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stewdog1 last won the day on June 30 2012

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About stewdog1

  • Birthday 17/12/1977


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    Huntsville, Alabama

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  1. The director originally wanted L'Enfant as the theme for the movie.
  2. It's been several days and I'm still in shock. I second everything @Thorhas said so far. Vangelis was my musical hero. A man I always wish that I could have met. And Thor is right, those early 90s works are just the best. I have listened to Oceanic more than any other album. It is always the top album in my year end Spotify list.
  3. Completely agree. I turned to my son during the first act, are they breaking the fourth wall? There was so much tongue in cheek and flashbacks that it was really annoying.
  4. I do. It's like Powell blended Williams with Goldsmith action writing and went to town.
  5. It's just a play on the What If Marvel series that is coming up. But I guess we can just delete this
  6. My son and I were talking tonight about the Marvel movies and the music and got us thinking about what if Jerry Goldsmith was in his prime when the bulk of these movies were made. Thinking back on how only Goldsmith could get away with the bold and over the top First Knight score, and what he did for The Mummy, just think of what he could have done with Iron Man, Captain America, and the Avengers films. So in thinking of What Ifs, what if Goldsmith was around for the Marvel movies? What if David Arnold was to do a Star Trek film? What are your What Ifs?
  7. The bar was set by Disney. All fans wanted for 30 years was to see Luke in his prime and being something like was written in the EU books. That's all. They didn't want him showing up as a bag man quitting on everybody and then dying. Fan service? Maybe. But throw the fans a bone. They've been waiting for 30 years. The bar was set by Disney. All fans wanted for 30 years was to see Luke in his prime and being something like was written in the EU books. That's all. They didn't want him showing up as a bag man quitting on everybody and then dying. Fan service? Maybe. But throw the fans a bone. They've been waiting for 30 years. The bar was set by Disney. All fans wanted for 30 years was to see Luke in his prime and being something like was written in the EU books. That's all. They didn't want him showing up as a bag man quitting on everybody and then dying. Fan service? Maybe. But throw the fans a bone. They've been waiting for 30 years.
  8. So can she fly or not? She seemed to forget how to fly late BvsS and Justice. But maybe off camera. Lol
  9. Wow was that another train wreck of an episode. So let me get this straight. The Doc is in space prison for 19 years yet we have to see the humans whine that they were left for 10 months the entire episode and the Doc was sorry about that? Then contrivance after contrivance. Oh let's contact the really militant daleks to take out these new mutated daleks. And to get rid of them I have this nifty back up tardis ready to go. Then the final 20 minutes was trying to milk the companions dry and trying to make us care about them. Ugh
  10. Getting back to the topic I would absolutely love it if we have a Luke Skywalker centered story played by Sébastien Stan and him being hunted by Mara Jade.
  11. It was an absolute mess. That is what it was. The writing is just horrible. Trying way too hard to manipulate emotions on a premise that should have been developed so much better.
  12. Definitely. I almost turned it off during one of the three lectures about plastic. Probably should have.
  13. So far JJ has remade three movies. A New Hope, The Wrath of Kahn, and Return of the Jedi. I'm just hoping one day to have a reboot of the sequel trilogy and get a proper Skywalker story, see Luke actually be a Jedi instead of a homeless man. That's what irks me the most about all of this. How they treated Luke. That's unforgivable.
  14. Sigh... As it was famously said in Casablanca... "We'll always have the original trilogy"
  15. This series has very much of a Samurai Jack feel to it. This latest episode was interesting. I didn't really understand why the X-wings attacked the outpost since it wasn't the ship. And not sure if anyone has noticed this yet, but the Mandalorian theme is very similar to the Slave Children's Crusade.
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