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  1. Like
    Brundlefly reacted to Yavar Moradi in Who would be your favorite film composer if John Williams didn't exist?   
    Even though I'm a big admirer of Williams and grew up with Star Wars, I think this "revolution" has generally been pretty overstated. The Wind and the Lion is a big sweeping thematic orchestral score by Goldsmith, and it was composed the same year as Jaws. Yeah, Star Wars maybe had some influence on Star Trek: The Motion Picture (musically, as well as other ways) but Star Trek's still pretty significantly different. Maybe the theme alone got more solidified due to wanting a Star Wars-like march, but even that might not be directly traceable. I think TMP has more in common with say The Blue Max written by Goldsmith a decade before, than it does with Star Wars. Certainly Alien (or Poltergeist for that matter) owes nothing to Star Wars.
    I think pre-Star Wars film music from the 70s is *plenty* fun, gritty or not (and I LOVE when Williams himself got gritty!)
    And some of Goldsmith's most sweeping and creative orchestral scores of the 80s (such as Secret of NIMH or Legend) don't sound Williams-influenced at all to me (much more Ravel-influenced).
    Now sure, on something like King Solomon's Mines, I'm sure Goldsmith was given a brief to try and imitate Williams. Which is probably why I don't like that score so much.
    But apart from just The March Itself in Star Trek TMP, do people think ANY of that score sounds remotely Williams-influenced? Really? Please list for me all the post-Star Wars scores by Goldsmith which you think would have sounded significantly different if Williams had never been born.
  2. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Edmilson in Jerry Goldsmith's PAPILLON - NEW Quartet Records Expanded Version   
    This is one of the best releases by Quartet Records, regarding presentation, artwork and sound quality. Anyone who hasn't done it the last time, go get this fantastic release, now!
  3. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Davis in Jerry Goldsmith's PAPILLON - NEW Quartet Records Expanded Version   
    This is one of the best releases by Quartet Records, regarding presentation, artwork and sound quality. Anyone who hasn't done it the last time, go get this fantastic release, now!
  4. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in Jerry Goldsmith's PAPILLON - NEW Quartet Records Expanded Version   
    This is one of the best releases by Quartet Records, regarding presentation, artwork and sound quality. Anyone who hasn't done it the last time, go get this fantastic release, now!
  5. Sad
    Brundlefly reacted to #SnowyVernalSpringsEternal in RIP Joeinar   
    Good morning.
    I woke up to a message from Joe's sister. He has died unexpectedly.
    Joe is one of the longest standing members of JWFan. Joining, i assume, in 1999 or 2000.
    We became friends and remained friends.
    Joe always claimed that when John Williams dies God would thank him personally for E.T.
    A score i will listen too a lot this weekend. 
    He is survived by his husband, and 2 Boston Terriers.
    Stefan Cosman 
  6. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from bollemanneke in Anybody else find the cue The Hunt from The Lost World to be overrated?   
    Cannot believe I voted...
  7. Like
    Brundlefly reacted to Edmilson in The Movie Critic (Quentin Tarantino's supposed final movie)   
    Of course he loved OUATIH so much. That movie allowed him to pretty much fulfill his dream of traveling back in time to 60s Hollywood and work in a western TV show from that era, like those he saw as a kid. 
    That movie was made more for himself, and especially for him to play make believe that he's actually living in the 60s and not the 2010s, than for anyone else.
  8. Like
    Brundlefly reacted to Edmilson in The Movie Critic (Quentin Tarantino's supposed final movie)   
    I didn't care for neither Hateful Eight nor Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I don't think Tarantino released a movie I actually liked since Django.
  9. Like
    Brundlefly reacted to Jay in Jerry Goldsmith's INCHON (1981) - 2024 Intrada 3-CD Complete   
    I've purchased it now (I really like this score), and look forward to selling all the previous editions and only keeping this one
    I'll try to comment on sound quality when I open it up and check it out
  10. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Naïve Old Fart in What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)   
    I love Fellini and I love that one especially! I may even prefer it over 8 1/2.
  11. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Sweeping Strings in What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)   
    This Bond movie surprised me, its kind of a hidden gem, cause it's actually very good, escpecially the action sequences and the tense final castle break-in, despite never being mentioned among the superior entries of the Moore era.
  12. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Smaug The Iron in What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)   
    This Bond movie surprised me, its kind of a hidden gem, cause it's actually very good, escpecially the action sequences and the tense final castle break-in, despite never being mentioned among the superior entries of the Moore era.
  13. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Tom Guernsey in Next James Bond actor after Daniel Craig?   
    I agree.
  14. Sleepy
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Davis in Jerry Goldsmith's INCHON (1981) - 2024 Intrada 3-CD Complete   
    Your logic is that you should get a free copy, only if there is little difference between the respective releases. I don't get that in the first place, but nevermind...
    You now imply that a new release which is more or less the same as the old release is not desirable, or at least not "desirable for those who already own the 2020 set". I get that.
