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Indiana Jones: The Soundtracks Collection (OFFICIAL thread)

Erik Woods

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well LC should have second half of Indy's First Adventure, Portuguese Coast , The Diary(almost as haunting as Washington Men), To Castle Burnwald and Papa Jones is Healed

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What if they put all the unreleased cues on the "expanded" discs, then have the original OSTs in the box? It'd be more money, but we'd get just about everything, theoretically.

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hell this whole INdy Box thing goes on my nerves.. I am really looking forward to The Music of the Lord of the Rings Films Book by Doug Adams instead.. released with 2 DVDs packed with tons of Alternates and Demos!

LOTR got such an amazing treatment!

why not do the same thing with Star Wars and Indy.. I just don't get it.

They can do a 15 CD Star Wars Ost boxset.. and repackage it from year to year to follow their clver marketing strategy.

Well first of all LotR got such a great treatment because the composer (and the director and the record company) was such an active force behind the release and it really had a huge market around the world. I am not saying that SW and Indy are small potatoes either when it comes to popularity but it just might be that JW doesn't really care about re-releasing his music one bit. He has never taken active interest in it and half the time seems embarrased by these expanded/complete releases as if it causes him more pain than pride to get his work out and public in complete form. But artists are like that I guess. Old works are hard to evaluate later. Something always feels like it could have been done better etc.

According to Concord, it's 4 CDs.


Oh yeah sure. 4 discs and the phantom CD of Doom with JWs interview. We would do well to wait and see. No use in trusting anything Concord announced untill we have tracklists (probably the day before the release if the old signs are anything to go by).

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What if they put all the unreleased cues on the "expanded" discs, then have the original OSTs in the box? It'd be more money, but we'd get just about everything, theoretically.

That would be nearly perfect, but it just doesn't fit on the total count of 4 CDs (which are 1 per movie).

(Also, you've got mail, John).

I think it's 4 single CDs, and, if they get to fill Temple of Doom and Last Crusade to almost 80 minutes like 1995's Raiders (and this Raiders too), this is a good thing anyways.

I, being one who owns the OSTs, would prefer having only unreleased music on these new CDs (since I know that, with alternates and concert arrangements, you CAN have 80 minutes or almost of unreleased Temple of Doom and Last Crusade music) but that would be just to cool for fans to be true, since it's clear that they're making this to give the chance to have the original soundtracks (hence why they're reproducing exactly the covers) to those who doesn't have them yet.

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I predict a price for the box set:


And now that they've paid the re-use fee and everything for the music ,what is preventing them of doing a proper release of the complete scores to ToD and LC ? Is it so much more expensive to them to press an extra 2 disks in the set since we get bonus ones anyways?


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According to Concord, it's 4 CDs.


Well maybe the Discs are Double sided!

Happy 666! Ave MissPadmi!

EDIT: It's a sign, it's an omen! Indy4 will pick you as his presidential running mate! I must inform my astrologer.

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Whoa, one said 70 bucks, another 200!!! Can't we get somehow closer in between? :huh:

Here's a similar theory of what I said earlier (prices in USD)

Raiders 15 (because a similar expanded edition has already been released)

Temple of Doom 20 (because it's new, and expanded)

Last Crusade 20 (same as ToD)

Kingdom of Crystal Skull 5 (because you can buy this anyways)

Interview CD 10 (or even less, because people really care about the music...)

So that's about 60-65 bucks. But it could be that the KoCS CD will be valued as its regular price so the box-set might cost higher.

But then again, I will buy even if it cost 100 euros (even though I can always try to let this pass as a Christmas gift and get it for free :sleepy: )

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Am I the only one excited about the interview as well?

Sure, we would rather the music, but there are many good possibilities with a complete cd dedicated an interview.

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Sure, we would rather the music, but there are many good possibilities with a complete cd dedicated an interview.

Let's hope for some video features or, more wishfully, some other unreleased cues that didn't find space on the CDs.

However, the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced this release will be the Indy equivalent of the Star Wars Anthology boxset. And that's a good thing IMHO. Yes, they still are not complete, but it's great to have some vintage unreleased Indy music finally available.

Also, I think it's very likely the expanded ToD and LC will be 77-80 minutes CDs, so there's room for many great unreleased cues on both.

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Also, I think it's very likely the expanded ToD and LC will be 77-80 minutes CDs, so there's room for many great unreleased cues on both.

Well, everyone of us here would love that.

But everyone of us here is not George Lucas.

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But everyone of us here is not George Lucas.

If you think that George Lucas is personally involved in these kind of releases, you're completely on the wrong track. He has plenty of people who work for him for promotion, publicity, licensing and PR.

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He's the puppetmaster!

Thats's just unnecessary, immature, disrespectual, unimportant "dissapointed star wars Nerd-hatred"!

It's so pathetic and simply a lie, maybe once he was, but he is n longer directly involved in that

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Surely you can do better!

no I can't.. this is it

because what I want to say isn't allowed to write in that forum, and I don't want to be kicked off this forum. but hey.. I doesn't matter that much for me because Stefancos is partially right with his post about intelligence

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Stefancos is partially with his post about intelligence

Thank you Esther.

Perhaps I should mention something I figured out a long time ago:

If Stefan ends a sentence with an exclamation mark, it's not to be taken seriously...

If only it were that simple.

Also notice that a lot of my posts end with ".........."

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Perhaps I should mention something I figured out a long time ago:

If Stefan ends a sentence with an exclamation mark, it's not to be taken seriously...

If only it were that simple.

Also notice that a lot of my posts end with ".........."

Well, reading it that way sure makes it a lot easier.

It also makes you a lot funnier.

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It also makes you a lot funnier.

Mr. Breathmask: You're a pistol, you're really funny. You're really funny.

