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About Oskar

  • Birthday 19/02/1985


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    The Netherlands

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  1. Though not conducted by Williams and certainly not performed by a full orchestra, there is a recording of the revised Irina's theme on piano.
  2. This is what I got from watching the film some time ago: 1m3 Leaving Ingrid (Cue A) (OST TRACK 9 2:18- 4:38) 1m3 (Insert) Leaving Ingrid (old Cue A) (OST TRACK 3) 1m3A The Rescue of Peter (OST TRACK 4 0:00-1:16) 1m4 1m5 Young Dali Lama (Cue B) (OST TRACK 7 0:00-1:36) ­1m7 Meeting the Sherpa (OST TRACK 9 0:51-2:18) 3m1 Transported to Prison (OST TRACK 5 0:00-0:52) 3m2 Alone in Prison 0:22 Unreleased 3m4 The Barbed Wire Scene (Cue C) (OST TRACK 12 0:56-2:37) 3m6A The Escape 2:04 Unreleased 3m7-Long The Second Escape (OST TRACK 5 1:23-end) 3m7-(Short The Second Escape) 0:36 Unreleased 3m11 Stealing Food (OST TRACK 6 1:46-2:37) 5m2 Sixty-Eight Kilometers (OST TRACK 9 4:38-end) 5m? (Arrival in Tibet) 0:51 Unreleased 5m5 Heinrich's Slow Growth (Cue E) (OST TRACK 11 0:40-end) 5m5A Escaping the Bandits (OST TRACK 4 1:16-2:05) 5m6 Horsemeat and Rescue (OST TRACK 5 0:52-1:23) 7m1AX The Capitol City (OST TRACK 9 0:00-0:51) 7m3 Western Clothes (OST TRACK 10 0:00-0:47) 7m4 (Gun Crates) 0:22 Unreleased 7m5 Peter and Pema 1:39 Unreleased 9m1 Thinking by the Water (OST TRACK 12 2:37-end) 9m2 (Palace Invitation) 1:31 Unreleased 9m3 Meeting the Dali (OST TRACK 10 0:47-end) ??m? (Teaching) 0:54 Unreleased 11m? (The Attack) 0:47 Unreleased 11m4 Prophetic Dream (OST TRACK 7 1:36-end) 11m? (The Plane) 0:51 Unreleased 11m9A The Generals Enter (OST TRACK 6 2:37-3:05) 11m10 Praying Through A Telescope (OST TRACK 12 0:00-0:56) 13m1 Preparing the Defense (OST TRACK 6 0:00-1:46) 13m2 The Tibetan Defeat (OST TRACK 4 2:05-end) 13m3 The Chinese Takeover (OST TRACK 6 3:05-end) 13m? (Praying) 1:38 Unreleased 13m? (Reflections) 1:54 Unreleased 13m11 The Dali Lama’s Investiture (OST TRACK 11 0:00-0:40) ??m? (Saying Goodbye) 2:54 Unreleased 15m2 Regaining A Son (new) (OST TRACK 13) 15m3 End Credits (OST track 1 or 14) The Child of Tibet (OST track 8) Note: Track titles in parentheses are NOT the official titles. Apologies in advance for any errors and/or mistakes.
  3. The choir from Horner's Brainstorm (at 1:13) Always reminds me of this (at 0:50) Which was sampled from this (at 3:33):
  4. Awesome news! Hopefully it will include the unreleased film version insert for 'I Could Have Done More'.
  5. Is this the same motif, or just coincidence? 2:22 - 2:28 1:46 - 1:52 2:30 - 2:35
  6. Found it!!!! It's actually in de Finale track from 5:30 to 6:25. Whew! Listening to that on repeat now
  7. Guys, I can't find my absolute favourite musical moment from the film on the OST. Am I not listening to it right, or is it not included? It's when:
  8. I just remembered there is also one statement of Vader's theme early in the film.
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