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The Incredible Hulk

Trent B

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Not from what I've seen. Although me not being terribly fond of Iron Man does put me at odds with the rest of the movie-going public. So far, the only notable comic-book movies I've seen have been the dark ones- Sin City, V for Vendetta, Batman Begins. None of the bright-colored ones have taken my fancy to date.

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Not from what I've seen. Although me not being terribly fond of Iron Man does put me at odds with the rest of the movie-going public. So far, the only notable comic-book movies I've seen have been the dark ones- Sin City, V for Vendetta, Batman Begins. None of the bright-colored ones have taken my fancy to date.

Liked IronMan alot, didn't like Sin City, Like V for Vendetta alot, didn't like Batman Bores, I mean Begins.

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Didn't see Iron Man, heard it was good.

Really, the only GOOD comic book movies are the few good Batman ones and X2. The rest get a little repetitive and bland. They lack that "spark" to make them memorable.

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Didn't see Iron Man, heard it was good.

Really, the only GOOD comic book movies are the few good Batman ones and X2. The rest get a little repetitive and bland. They lack that "spark" to make them memorable.

Here's what I consider good comic book movies:

Superman: The Movie



Spider-Man 2

X2: X-Men United

Iron Man

Other than Iron Man, a good score seems to be a common thread to these films. I'll have to see the film to truly judge whether The Incredible Hulk can join the list.

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I for one like all three Spider-Man films, well the third one quite not as much as the first two but they're NOT "awful and cringe worthy childish" as you claim.

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After re-watching them and seeing the third one all in the same day. I came to realize all 3 of them suck major ass. I also just watched most of 3 last night on TV.

Willem Defoe gives a cringe-worthy performance in the first. The failed attempt at humor in the second is cringe-worthy. The third is just blatant and utter shiza.

Frankly, the only good to come out of these 3 movies is Bruce Campbell.

Can't wait for 4 and 5!

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After re-watching them and seeing the third one all in the same day. I came to realize all 3 of them suck major ass. I also just watched most of 3 last night on TV.

Willem Defoe gives a cringe-worthy performance in the first. The failed attempt at humor in the second is cringe-worthy. The third is just blatant and utter shiza.

Frankly, the only good to come out of these 3 movies is Bruce Campbell.

Can't wait for 4 and 5!

I didn't mind parts of 3 so much, but the Spiderman movies were aimed at young kids. The dialogue, acting, direction, camera angles, everything was amateurish and off. I did enjoy the music in 3, but not so much the other stuff. Elfman really has declined over the years.

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I don't understand all the hating on the Spider-Man films. The third one is undoubtedly the worst of the three (mostly suffering from the cramming), but is hardly unwatchable, and it has easily Bruce Campbell's best cameo appearance of the three--here's hoping he'll return for however many other films they make.

They're fun films, not perfect, but with a lot going for them. My biggest gripe is the lack of consistency in A) cinematography from 1 to 2 and B) scoring from 2 to 3 (plus the tracking issues in 2).

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I don't understand all the hating on the Spider-Man films. The third one is undoubtedly the worst of the three (mostly suffering from the cramming), but is hardly unwatchable, and it has easily Bruce Campbell's best cameo appearance of the three--here's hoping he'll return for however many other films they make.

They're fun films, not perfect, but with a lot going for them. My biggest gripe is the lack of consistency in A) cinematography from 1 to 2 and B) scoring from 2 to 3 (plus the tracking issues in 2).

I just wish they were....well...better done.

Spiderman always had some sloppy villains that just don't translate well onto the screen. Spiderman 2 was the best of the bunch, but even that suffered from some overly amateur camera angles and dialogue and poor acting.

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The Spiderman movies were all awful and cringeworthy childlish, in my very humble opinion. BUt I loved the Hulk, so what do I know?

I agree with you. They arent unwatchable, but have many prequel dialogue moments. :D

I'll add that the SFX are cringeworthy too.