Stefan Cosman: What do you mean I'm funny?

Mr. Breathmask: It's funny, you know. It's a good story, it's funny, you're a funny guy.

Stefan Cosman: what do you mean, you mean the way I talk? What?

Mr. Breathmask: It's just, you know. You're just funny, it's... funny, the way you tell the story and everything.

Stefan Cosman: Funny how? What's funny about it?

Mr. Breathmask: Jus...

Stefan Cosman: What?

Mr. Breathmask: Just... ya know... you're funny.

Stefan Cosman: You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little mmmkayed up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to mmmkayin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

Mr. Breathmask: Just... you know, how you tell the story, what?

Stefan Cosman: No, no, I don't know, you said it. How do I know? You said I'm funny. How the mmmkay am I funny, what the mmmkay is so funny about me? Tell me, tell me what's funny!

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I don't understand why people want an entire disc wasted on a JW interview. You can get interviews from him anywhere. Not to mention very few people would listen to an interview more than once. That would be a colossal waste of a disc, especially when we're all hankering for as much new music as we can get.

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Ok calm down now.

From the looks of it were are getting 1 CD expanded editions of the first 3 indy scores + the OST release of Chrystal Skull + a bonus CD with a John Williams interview.

So this release will most likely be closer to the Laurent Bouzereau of Close Encounters, E.T. and Jaws (Jaws being accidentally complete because it is a short score). It is possible Williams will have some input in these new Indy releases like he had with the Bouzereau produced releases.

Now we have been spoiled rotten over the years by soundtrack-specialsed labels like Intrada, Varese, FSM etc...giving us loads of complete scores in cronological order.

It has however led to the skewed believe that anything less then that is a complete and utter waste and a sign of incompetence by the albums producers and the label, not the mention the composer for allowing such a release to happen.

Now I am the first to admit to being nervous, and wanting more info, but I'm trying to look on the bright side.

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Ok calm down now.

From the looks of it were are getting 1 CD expanded editions of the first 3 indy scores + the OST release of Chrystal Skull + a bonus CD with a John Williams interview.

So this release will most likely be closer to the Laurent Bouzereau of Close Encounters, E.T. and Jaws (Jaws being accidentally complete because it is a short score). It is possible Williams will have some input in these new Indy releases like he had with the Bouzereau produced releases.

Now we have been spoiled rotten over the years by soundtrack-specialsed labels like Intrada, Varese, FSM etc...giving us loads of complete scores in cronological order.

It has however led to the skewed believe that anything less then that is a complete and utter waste and a sign of incompetence by the albums producers and the label, not the mention the composer for allowing such a release to happen.

Now I am the first to admit to being nervous, and wanting more info, but I'm trying to look on the bright side.

An expanded release of any JW score is one smal step for a fan, but giant leap for the mankind.

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I don't understand why people want an entire disc wasted on a JW interview. You can get interviews from him anywhere. Not to mention very few people would listen to an interview more than once. That would be a colossal waste of a disc, especially when we're all hankering for as much new music as we can get.

If it is a CD filled with a newly recorded and lengthy interview with Williams sharing some insights about the creation of these scores then I am all for it.

People who are in the belief that an interview CD comes instead a CD containing more music are mistaken. It is not a matter of one or the other. And I bet the re-use fees for the music from TOD and LTC would be substantially more expensive then a Williams interview.

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I'm going to agree with whoever said Last Crusade was a well assembled album. It was. There's a highlight or two missing, but what's there is always interesting and fun to listen to. I never listen to the boot. Partially because of the poor sound and partially because so much of it is just killing time until the next set piece.

It is a very well assembled album, but the End Credits are a waste of space. We don't need to hear the Grail Theme and the Scherzo again at that point in the album. It's just like Duel of the Fates and Anakins Theme in the TPM End Credits. An extra "highlight or two" could have gone in their place. That's why, for this release, I'd like to see the End Credits shortened to just a reprisal of Indy' theme (I'm talking about everything after the riding off into the sunset moment). I know it won't happen, but it is a way to get more highlights onto the LC disc.

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I don't understand why people want an entire disc wasted on a JW interview. You can get interviews from him anywhere. Not to mention very few people would listen to an interview more than once. That would be a colossal waste of a disc, especially when we're all hankering for as much new music as we can get.

If it is a CD filled with a newly recorded and lengthy interview with Williams sharing some insights about the creation of these scores then I am all for it.

People who are in the belief that an interview CD comes instead a CD containing more music are mistaken. It is not a matter of one or the other. And I bet the re-use fees for the music from TOD and LTC would be substantially more expensive then a Williams interview.

I don't want to be a negative about it, but I believe that what we may got is something completely redundant like the Maestro saying the same things he said on the IJ Trilogy DVD featurette. With RotS Wall-Mart edition there has also been an additional cd with Williams speaking and it wasn't interesting enough to say it was really worth having. Anyway, as much as I like the interviews with the composers, I'd choose music, if I had to choose between it and an interview.

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If it is a CD filled with a newly recorded and lengthy interview with Williams sharing some insights about the creation of these scores then I am all for it.

People who are in the belief that an interview CD comes instead a CD containing more music are mistaken. It is not a matter of one or the other. And I bet the re-use fees for the music from TOD and LTC would be substantially more expensive then a Williams interview.

If it is actually insightful and with new information or anecdotes, I am all for it. If it is an hour or more of JW being humble, praising others, and just telling the same stories again then it will be a waste. Yes, I know JW wrote two Indy themes and Spielberg wanted to use them both. We've heard that one before.

I never said I thought music would end up on the bonus disc, just that it should to make extra room for more score on the main discs. But I know that isn't happening. If we get something like the Star Trek TMP bonus disc, that will be a real treat.

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