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The 5th Star Wars film versus the 5th Star Trek film!

The 5th Star Wars film versus the 5th Star Trek film!  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these two films do you prefer?

    • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
    • Star Wars: Episode II- Attack Of The Clones

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This is basically a redo of a poll i did in 2002, shortly after Attack Of The Clones was released. (and yes AOTC is the 5th Star Wars film!)

Both are films with pretty big flaws. Both are considered among the weakest in their particular franchise.

But of these 2, which do you prefer?

I have to say I vastly prefer Star Trek V. Yes it's a massively flawed film. The very concept of the plot is questionable at the very least, the script is flawed, Shatner's direction, while overall not bad at all, does occasionally show that he lacks experience, and a lot of the special effects are really second rate, even for a 1989 film on a budget.

But throughout I care!

I care about the established characters, I care about the "villain". The plot, while questionable, does hold it's interest for a long time throughout the film.

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Without a doubt, Star Trek V. I agree with practically all of your points.

As we know Star Trek V is good up until they reach the Great Barrier then that's where it shoots itself in the foot. I could watch Star Trek V more times than AOTC.

Plus Star Trek V's score is better!

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More like the "villain" was, you got to admit Sybok was a unique character. Not very often did we have a Vulcan who had embraced both logic and emotion (emotion more than logic) at the same time and thus had an actual sense of humor.

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I must admit I'm more a Star Wars fan than Star Trek.

I own the DVD box-set called "Star Trek: The Motion Picture Trilogy" (II, III and IV). This is for me the essential.

Concerning Star Wars prequels, I did'nt like them that much, they really show the limits of George Lucas.

Finally, you have to add a third choice : none of them. :)

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Meh, probably Star Trek if only because I've always been somewhat more in that camp than the Star Wars camp. I've never not enjoyed anything Star Trek related, even the so called duds, but AotC has seen few replays from me beyond the Yoda/Dooku duel and other choice moments.

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Notice that Attack of the Clones is one film in the saga that never gets mentioned in almost any context. People love the first two, have some opinions one way or another on Jedi, generally strong negative opinion on TPM and mixed one to ROTS. But Clones is like a black hole - nobody actually remembers or cares.


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Never quite got all the hate towards Star Trek V. It's a very watchable film. Laughable, sure, but enjoyable.


It's good, yes just it sorta lost itself at the Great Barrier. I mean it tried to pick up a bit at that certain point when they realized that "God" was another entity trying to escape imprisonment but ya it is watchable, unlike a good portion of AOTC...

However, I will say that Shatner did nail down the bantering between Spock and McCoy.

I do love Wojo's analogy of how Kirk dismissed "God" yet Anakin had a hissy fit with Dooku.

"What does "god" need with a Starship?"

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But AOTC has one action sequence that I like. Quite dumb, if you think about it, but at least there's some excitement. You know, especially the big without weapons. It's better than the lightsaber duels in the last two films, anyway. Not to mention one of the few film score cues that were largely left intact.


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Geez, there's a a lot for "ST: V", isn't there? I agree with all the posts re: "V": it beats "AOTC" in every single way. It has some of the very best cinematography of the series, the sound-mix is fantastic, and I won't even mention the score... It's a pity that WS was not able to complete the film as he originally intended, which means that some of the EFX shots are literally unfinished!

I understand that he went to Paramount and asked for some cash to create a "Sp. Ed.", but that Paramount said "no". Shame.

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I have to say "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", ultimately. Aside from a reduced budget that shows itself on screen, at least one bad action sequence (the crash landing into the Enterprise docking station), that ridiculous and almost unspeakable scene with Uhura seducing those guards, and some anti-climatic goodness, it's not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

That scene with McCoy and his father is probably better than the entirety of AotC.

:music: "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream...."

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They made 5 Star trek films? ROTFLMAOROTFLMAO

The first one was all ready :shakehead::shakehead::shakehead:

The 5th SW is a decent flick with a great score.

Dude, just reinstate the avatar, embrace your one true JWFan love again and stop mincing around like a dejected ex boyfriend who won't go away.

I have one request if you do though: please use the Fabioesque pic.

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They made 5 Star trek films? ROTFLMAOROTFLMAO

The first one was all ready :shakehead::shakehead::shakehead:

The 5th SW is a decent flick with a great score.

Dude, just reinstate the avatar, embrace your one true JWFan love again and stop mincing around like a dejected ex boyfriend who won't go away.

I have one request if you do though: please use the Fabioesque pic.

You are right, a stupid drunken visit to the ex-love, hoping for sex.

Noticing also this place still sucks a big time. Moderators: Please ban me, forever.

It's still posibble to lurk as a guest, when A Book Thief and SW 7 comes, how much you guys will hate those. Fascinating.

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They made 5 Star trek films? ROTFLMAOROTFLMAO

The first one was all ready :shakehead::shakehead::shakehead:

The 5th SW is a decent flick with a great score.

Dude, just reinstate the avatar, embrace your one true JWFan love again and stop mincing around like a dejected ex boyfriend who won't go away.

I have one request if you do though: please use the Fabioesque pic.

"I liked him better before he died!"

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You are right, a stupid drunken visit to the ex-love, hoping for sex.

Noticing also this place still sucks a big time.

You're right, it does. For the time being. But at least you're handsome. We've got to hold onto what we've got in these orchestrational dark days.

What good is great composition if all the players are ugly?

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For SW fanboys, all SW related media is better than everything else by default.

The SW fanboys haven't answered the Caravan of Courage question I posed.

I think the strong cast of V makes it automatically better than Nemesis and Into Darkness. But any worst Trek movie is still better than the worst Star Wars movie. And getting mad about it is like arguing over whose shit stinks worse: it's still what it is.

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ST:V, being devoid of everything else related to quality, has heart.

AotC, being devoid of everything related to heart, has expensive but crappy effects.

ST:V wins.

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