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    DarthDementous got a reaction from Gabriel Bezerra in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    The hate-watching always backfires
    The Star Wars fandom is pissing me off for deciding only now has Disney gone off the rails in terms of the canon
    Where was any of this when they wiped the canon slate clean? This show, along with Andor, has done the least amount of damage to the original continuity, and yet those other shows (Rebels especially holy shit) those people aren't very vocal about or they get praise. The bias is extremely apparent, and the people who claim to care about canon only do so when it's convenient
    My hypothesis is that since this show doesn't go heavy on fan service, there's nothing to distract the audience and they're only now just seeing the state of the franchise as a whole. There is no way in hell this show is worse than Kenobi and the only meaningful difference there is the heavy reliance on established characters. Same goes for Ahsoka which was patently worse than Kenobi, also no large uproar about it and even more praise to it than Kenobi
    By selectively tearing apart the Acolyte I don't think the fanbase realises what signal they're sending, and it's one that's going to cause a doubling down of that-thing-you-know because of inconsistent criticism, the absolute last thing Star Wars needs right now
  2. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from enderdrag64 in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    The hate-watching always backfires
    The Star Wars fandom is pissing me off for deciding only now has Disney gone off the rails in terms of the canon
    Where was any of this when they wiped the canon slate clean? This show, along with Andor, has done the least amount of damage to the original continuity, and yet those other shows (Rebels especially holy shit) those people aren't very vocal about or they get praise. The bias is extremely apparent, and the people who claim to care about canon only do so when it's convenient
    My hypothesis is that since this show doesn't go heavy on fan service, there's nothing to distract the audience and they're only now just seeing the state of the franchise as a whole. There is no way in hell this show is worse than Kenobi and the only meaningful difference there is the heavy reliance on established characters. Same goes for Ahsoka which was patently worse than Kenobi, also no large uproar about it and even more praise to it than Kenobi
    By selectively tearing apart the Acolyte I don't think the fanbase realises what signal they're sending, and it's one that's going to cause a doubling down of that-thing-you-know because of inconsistent criticism, the absolute last thing Star Wars needs right now
  3. Haha
    DarthDementous reacted to Andy in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    Whatever you may think of RT ratings, it is supposedly getting great viewership ratings, second only to Kenobi for Star Wars shows.  So... expect more?
  4. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to HunterTech in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    What a weird fucking thing to say in the case of AC, because with the amount of varied entries there are in that series (many of which were primarily critiqued for more technical reasons), this is the one gets shit for being a supposedly conceptual failure? Especially when there would've been so many artistic liberties taken in what came before, so I'm not sure what's so different about doing so with another real historical figure. 14 games in, and I guess it is still too soon to change things up.
    Though I'm not going to disagree about it being applicable elsewhere, even if SW continues to be so murky in its approach. That RLM video on the show taught me that "the force is female" wasn't even an idea from anyone at Lucasfilm, so that bodes pretty well for anything the show does that isn't easy to cut out for international copies.
  5. Haha
    DarthDementous reacted to Nick1Ø66 in The MCU - Marvel Cinematic Universe   
    That would make Ali a Blade runner.
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    DarthDementous reacted to Tallguy in Star Wars is better than everything   
    This isn't too bad. At least it still feels like the same movie.
  7. Thinking
    DarthDementous reacted to The Great Gonzales in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    Apparently Baldemnic originated in the Gennedy Series + an entry on the Star wars.com databank.
  8. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Gabriel Bezerra in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    Hey a fellow reader of the High Republic?
    I haven't gotten to Phase 2 yet but from what I heard, it all went to shit in Jedha, the ruins in Rogue One happened in that period (200 years before the show, so even if it was the case, it could've changed)
    The show never said the Jedi are complacent. And I brought up the Nihil in the first episode, saying that I guess 'peace' is in relation to whatever happened in the Old Republic. Even so, Phase 1 and 3 happen around 3 years, they were not even in a Clone Wars scale.
    The coven are witches, yes, but they were not shown to be down right evil, all they did was to protect their own existence and they let Osha go because it was her choice. No one is shown to be a homicidal maniac so far.
    Weren't you all complaining that the show said THE JEDI ARE EVIL! (read in Hayden Christensen's voice) Now you want the show to make them evil? Because I remember I had to point out everything you did to prove the show wasn't trying to say the Jedi are evil...
    I will say, this series does not use its setting to the fullest, Young Jedi Adventures uses it in a way better manner. But this show did not break canon once.
  9. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Hego-Damask-II in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    I am irritated that your responses seem like you are more keen on disagreeing with me than understanding, because they indicate you have interpreted what I've said hyper-literally and are more focused on me not using the right words as opposed to engaging with the concept

