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The Official Jerry Goldsmith Thread

The Great Gonzales

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It's worth it, LaLaLand's release has some of the clearest mono recordings I've heard.

I'm no expert so I don't know what they did to the tapes but it's very crisp to my ears.

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Love this clip and love the score as well.


Which brings us to another Jerry story: Once again (as in Medicine Man) he was struggling to find just the right tone, something that would elucidate the film's unique "sexual noir" milieu. When he got stuck, he consulted the director, Paul Verhoeven. Jerry ran through several of the scenes he had already written to give Paul an idea of where he was going. At one point, Paul shouted, "That's it! That's it right there!" The music that caught his attention was a bit of scenery Jerry had painted for a secondary scene—an incidental bit of music he hadn't given a second thought. It's what sold Verhoeven, however . . . and it became the now-famous main theme to Basic Instinct.

- Uni

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Probably his very last recorded appearance. Here, he talks about how he came up with the theme for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

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And telling Joel something like, "Joel, you think you can get back to work now?"

But yopu got to remember, this wasn't a fun-filled thing for him, this was work and he took it very seriously. Except that one time he put on a gorilla mask for POTA. ;-)

Just watch those 24+ minute of sessions from "Menphisto Waltz" on Youtube. Just watch all those interviews on Youtube. Just read any of his interviews in magazines, like Soundtrack!.

Where one might see a "dick", another with stronger work princaples might see a man with a love and passion, under studio pressure (each minute of recording in very pricey...) to get it done, while at the same time making any producer/directors there happy, and not alienating the musicians in the process. And he had at least two kids, a divorce, a drinking habbit at one time, and then illness that lead to his death. Give the man a little room.

Exactly. It's not easy and it's not cheap. But let's also not forget him joking with Craig Huxley when he killed his "solo" during the Star Trek: The Motion Picture sessions.

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Seeing all these videos makes me miss Jerry all the more.

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And telling Joel something like, "Joel, you think you can get back to work now?"

But yopu got to remember, this wasn't a fun-filled thing for him, this was work and he took it very seriously. Except that one time he put on a gorilla mask for POTA. ;-)

Just watch those 24+ minute of sessions from "Menphisto Waltz" on Youtube. Just watch all those interviews on Youtube. Just read any of his interviews in magazines, like Soundtrack!.

Where one might see a "dick", another with stronger work princaples might see a man with a love and passion, under studio pressure (each minute of recording in very pricey...) to get it done, while at the same time making any producer/directors there happy, and not alienating the musicians in the process. And he had at least two kids, a divorce, a drinking habbit at one time, and then illness that lead to his death. Give the man a little room.

Exactly. It's not easy and it's not cheap. But let's also not forget him joking with Craig Huxley when he killed his "solo" during the Star Trek: The Motion Picture sessions.

Everyone's different. I've worked with a few editors in the publishing industry who all have the common denominator of being very nervy about deadlines and pressure from publishers to get the magazine out on time. Yet I've seen other editors who I've never worked with and they seem to handle the pressures better than others as if they're made of teflon.

In the context of film scoring, I'd say Goldsmith was the nervy variety. I've never heard Williams complain about "butterflies in the stomach" the way Goldsmith did, so he seems to be more of the latter kind of personality.

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Well I've read a lot of threads in this site regarding JW orchestrations & techniques (which is expected) but I always wanted to know if there are members here who have also studied JG's sketches. I know this is a JW fansite (duh!) but do some members here also studied JG and not just sit back and listen to his scores?

For the record, I am not a musician or a composer and I have not studied music in any form but I find it fascinating to read posts like tedfud or ludwig or ethan trying to discuss JW's techniques and orchestrations (even though I don't know shit of the musical terms they are using).

In some ways, both JG and JW kinda uses the same orchestral palette and utilizes the same colors but then their similarities end when they try to bring in something outside of the conventional orchestral sound.

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  • 1 month later...

Man . . . he really let himself go toward the end, didn't he? (George Washington, I mean. He's the guy they tried to draw, right. . . ?)

- Uni

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In regards to Goldsmith and his son. you do realize it could just be some friendly sarcastic banter between father and son?

I'm the same way with my son at times.

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For those of you who might not read the boutique label threads, i wanted to point out that Roger F of Intrada has announced that they have 5 or 6 Goldsmith titles coming out in March! It is being discussed here:


And MV of La-La Land has announced that they are putting out a new version of The Challenge, which is being discussed here:


Also of note is that Bruce Kimmell of Kritzerland chimed in to say that he is working on a Goldsmith title for Kirtzerland as well:

we will have our very first and probably very last Goldsmith title. I was going to do Breakheart Pass two years ago but Mr. Ford Thaxton convinced me not to because it had taken a pretty amount of time to sell out the first release - he also felt there was nothing to do to improve what had come before. So, that fell into the "why" category, but it seems any label will jump on anything with Mr. Goldsmith's name because he is, you know, the only composer who wrote decent film music.