    So, you want to get a free copy of the new release only if/because it is less desirable to you? I mean, why even bother then?
  15. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Mr. Who in 96th Academy Awards (2024 Oscars for 2023 films)   
    Oppenheimer deserved all of these Oscars sooo much! The only thing that bothers me is the fact that it didn't win for the sublime script too.
  16. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Holko in 96th Academy Awards (2024 Oscars for 2023 films)   
    Oppenheimer deserved all of these Oscars sooo much! The only thing that bothers me is the fact that it didn't win for the sublime script too.
  17. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from CuriousMan in Alan Menken's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (2018 Disney Legacy Collection)   
    The labels should know that bleeding tracks are a no-go nowadays. The Burbs, Hook and Star Trek: Insurrection are the only scores I know that still have it.
  18. Like
    Brundlefly reacted to MaxMovieMan in Villeneuve's DUNE   
    I loved what they did with Jessica in the film.
  19. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Mr. Who in What Is The Last Film You Watched? (2024 Films) -- and general 2024 film chitchat   
    I'm very happy that Dune: Part II got delayed. That way they can give the Oscar to Chrisopher Nolan this year and next year they can give it to Denis Villeneuve.
  20. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Jay in What Is The Last Film You Watched? (2024 Films) -- and general 2024 film chitchat   
    I'm very happy that Dune: Part II got delayed. That way they can give the Oscar to Chrisopher Nolan this year and next year they can give it to Denis Villeneuve.
  21. Confused
    Brundlefly reacted to SF1_freeze in Villeneuve's DUNE   
    I couldn't disagree more with you on this.
    Dune is no where close to the real Sci-Fi or Fantasy epics like Starwars or LotR, because it lacks the basic ingredients that made them great:
    A visually appealing and sprawling technologically advanced galaxy, with different societies, planets and eco-systems, that are shown in a way appropriate to the story. A musical thematic score that covers the whole scope of an epic and not like Dune only includes 2 or 3 themes within a big pot of loud and noisy nondescript action material or just atmospheric background "music" which is more sound design than anything else.  
    The films design and scope only works great on planet Dune/Arrakis themselve (which is of course also the most important part)!
    For all other parts (other planets, societs, cities, technology, space travel, space scenes), which a real sci-fi epic should have, Dune failed hard.
    I guess this can't be due to budget, but more due to a lack of vision and design capabilities on Villeneuves part.
    Tell but don't show doesn't work in a sprawling Sci-Fi epic unless you never visit the bigger planets and the more powerful societies.
    But if you do show them, you have to make it convincing not like a small budget indie-film or a low budget TV-show.
    Caladan should have big cities, a big space port, industrial areas, civilian live, etc..
    In Villeneuves Dune Caladan is visually completely boring and badly designed. 
    It is shown as an empty planet with a small medieval castle on a rock, with no cities, no civil life and no sense of visual awe and wonder As a viewer from their Home planet it makes no sense that this house could have a powerful army or any influence on the other great houses. Then suddenly they show the Atreides army and ships on a remote landing field again without any buildings, hangars, cities or a space port acommodating them. This makes no sense.  
    The Imperial Homeworld with the Emperors residence is even worse.
    Nothing is shown there, like in a low budget tv show. Only one residence building carefully filmed that you don't see anything away in the distance, like as if they had no budget for any visual effect shots.
    It's feels like a remote small residence complex on a lonely planet without anyone else there.
    This is the opposite of what a real sprawling Sci-Fi epic would do and this undermines Dunes scope in a big way. 
    The Harkonnen Homeworld at least shows a big industrial and city complex, but it doesn't feel real and lived in.
    It feels like a big facade so that Villeneuve can do his artsy cinematography.
    You never have the impression that anyone could really live there or that there is any civil life or society there, that would make any sense.
  22. Like
    Brundlefly reacted to MaxMovieMan in Villeneuve's DUNE   
    Just got out of the theater. What a trip. Honestly this is the kind of film I’ve been waiting for. Sci-fi on an epic scale that actually has deep, meaningful messages and thoughts. The novel of Dune has some excellent philosophy on the dangers of messiahs and Denis chose to focus on that aspect. As opposed to following the book one-for-one he took the plot of the novel and developed it to follow this message. Messianic figures can sway the way of history. It’s been proven time and time again in our own world and the message is just as important now as it was when Herbert first wrote the novel. These figures are powerful and with that power comes consequences.