    Semantics. We are talking about the same concept. If Ben and Yoda weren't exemplifying the ideals of peace and justice then there is still something being returned to. Whatever the Jedi weren't doing for X reason, Luke is now doing, and that is the Return

    Semantics again. What I mean is that Ben and Yoda are thinking of Vader in absolutist terms that paints him as the enemy to be destroyed without hope of redemption, in a way that denies attachment so the task of defeating evil can be carried out dispassionately

    More semantics. It was Luke's actions and his persistence in trying to get through to the good that remained in his father that allowed for the Emperor to be defeated

    Semantics, except incorrectly this time, and you also sidestepped the point. The Clones are not drafted, they are literally manufactured to be soldiers as their single purpose which can be very easily read as analogous to slavery and certainly by someone sensitive to it like Anakin. You say there's two options here but they're not even discussed, and there's actually another option which is to align with the Separatists. My point was that I wanted to see that discussion and Jedi reach different conclusions to show that they're not a hivemind and the internal conflict this conundrum created. You've mistakenly viewed this as another point I'm trying to make in regards to the Jedi sucking so you've defended their decision, when I'm more coming at this from ideas I wanted to see explored more in the movies and not a criticism of what the Jedi went with

    It's not a weird read. Go back and watch the episode again and you'll see a number of scenes where they're being flirtatious, it's a very odd choice. You say 'it was no doubt difficult and personal for him to be dealing with slavers' yet the extent of that being explored in the episode is Obi Wan telling Ahsoka that Anakin used to be slave. It never comes up again, and not from the person you'd expect which is Anakin himself. It's telling and not showing in the worst way because it's not even the person who's affected by it expressing it but a character in a scene that he's not even in

    Your point is contradictory. You're saying that in the comics it's established that the Jedi co-exist with Force cults like the ones on Jedha and admonishing the show for being inconsistent with that lore, yet your solution is to have the Jedi suppress them instead?

    What you pointed out here without realizing is that the Jedi are against the Force Witches because they (from their perspective) tap into the Dark Side of the Force. The whole point is that they use the Force in a way they do not approve of. I don't know the details of what happened in those comics but given they're on Jedha I'm assuming it's the Guardians of the Whills which are in alignment with how the Jedi view and use the Force, ergo there's no conflict

    You can't take what the Witches say about the Jedi at face value because they are biased to project their experiences onto all non-Jedi force wielders, because they do not think that what they're doing isn't benign