Well well. The dust has settled and the five Intrada Goldsmiths ended up being Shock Treatment, Fate Is The Hunter, Seven Days In May, Von Ryan's Express, and The Detective. Kritzerland did indeed release Breakheart Pass, and LLL surprised us with both The Challenge and Bandelero.

But the Goldsmith parade isn't over yet, with another Goldsmith in the works by Kritzerland...... plus Roger of Intrada just posted this:

Next Goldsmith release will probably be late July or Aug.


Now what could that one be? :)

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Still wondering who will do Sebastian.

Psycho 2 is a good possibility.

Also wouldn't be surprised to see Rambo II get another release, especially since Doug Fake mentioned the unused end credits composed by Goldsmith. It's in a thread somewhere at Intrada's message board.

I know he's also said he wasn't interested in a third visit but perhaps Night Crossing could see a re-issue.

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So I'm glancing over the liner notes for Star Trek V today, and read something that never registered before. It's Ron Jones, who sat in on the recording sessions, talking about Jerry's penchant for keeping it fun during the breaks:
"I remember him interacting with Shatner about some horse rearing up that was in the first scene. Jerry as a joke said, 'I think we need more cowbell.' And they tried it and that was what Shatner wanted—he was happy with that cowbell sound," Jones laughs.
Now, keep in mind, this was in 1989. Christopher Walken didn't make that line huge until he did his infamous SNL sketch in April of 2000. Which means that Jerry Goldsmith had that one in the bag eleven years before Walken. He really was an innovator. . . !





So I guess this was Shatner during the recording sessions:





- Uni

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  • 2 weeks later...

Goldsmith fans!!!

Many (all?) of FSM's Goldsmith titles are going Out Of Print soon - the following low quantity alerts were just posted to the FSM board by an SAE staffer

Less than 25!

100 RIFLES $19.95

Less than 50!



Less than 100!


Less than 150!







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  • 3 weeks later...

Now Kritzerland's doing 2!

Well, now we have two Goldmsiths coming - when it rains it pours. :)


Now they are doing three!

Looks like we actually have two more coming - just waiting for masters to be created. This was and is an unusual year for us in that we actually had projects for the entire year in advance, so we're just doing them as the masters get done.

They've both been previously available, but ours will differ in presentation and one of them we're completely revisiting the elements to see how much improvement there can be.

As far as "differing in presentation" will there be extra cues or merely a re-ordering like Gorky Park?

Hmmm...Poltergeist II is MGM, has some missing music, and is up for grabs because we know LLL passed on it...


It's too soon to say more without giving the ballgame away

Ballgame, as in "Mr. Baseball"?

Not even I would go to the Mr. Baseball place


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Is Psycho 2 available? with the film coming out soon on blu it got me wondering?

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Roger from Intrada has strongly hinted they they are working on Psycho 2 and 3 but no details are known.

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It's ok. I have the Varese album and like it but I'm not that excited about it. I want Herrmann's Psycho before any of the sequel scores.

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I had the album and it got plently of play. Jerry did the best thing and not try to redo Herrmann's score.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone saw the documentary about the making of Legend? I won't post the whole program but I will just post the part affecting Jerry Goldsmith...

Here Ridley Scott is trying to explain why the score is different from the US and European releases as well as the crew's reactions to Goldsmith's rejection:


Judging by this, it seems Ridley truly regretted not fighting for Goldsmith's score. So you really couldn't blame JG when he got angry with Scott.

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Cool. Thank you for sharing this.

Everybody seems to be universally sorry that Jerry's score was ditched from the US release, even Ridley readily admits this now. I remember reading how Jerry and Ridley worked together like crazy on the score, especially after what happened with Alien and then the bad initial reviews from test audiences scared Ridley into re-scoring with Tangerine Dream. Too cruel on Jerry.

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Cool. Thank you for sharing this.

Everybody seems to be universally sorry that Jerry's score was ditched from the US release, even Ridley readily admits this now. I remember reading how Jerry and Ridley worked together like crazy on the score, especially after what happened with Alien and then the bad initial reviews from test audiences scared Ridley into re-scoring with Tangerine Dream. Too cruel on Jerry.

Well in this one, it's implied that it's the studio that forced Ridley to ditched JG's score. Nevertheless, JG is still right to be angry with Scott.

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I'm somewhat puzzled that the Director's Cut still falls 20 minutes short of the original version, which may be due to deteriorated elements, but it may also be a case where no version really works.

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At least the European cut featured his music.

It probably still bummed JG out. I mean, c'mon, where does JG lived? And when he went to the film showing only to find out the score wasn't exactly his own... He was probably horrified.

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Tough shit. But on the other hand, LEGEND tanked so he would not have gained much from having his score intact and Goldsmith was always very pragmatic about movies, anyway. In his aborted biography he talked about a conversation with a swooning interviewer who apparently tried to coax an answer about the most 'important' pictures of the last years - Goldsmith just shrugged saying 'Well, they're just movies, y'know'.

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That's one score I don't have, never cared for it but at $3.00 might have to, unless it means a deluxe edition is coming. ;)

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Ah the daily Sophie's choices of the first world countries.

Is that even a 3rd tier JG score?

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