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After listening to some more of the examples at Amazon, I actually think this sounds pretty good. I might even buy it! Armstrong's action writing is not as engaging as Elfman's to my ears but he does have a good tuneful quality to his music which makes it nice to listen to away from the film source.

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Do you think every film music fan should buy The Incredible Hulk Score (2-CD version) simply to encourage more double editions scores, regardless of the quality of Armstrong's work?

If my dreams had been attended we would be with a complete John Williams score at the first release.

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Le phrase du jour = cringe-worthy.

The best thing about Spider-Man


The worst thing about Spider-Man....lack of the following scenes showing


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So... I've seen the film.

9/10 from me. I went in with high expectations and the film did little to disappoint.

The Incredible Hulk is everything Ang Lee's 2003 atrocity Hulk wasn't and more.

It not only stays true to the Hulk's origins, but it also greatly respects the television series. I enjoyed it so much that as soon as the brilliant final sequence

featuring one "Tony Stark"

played out leading into the end credits, I was muttering under my breath "Now that is a Hulk film... Ang Lee!". The effects were also considerably better this time around whilst still needing perfecting in areas. Frankly, the film has such a good pace along with its story and script that I wasn't bothered by these inconsistencies when it was all said and done.

I haven 't been this satisfied with a comic-book film for a long time. Iron Man was definitely a U-Turn back in the right direction (Highly Recommended) but it still lacked that special something to warrant anything higher than a 7 for me. Spider-Man in general wasn't bad and the second film was a drastic improvement, the third being the drastic opposite (Never had I abhorred a comic book film more than Hulk until I saw Spider-Man 3). Films like Superman Returns were mediocre and Batman Begins was quite good but needed to be a lot better. In this regard, I never expected either to blow me away to be honest because I'm such a big fan of Superman: The Movie (easily the greatest comic book adaptation of all-time) and Batman 89'. Begins was much better than the miserably bad Batman & Robin but Superman Returns was just a bland remake of the original film. Give me Superman II and III any given day over Returns. I'd say Singer's film, whilst being bad for different reasons, was on the same wavelength as Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.

As I'm a big Hulk fan, I honestly didn't pay any real attention to the music because I was more interested in focusing on whether are not the film playing out was actually a good one. I don't remember hearing anything I strongly objected too. I'll pay closer attention upon my second viewing and I have the score itself coming in a few days.

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I liked Iron Man, but am not overly fond of it. I rank it somewhere alongside Spider-Man, which is quite a bit below Spider-Man 2, Batman Begins, X2, Sin City, Superman Returns and V for Vendetta as far as modern comic book adaptations go.

PS: The casting of JK Simmons as Jonah Jameson has got to be one of the greatest casting decisions of all time, equal to Ford as Indiana Jones in my book. :D

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In my humble opinion the only great comic book movie is Superman: The Movie.

you sir are a God among men.

your opinion is also TRUTH.

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My brother saw the movie and really enjoyed it. A great first act that slightly falters afterwards, but on the whole very satisfying.

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According to members over at FSM the 2 disc score to the Hulk appears to be on CD-R's.

I read that too, that's kind of disappointing news.

As far as the film goes... I saw a clip of it on Sci-Fi last night when watching Ghost Hunters. Gotta admit it looks interesting and the CG for the Hulk in my opinion looks better this time around.

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I saw the movie tonight. I liked it a lot. I can't honestly say it knocked my socks off, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I would guess that it's going to be very popular with the public at large.

Marvel Studios is really on a roll.

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Now you know why I like John.

He be smart.

No, because you Texan fellas always stick up for each other. Mark, Joe and John are like one person. You just did it again.

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As far as the film goes... I saw a clip of it on Sci-Fi last night when watching Ghost Hunters. Gotta admit it looks interesting and the CG for the Hulk in my opinion looks better this time around.

since 5 years have passed it Should be better.

Now the 'this time arround' i dont like at all. It looked good for 2003 standards.

In my opinion, i dont think he looks better anyway :(

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Just saw it in Imax. Didn't blow me away or anything, but it was a perfectly good way to spent a couple of hours with some generally good SFX and some relatively good performances for a popcorn flick. Recommended.