    I have not noticed any lore contradictions yet. The Ki-Adi Mundi thing is a meme, he didn't even have a birth date established in the new canon, and there's not even any stories in the new canon that cover his early life
  10. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Mattris in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    I didn't know at the time, I just observed the interaction between the lightsabers and the armor and drew a conclusion from that. I think I remember being a bit confused initially but then by the midway point I fully got what was happening
    You are right that cortosis is rare and that the Jedi are unlikely to be familiar with it, the 'no shit' part is more referring to the armor shorting out their lightsabers not that its made out of cortosis
    I just thought plenty of visual attention was given to the interaction that verbal attention would've only detracted from the sequence
  11. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    Exposition would've been completely redundant
    It's actually a nice show and don't tell moment that we see a unique visual effect when the lightsabers clash with the helmet and vambrace, and then a reaction shot of the Jedi confused and scared their weapons shorted out, before coming back on
    That's effective visual storytelling as well as priming for how the main mechanic in the fight will work
    Having a Jedi shout "He's using cortosis to short out our lightsabers" would suck as in the context of the fight all the Jedi would be like 'no shit'
    The last thing I want to see encouraged in Disney Star Wars is dialogue that only makes sense to the audience
  12. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to thestat in Michael Abels' THE ACOLYTE (2024)   
    Man, that Moody track is something. Great to hear he's working with Abels.
    It would be good to know what the exact balance is between Abels and the assistants, my Spotify credits everything to Abels but clearly there are other concerns here. Is it the case that Abels has composed the melody lines and orchestrators fill in or are they doing factory production in the Balfe way?
    A lot of the composition sounds very Abels, but, yes, there are several tracks that fit with that Moody sound which is fucking amazing.
    Nothing here sounds Balfe'd unlike Obi Wan, where we discovered that the Balfe minions had gone in and polluted the show with banality. The Acolyte is interesting in its composition, not always agreeable, but at least it's music!
  13. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Gabriel Bezerra in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    Hey, they explained cortosis!
    Sol not figuring out took way too much of the runtime, but that last interaction between him and Mae was a bit creepy. Qimir is taking seduction to another level and I think it's to be assumed 80% of what he's saying is bullshit. 
    Once again, I think this show is lacking in the editing, we start with Osha and Qimir on another planet (great location, love to see it) and then it cuts to Mae and Sol still on Khofar?! Then we spent half the episode with Sol clueless... I could take he was disoriented by what happened but then he hugged Mae and his alarms didn't set? Was too much for me and what about the little creature? So far he's pointless.
    Still not sure how they'll work around the Phantom Menace issue, Vernestra is following the lead, we'll see what they'll do. My guess is that Mae will work with Sol against Qimir and Osha will be 60% turned to the dark side, how will that resolve I don't have a clue.
  14. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from rpvee in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    As much as I dislike the Sequel Trilogy on the whole, I do really appreciate the attempts to tie the different eras together into something more cohesive, especially. A good chunk of what I appreciate about the original canon were call forwards and call backs in various stories to other pieces of expanded material that were really satisfying if you had a broader experience with the canon. After such a run of shows with very little thematic tie-backs to the saga this is especially pleasing

    I don't understand this article. Neither the point of the Prequels or this show is to go 'the Jedi are awesome', and arguably not even the Original Trilogy as the Jedi are majorly on the backfoot and conceited in a way that Luke is not. In order to ascend to what the Jedi are supposed to be, he has to necessarily stand out from the previous era of Jedi

    The premise of 'the more content there is with Jedi, the less awesome they become' is self-defeating as well as it means that you can't make any additional content without necessarily diluting them. In practice, this is also ridiculous as the Jedi at their most awesome is easily the animated Star Wars Clone Wars made in 2003 as expanded material

