they resisting the Republic? Or the First Order? Or... Why isn't the REPUBLIC resisting the First Order? I might need some explanation here. What? Go read the books? No thanks.
  10. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from Jay in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    The only reason that would have been an expectation would be because at this point in Star Wars if you wanted to you could find the backstory of the droid that Luke almost picked in the first movie. OT Star Wars was filled with characters who had no actual backstories but felt like they did. An easy way to do that? Cast Max von Sydow. He's an old guy who knows Leia and has the MacGuffin.
    Where you start to need explanations are when you give the audience things they don't have any idea about in any context. 
    First movie: Oppressive Galactic Empire, plucky Rebellion trying to overthrow it. Right, we get this one. What is hyperspace? Here's is Han Exposition with some helpful explanation. The Force? Do tell us, Old Man Who We Just Met.
    JJ: The Republic is in power, there is an army of, well, rebels, really, that are so well funded that they have... an army and a navy and... a Death Star made out of a whole planet? And Our Heroes are fighting for the... um... (checks notes) Resistance? Are they resisting the Republic? Or the First Order? Or... Why isn't the REPUBLIC resisting the First Order? I might need some explanation here. What? Go read the books? No thanks.
  11. Thanks
    Tallguy got a reaction from Holko in Rey Skywalker Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley   
    The only reason that would have been an expectation would be because at this point in Star Wars if you wanted to you could find the backstory of the droid that Luke almost picked in the first movie. OT Star Wars was filled with characters who had no actual backstories but felt like they did. An easy way to do that? Cast Max von Sydow. He's an old guy who knows Leia and has the MacGuffin.
    Where you start to need explanations are when you give the audience things they don't have any idea about in any context. 
    First movie: Oppressive Galactic Empire, plucky Rebellion trying to overthrow it. Right, we get this one. What is hyperspace? Here's is Han Exposition with some helpful explanation. The Force? Do tell us, Old Man Who We Just Met.
    JJ: The Republic is in power, there is an army of, well, rebels, really, that are so well funded that they have... an army and a navy and... a Death Star made out of a whole planet? And Our Heroes are fighting for the... um... (checks notes) Resistance? Are they resisting the Republic? Or the First Order? Or... Why isn't the REPUBLIC resisting the First Order? I might need some explanation here. What? Go read the books? No thanks.
  12. Like
    Tallguy reacted to Schilkeman in What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)   
    The Untouchables. I enjoyed it. I can't tell if De Palma's stagey artifice is deliberate, or just lackluster production design. He has a goofy way with crowds, and the blocking of extras, but he studies the best when it comes to camera work. Very cinematographic and readable, but in an interesting way. He builds tension well.
    I also enjoyed seeing Charles Martin Smith show up so soon after having just watched American Graffiti (which, unsurprisingly, gets my highest rating).
    Of the three De Palma films I've seen this might be the best, then MI, then Scarface, which I just couldn't get into. I'll check out his 70s stuff next.
  13. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from bollemanneke in Harry Potter TV Series in the works   
    Didn't he play Winston Churchill?
  14. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from Brando in Superman(2025) - John Murphy   
    Yeah, that tracks. I'm a "Truth, justice, and the American way" kid. But I understand that that's not the original either. I'm totes fine with "Truth and justice" but it seems that everyone knows / feels that 1, 2, AND 3 has a better rhythm to it. But any other variation that's been tried has sounded stupid.
    I actually kind of liked Perry saying "all that stuff". I mean, he IS the editor for a great Metropolitan newspaper in the mid 2000's. It seemed totally in character. (And c'mon, it's Frank Langella! He makes everything sound terrific.)
    I don't know what it sounds like to anyone born well after they were even in re-runs, but the narration to the opening of the George Reeves show is one of the most thrilling things I've ever heard.
    OTOH, as I've found from watching 50+ years of Supermans -- almost anything Superman that's even competently done is one of the most thrilling things I've ever heard. Here's hoping this summer will be the next most thrilling thing I've ever heard.
