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John Crichton

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About John Crichton

  • Birthday 27/01/1979

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    The Doctor in America
  • Location
    West Texas

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  1. Williams' Superman is a seminal masterpiece. Ottman's Superman Returns is the definition of mediocrity. There is no comparison.
  2. Star Wars Day? Has the board been reprogrammed again? A New Hope Hm, guess not.
  3. There's a theme in Emperor's Tomb that sounds a lot like the motif from Fast Streets of Shanghai in ToD. I'm not sure if it's a deliberate quote or not but sure sounds like it.
  4. Quoted for truth. I've had very, very short stints watching both Simpsons and Family Guy, I quickly tired of both. But I'm always coming back to South Park. This last run was great.
  5. I've felt that way about some other Goldsmiths I've picked up over the years (not Gremlins). But recently I listened through my whole collection, and even in the ones I never enjoyed all that much I found new worth in. One or two have even worked their way up to regular listening status. EDIT- Of course I'm right, Jay!
  6. Is the level of message board discussion really proportionate to how much people enjoy the release? I don't think so, personally, and don't see it as a very big deal. Plus, it's human nature to spend more time talking about what we don't have, or what we're looking forward to or expecting, than what we already have in our hands.
  7. I think both of those are just due to the nature that these types of releases aren't really new anymore, they're now the norm. Great music and great releases to be sure, but ones that we've come to expect now.
  8. Great music indeed. And Twilight Princess is even greater IMO.
  9. Masada is fantastic. The main theme is one of Jerry's best. I still need to pick up The Great Train Robbery and The Sand Pebbles from Intrada.
  10. I'm listening to Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb for the first time in a long while. Any fan of Williams' Indy scores needs to get this. It's probably a better Indy score than the last Indy score.
  11. This instantly became one of my favorite Goldsmiths as soon as I listened to it for the first time, I hardly knew anything about it beforehand. I remember posting on FB on my second or third listen, asking just what in the hell Jerry did to those cats to make them make those sounds they made.
  12. I rented Arkham City for PS3 last fall and played about a quarter of the main story, I really enjoyed it. I had to stop myself and take it back early to save most of the game for when I did buy it. I had the same problem you had with my gifted Steam copy of Fable III. I did eventually get it to work, but it ran so bad on my current emergency cheap replacement video card I put it aside until I upgrade. Love the avatar by the way, Woj.
  13. I still need to get Mass Effect 3 and Arkham City. Think I'm going to give Journey a go at some point too.
  14. Portal 2 is one of the most singularly perfect games I've ever played. I'd highly recommend giving it another shot too, but if you have orientation problems I'd certainly understand passing on it. It isn't easy at the best of times to be flinging up and down between two portals on the floor trying to find the right spot to aim to stick another one at the best of times. And speaking of Portal 2... I can't wait. I bought The Witcher: Enhanced Edition on sale at GOG.com, been wanting to check it out forever. Unfortunately I'm having some hardware issues with my computer and can't play anything much beyond the most basic games right now. Fable III (a Steam purchased Christmas gift) is also on the waiting list. Right now I'm replaying Final Fantasy XIII, and still loving every minute of it. It really is one of my favorite Final Fantasys ever.
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