  15. Surprised
    DarthDementous reacted to rpvee in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   

    Showrunner confirms the Kylo Ren theme is intentional.
  16. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to Jay in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    As someone who hasn't read a Star Wars comic or book since the 90s, has never seen animated Star Wars stuff, and doesn't follow any Star Wars discourse or listen to any Star Wars podcasts, I definitely had no idea why the lightsabers were shorting out when it first happened.  I thought maybe he had slicked the tips off at first, until I saw them turn back on.
    It was easy enough to tell from context, however, that Qimir was doing something that was able to temporarily short them out.  I did not need it to be explained for me and actually figured it would be explained in the next episode or something when they talk about having to face him again.  I don't think the show makers did anything wrong by not explaining it through dialogue.
    I've never heard this cortosi-whatever you guys are saying before.
  17. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Mr. Hooper in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    I didn't know at the time, I just observed the interaction between the lightsabers and the armor and drew a conclusion from that. I think I remember being a bit confused initially but then by the midway point I fully got what was happening
    You are right that cortosis is rare and that the Jedi are unlikely to be familiar with it, the 'no shit' part is more referring to the armor shorting out their lightsabers not that its made out of cortosis
    I just thought plenty of visual attention was given to the interaction that verbal attention would've only detracted from the sequence
  18. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from CGCJ in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    I didn't know at the time, I just observed the interaction between the lightsabers and the armor and drew a conclusion from that. I think I remember being a bit confused initially but then by the midway point I fully got what was happening
    You are right that cortosis is rare and that the Jedi are unlikely to be familiar with it, the 'no shit' part is more referring to the armor shorting out their lightsabers not that its made out of cortosis
    I just thought plenty of visual attention was given to the interaction that verbal attention would've only detracted from the sequence
  19. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Gabriel Bezerra in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    I didn't know at the time, I just observed the interaction between the lightsabers and the armor and drew a conclusion from that. I think I remember being a bit confused initially but then by the midway point I fully got what was happening
    You are right that cortosis is rare and that the Jedi are unlikely to be familiar with it, the 'no shit' part is more referring to the armor shorting out their lightsabers not that its made out of cortosis
    I just thought plenty of visual attention was given to the interaction that verbal attention would've only detracted from the sequence
  20. Like
    DarthDementous got a reaction from Gabriel Bezerra in THE ACOLYTE - 2024 Star Wars TV   
    I am almost positive he knows that is Osha. His dialogue at the end seems aimed at her, and the show makes a point to show her distinguishing arm tattoo which Qimir would also know Mae doesn't have. Also her hair isn't like Mae's
    Given he knows Osha doesn't know the full story of what went down, and that she is likely angry at her sister's hostility against her and someone she cares about (Sol), I bet he sees an opportunity to turn her into his new Acolyte in Mae's place
    Everyone has been hiding the full truth from her, so if Qimir is able to give that to her then that's a very easy way to establish trust and a good foundation for manipulation, particularly against the Jedi
  21. Like
    DarthDementous reacted to ddddeeee in The MCU - Marvel Cinematic Universe   
    The humour in Ragnarok is almost always about character. 
    In Ragnarok, there's a play depicting Loki's death. It's hilarious, but it tells you absolutely everything you need to know about Loki: he craves affection from his brother and father and has no idea how to go about it. Loki's arc and relationships are completely set up in that scene.
    In Love and Thunder, there's a play scene depicting the events in Ragnarok because...people found the play scene funny in Ragnarok.
    To me, the difference in those two scenes sums up the movies. Ragnarok is never laughing at Thor. He has a good story, learning to not make the same mistakes of his father while learning to lead. Loki, Valkyrie, Korg and Banner/Hulk's little arcs all revolve around Thor - he helps them all to become better people.
    Love and Thunder laughs at Thor. He takes nothing seriously and is completely inept a lot of the time. The style of humour is similar in both movies, but the context is entirely different.
  22. Haha
    DarthDementous reacted to Edmilson in The MCU - Marvel Cinematic Universe   
    Comic book writer Mark Millar said on Twitter that Ant-Man's giant dead body from the Deadpool & Wolverine trailer could be a nod to his comic Old Man Logan. That book is set in an alternate reality where the Marvel villains attacked at once, killed almost every hero and Wolverine (after being unintentionally responsible for the death of the X-Men, courtesy of Mysterio), retired to a quiet life until being brought back in action for a final mission.
    Interestingly, elements of that book were already used in 2017's Logan. This means that Hollywood writers and directors working on superhero movies only read, like, the same three or four comics in their lives.
  23. Haha
  24. Haha
    DarthDementous reacted to mstrox in The MCU - Marvel Cinematic Universe   
    Yes, I will do the same.
    I agree 100% with TG.
  25. Haha
    DarthDementous reacted to Edmilson in The MCU - Marvel Cinematic Universe   
    Tom Holland’s Box Office Bonus for Marvel Was Sent to British Actor Tom Hollander by Mistake: ‘An Astonishing Amount of Money… a Seven-Figure Sum’
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