  15. Like
    Tallguy reacted to HunterTech in What Is The Last Score You Listened To? (older scores)   
    Okay, on this recent listen, I will concede that CW probably holds itself better as an overall listen between HJ's two Cap scores. However, I shall forever remain bitter that Jackman halted a rather unique sound in TWS for the sake of appeasing critics that were never gonna think of him as high art. It's neat that he's able to get an orchestra to have as much life as it does here, but it pales in comparison to how utterly bonkers something like his Winter Soldier theme was last time. Especially when I still don't find the themes particularly great here (Zemo's just sucks, straight up), though I think I have a greater appreciation for one that is prominent in the latter half this time. All in all, pleasant, but I'd rather something that takes a swing and partly misses than just merely competent.
  16. Like
    Tallguy reacted to tomsmoviemadness in Live action “How to Train Your Dragon” coming 2025 - John Powell   
    Everybody seems to think Powell will just copy/paste his originals score, and of course he might.
    But let's also think that he might surprise us with something really cool. He could use his themes but still do so much with it that it feels of the same world but also feels different. It's Powell we're talking about. He's one of best and interesting composers out there.
    And if he does copy/paste his original score, I honestly wouldn't really mind. How bad can more HTTYD music by Powell be? 
  17. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from TSMefford in Live action “How to Train Your Dragon” coming 2025 - John Powell   
    The funny thing is that there is a shot of "live action" Stoik that hits my Uncanny Valley senses worse than anything in The Polar Express.
  18. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in Harry Potter TV Series in the works   
    Didn't he play Winston Churchill?
  19. Like
    Tallguy reacted to St Jimmy in The Custom Covers Thread   
    Can't remember if I posted these here or not. These are inspired by John Powell's Deluxe Edition for "SOLO", which used the 2019 Blu-ray cover art. I used Promeai to expand the images and cleaned them up in Paint3D (poor man's Photoshop). Currently working on a new version for Episode IX

  20. Thanks
    Tallguy reacted to Steffromuk in The "(Fill in the Blank) Has Died" Thread   
    Last year he released a remastered and expanded edition of his Spice Opera.
    It's available on his Bandcamp page.
  21. Like
    Tallguy reacted to ThePenitentMan1 in enderdrag64's Star Wars Cue by Cue   
    Of course!
    I know you split up Klingons and named the second half "Spacedock", though.   (Just teasing, I do too; in that case it's two totally different musical ideas that were recorded as one cue but aren't actually connected in any meaningful way like the original version of The Imperial Probe is.  There's even a brief silence between the two parts of the cue!)
    Actually, that brings me to what is probably the most apt comparison to The Imperial Probe's Insert situation: cues that were recorded with fairly long stretches of silence in the middle.  Can you think of any examples?
    The only example I can think of where one cue that had a brief mid-cue silence and was actually split into two tracks on album is This Is Berk's last two minutes becoming Dragon Battle on the OST.  And...  yeah, that cue's better off as a full six-minute cue; the silence makes for an unsatisfying end for the first four minutes and an awkward beginning for the last two minutes.  But then The Imperial Probe's inserts make that aspect a non-issue, as the Bar 80 Insert actually is a satisfying end for the first half and the Bar 109 Insert is far from being an awkward beginning for the second half.
    Dang, defending this side of the argument's harder than I thought!
    Regardless of whether or not we HAVE the recording of it, we at least know that the Bar 109 insert WAS recorded, and that alone is enough for me to include a mockup of it in my edits.
  22. Thanks
    Tallguy reacted to Jay in Mick Giacchino's SKELETON CREW (2024)   
    I haven't watched this, but someone made a youtube video going over the themes in the score
  23. Confused
    Tallguy got a reaction from Davis in Live action “How to Train Your Dragon” coming 2025 - John Powell   
    Powell scoring shot for shot remake of Wargames: Confirmed!
  24. Like
    Tallguy got a reaction from Davis in Live action “How to Train Your Dragon” coming 2025 - John Powell   
    The funny thing is that there is a shot of "live action" Stoik that hits my Uncanny Valley senses worse than anything in The Polar Express.
  25. Haha
    Tallguy reacted to Meredith McKay in enderdrag64's Star Wars Cue by Cue   
    That's one of the Epistles!
    I mean the sheets of paper with black specks on them! They have sync info and segue indications on them as well sometimes.
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