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Now you know why I like John.

He be smart.

No, because you Texan fellas always stick up for each other. Mark, Joe and John are like one person. You just did it again.

Joe's from Arkansas.

You feeling left out? Need a hug or something?

Yes, I think someone's jealous. :(

BTW, I haven't looked at this thread in a couple of days, thanks for the kind words Joe and Mark. :(

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Just got back and the film is definitely an improvement on the first one (not that the first was terrible as I just watched it last night). The CGI is pretty good and no where near as bright and fake looking as Hulk (2003). Norton does a great job and all the references to previous hulk projects (tv, film, video games) really make the film enjoyable. I hope they release the extended/Norton cut on DVD as I felt the film a little rushed.

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Being an absolute fan of the 2003 movie, I really don't expect to enjoy this one much.

I'm a big fan of the Ang Lee's movie to! But I saw the new movie yesterday and I like it very much. Hulk really smash!!! And my opinion about the 2003 movie didn't change.

The same green character, two different ways and both are incredible! ;)

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So no one bothered with the score? Is it really that bad?

I have listened to the samples on Amazon. It sounds like Transformers, but without the MV rehashes. In other words, it sounded very bland.

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Yeah, the score is alright. I haven't listened to it independently yet, but it was ok. I think the love theme was very nice and "the lonely man" was used quite well. Its hard to judge a score during a film sometimes, esp. a movie where destruction is the regular thing. I will say this, just by looking at the tracklist, one can tell that there is music from scenes that weren't in the actual film itself. Hopefully, an extended cut will be released (probably before the Avengers movie) so we can get a little fuller movie.


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I liked the score, and the movie, this is a 100% improvement over the Hulk.

The story is better, the acting is better, the direction is better.

The effects, well they really arn't better, but they don't feel as bad because the story works. Often times they looked like it was one of those Polar Express/Beowulf films.

congrats to Universal for giving this character another shot. Its not a perfect movie, its not even great, but its good, and very entertaining.

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I liked the score, and the movie, this is a 100% improvement over the Hulk.

The story is better, the acting is better, the direction is better.

The effects, well they really arn't better, but they don't feel as bad because the story works. Often times they looked like it was one of those Polar Express/Beowulf films.

congrats to Universal for giving this character another shot. Its not a perfect movie, its not even great, but its good, and very entertaining.

There were only a few places where I thought the character animation was poor, and there were several places where I thought it was stellar -- and like you said, the story works, so that's enough to ride you over any bumpy spots anyways. I loved the first transformation scene, in the bottling factory; that was a fine scene altogether. But really, I've got zero complaints about the movie, and I hope it makes good money so that Marvel can keep doing their thing.

One element of the controversy (if we can call it that) over what is and what isn't good CGI that I haven't seen talked about much is this: what do kids think? I remember when I was a child and I saw movies like Star Wars and Close Encounters and Superman etc., I knew that there was no such thing as flying men and spaceships, but since I wasn't savvy enough to know how the things I was seeing were made, my mind simply accepted them. This was not just the case with the above movies, which had and still have utterly impeccable effects; it was also the case with less reputable effects films, like Krull (which I still love against my better judgment) and the '76 King Kong, and it was true for older movies like Planet of the Apes and The War of the Worlds, also, not to mention tv shows like Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica.

So whereas I might occasionally be able to see the seams, so to speak, in a modern effects movie like The Incredible Hulk or The Phantom Menace or Spider-Man 2 or whatever else you can think of, I presume that most kids are immune to all that, and that they're just drinking all of these movies in in roughly the same way I used to.

And looking at it that way, I'm forced to admit that it's probably pretty awesome to be an eight-year-old movie fan right now. I don't know that they'll have as many true classics to look back on as I had, but I'd have been pretty thrilled to get to see The Hulk pick up a couple of motorcycles and pummel The Abomination with them. I mean, it may not be deep, but that's just pretty frickin' cool.