    The film itself as a movie experience goes was miles ahead of Part One. Way more action, a solid three-act structure, better characters, more intrigue, and overall a more engaging narrative. There was also a lot of much needed levity. The humor mostly came from Javier Bardem as Stilgar (My personal favorite character) and while it wasn’t overplayed (As it would be in a Marvel film) it definitely brought a balance to the darkness of the picture. This is a dark and depressing film. The ending is not happy and overall I would call the film a tragedy. There is an unavoidable outcome and it’s painful to see it slowly unfold. Another thing improved over the first film are the villains. I liked what they did with Raban and Austin Butler’s new character Feyd Rautha was a scene stealer. Rebecca Ferguson’s Jessica became way more interesting this time around as well as Paul himself. Chalamet steps up to the plate as a messianic hero. Zendaya’s character Chani after getting built up so much in the last movie actually turned out to be a great addition. She’s kind and gentle but also extremely badass and independent when need be. The special effects and sound design are out of this world as expected and Greg Fraser continues to prove he’s one of the best working cinematographers right now. Every frame could be a wall paper.
    The music I loved. I loved the score in the first one and I love the score even more here. It works absolute magic in the film and my favorite cue, “Southern Messiah,” ended up playing in the most perfect way possible. Lots of unreleased cues and the new motif that I thought was for the emperor turns out to be for something much more sinister; the Kwisatz Haderach.
    I heard there were a few major changes from the book so I went in expecting this. However every single change I think benefited this version of the Dune story. I personally loved that Denis adapted this work for the modern times by making Chani not so one-note and really delving into the dangers of Paul and what he means. Compare this film to Lynch’s where Paul is akin to Luke Skywalker. Here Paul is portrayed for what he is. My favorite kind of storytelling is that of fallen heroes. Death Note, Attack on Titan, and Breaking Bad are excellent examples of this. We haven’t had a great epic film to portray this sort of tale on a massive scale since the Godfather films. Now Dune has brought it back. I think it’s truly important for audiences to see that “heroic” characters are not always heroic to all sides and that there are consequences to radical belief. So I’m so glad we have films like this that show the two sides of the coin (Or rather that there are no sides). The Reverend Mother says so herself. Oh and there is one big change to a certain character from the book but I think it was for the best. It would’ve been unfilmable in my opinion.
    This movie cements both parts of Dune as all-time great sci-fi films and also as a whole with both movies combined I would say this becomes an all-time epic in general. I don’t think Denis could’ve done a better job with this and this is definitely his magnum opus. Dune: Messiah will be very interesting because the ending of this film leaves one major plot thread in a different place than the books. This plot thread is literally the driving force of Dune Messiah so I honestly don’t know how they would even adapt the book without completely changing the plot. I think what Denis did with the change was better than the book’s ending but Dune Messiah hinges on this thing that Denis changed. Who knows. For now we have two films that are for sci-fi what Lord of the Rings was for fantasy.
    My favorite part of the film was actually just a line:
  23. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from Yavar Moradi in Jerry Goldsmith's INCHON (1981) - 2024 Intrada 3-CD Complete   
    Your logic is that you should get a free copy, only if there is little difference between the respective releases. I don't get that in the first place, but nevermind...
    You now imply that a new release which is more or less the same as the old release is not desirable, or at least not "desirable for those who already own the 2020 set". I get that.
    So, you want to get a free copy of the new release only if/because it is less desirable to you? I mean, why even bother then?
  24. Like
    Brundlefly got a reaction from ThePenitentMan1 in Jerry Goldsmith's INCHON (1981) - 2024 Intrada 3-CD Complete   
    As one of the most vociferous critics of Intrada on this forum, I have to agree with @Yavar Moradi here. Of course any implication that it is just a sly strategy to hold back the definitive version of a score in order to make collectors buy more than one of their releases is pure madness. This is what these labels do, they produce the best sounding and most comprehensive release that is possible, depending on the source material and restoration techniques that is available at the time. So, how does it matter, whether the current release is just a slight or a considerable improvement on the prior release? Any complaint from collectors in one of these cases (which there are plenty of) comes from their desire to own the best sounding version available. There is simply no reproach to make towards the labels.
    The claim of a free copy is not completely incomprehensible to me (after all, I wrote something like that in this thread), but you can't really be serious to expect Intrada to do that without suffering grave economical disadvantages from it. Next question would be: where to draw the line? Should we all get a free copy of the new Hook, in case we have bought the 2012 release? I'm sure any of the special labels would send out all of their releases to anyone who wants them for free if at the same time it would be raining 100 dollar bills at their warehouses, but that won't happen.
    However, if one of these labels produces something that is lacking in any way, although the source material and restoration techniques they have access to would have allowed for a more definitive release, you can indeed criticize that. That's basically what I do. To me, the 2020 version becomes obsolete now, mainly due to its shortcomings. The improvement between the 2020 and the 2024 release might be bigger than it should have been if they had done a more meticulous work back then.
  25. Haha
    Brundlefly reacted to Trope in Jerry Goldsmith's INCHON (1981) - 2024 Intrada 3-CD Complete   
    I think to summarise this debate, we can reflect on the duality of man, and say that while Yavar and Marian have convinced our minds with their objective analysis, astute observations, and cold logic, JTW has won our hearts as a victim of the money-hungry music market which, if allowed free reign, will suck every last penny from the pockets of loyal customers. 
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