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as far as i have seen in this movie the movement looks extra weird.

Dave and I were discussing the movie with one of our friends today and we all agreed the CGI just is years away from being believable, but the worst CGI was a CGI helicopter. It was worse than the Hulk. There were a few shots of the Hulk in the sunlight on the campus that were quick but very passable, but they were body shots and not facial shots. All the face shots were as bad as those from I am Legend. And yet we didn't mind because we really liked the story.

I liked the detail of the CGI on the face in that this Hulk had Ed Norton's nose, it looked much different than the one in 03, and Norton has a mole on the right side of his mouth, and so did the Hulk.

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So no one bothered with the score? Is it really that bad?

My copy is on it's way from Amazon. Hope to have it in the next day or so. I will give it a listen and let you know.

Armstrong is pretty good composer, so I don't expect it to be anything horrible.

One element of the controversy (if we can call it that) over what is and what isn't good CGI that I haven't seen talked about much is this: what do kids think? I remember when I was a child and I saw movies like Star Wars and Close Encounters and Superman etc., I knew that there was no such thing as flying men and spaceships, but since I wasn't savvy enough to know how the things I was seeing were made, my mind simply accepted them. This was not just the case with the above movies, which had and still have utterly impeccable effects; it was also the case with less reputable effects films, like Krull (which I still love against my better judgment) and the '76 King Kong, and it was true for older movies like Planet of the Apes and The War of the Worlds, also, not to mention tv shows like Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica.

So whereas I might occasionally be able to see the seams, so to speak, in a modern effects movie like The Incredible Hulk or The Phantom Menace or Spider-Man 2 or whatever else you can think of, I presume that most kids are immune to all that, and that they're just drinking all of these movies in in roughly the same way I used to.

And looking at it that way, I'm forced to admit that it's probably pretty awesome to be an eight-year-old movie fan right now. I don't know that they'll have as many true classics to look back on as I had, but I'd have been pretty thrilled to get to see The Hulk pick up a couple of motorcycles and pummel The Abomination with them. I mean, it may not be deep, but that's just pretty frickin' cool.

Well said! That's exactly the point I was trying to make in another thread.

As having 2 kids (11 and 8), they do just drink it in and accept what is happening. They are not picking the film apart as we "grown-ups" do. And seeing their reactions to moments in movies makes my "grown-up" mind enjoy what's happening much more.


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as far as i have seen in this movie the movement looks extra weird.

Dave and I were discussing the movie with one of our friends today and we all agreed the CGI just is years away from being believable, but the worst CGI was a CGI helicopter. It was worse than the Hulk. There were a few shots of the Hulk in the sunlight on the campus that were quick but very passable, but they were body shots and not facial shots. All the face shots were as bad as those from I am Legend. And yet we didn't mind because we really liked the story.

I liked the detail of the CGI on the face in that this Hulk had Ed Norton's nose, it looked much different than the one in 03, and Norton has a mole on the right side of his mouth, and so did the Hulk.

if its the helicopter shown in the clips or trailers yes i agree with you, there is no comparison with the 2003's ones.

So the hulk resembles Norton somehow? I thought the new look was more look-alike the comic version.

But yes the face animation is Legend-crap.

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I didn't think the face animation was that bad. There were a few shots in the bright light where I could just see the smoothness of the animation - can't really explain, but there was something about how it looked that I knew it came from a computer. Bear in mind though, that I saw it in Imax, so many facial shots were the size of a small building.

The main problems I have with modern CG, is how it interacts with physical objects - there never seems to be enough friction or 'oomph' to the moment of contact. Like when the Hulk

smashes through the walls of the tunnel to escape the gas

- there just seemed to be nothing to it. Also a lot of the movement doesn't seem heavy enough, and a lot of the shots of him with those sheets of metal looked a bit fake in the bright sunlight.

But as others have said, the story was good enough that I didn't feel distracted. Performances weren't bad as well - I could take half a movie with Tim Blake Nelson's character :huh:

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