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Jurassic World (Jurassic Park 4)


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An interesting thought regarding Michael Giacchino.

Some people on a podcast made an interesting observation (with no TRUE evidence beyond circumstance). Giacchino's profile image on Twitter is of him and a Jurassic Park T-rex, and he is also followed on Twitter by director Colin Trevorrow and co-writer Derek Connolly. It could just be a coincidence, since they are both Jurassic Park fans and maybe were already aware of his work on the Lost World Playstation game and other scores and just like him. But it's still... interesting. Maybe they are eyeing Giacchino to score the film. I think he would probably adapt and respect Williams themes if chosen (probably couldn't for the Playstation game for whatever reasons). And the director said in that podcast interview that he "of course" like Williams music, so you would think if he can't get Williams, then someone who could do him justice.

Again, this is all just an observation, lol. But it'd be cool if it turned out to lead to the truth!

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An interesting thought regarding Michael Giacchino.

Some people on a podcast made an interesting observation (with no TRUE evidence beyond circumstance). Giacchino's profile image on Twitter is of him and a Jurassic Park T-rex, and he is also followed on Twitter by director Colin Trevorrow and co-writer Derek Connolly. It could just be a coincidence, since they are both Jurassic Park fans and maybe were already aware of his work on the Lost World Playstation game and other scores and just like him. But it's still... interesting. Maybe they are eyeing Giacchino to score the film. I think he would probably adapt and respect Williams themes if chosen (probably couldn't for the Playstation game for whatever reasons). And the director said in that podcast interview that he "of course" like Williams music, so you would think if he can't get Williams, then someone who could do him justice.

Again, this is all just an observation, lol. But it'd be cool if it turned out to lead to the truth!

I don't think it'll be a coincidence. Brian Tyler "liked" the Iron Man 3 FB page, prior to the announcement made that he was scoring the film.

But perhaps I'm reading too much into it...

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Haha, I know, it is a silly bit of "yeah right, we're gonna use Twitter coincidences to determine this?". But I thought since it was mentioned, why not discuss the possibility. I wouldn't honestly be flabbergasted if he ended up getting scoring duties. Despite him having abilities to definitely be able to bring about what could be a good score that honors the originals, at the same time he has the same ability to go completely left field. If any of you have heard his score to the Lost World Playstation Game... it is a really good game score with memorable and fun themes. But to be honest, it really doesn't sound like a Jurassic Park or Lost World score... which makes one wonder what parameters there were for him in doing it. Was he not allowed to use Williams material, or did they prefer him to just make it his own? And even so, it doesn't feel like he tried emulate Williams "sound" either. That also begs the question if it was intended or it was just the best he could try to come up with for the material?

It's interesting, because around the same time was the score for the PC game Trespasser: The Lost World by Bill Brown. Oddly enough, while still not using Williams material, I honestly feel like he pulled off the feel of The Lost World far better and in style to Williams. Granted, Bill doesn't really score too many films, but it also makes one wonder what were his parameters for that game then?

Perhaps these are all useless questions that lead nowhere. But I've seen far sillier things discussed around here, so why not this! :D

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Well, when is Jurassic Park 4 coming out?

Giacchino is already committed to 3 films in 2014 - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Jupiter Ascending, and Tomorrowland - not that JP4 could be done by 2015 anyway.

For 2015 though - With Williams doing Star Wars 7, the only scores on Giacchino's plate seem to be Pete Docter's Inside Out and Mission Impossible 5. He actually could fit Jurassic Park 4 in!

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JP4 was originally set for June 2014, but it is now set for some undisclosed time in 2015. The script has been re-written all summer. No word yet if it is completed, but if you listen to the podcast in this thread a few posts back, the director seems pretty enthusiastic about making it an awesome screenplay. He also said that Spielberg will ONLY allow it to happen when a script is completed. I have a feeling it must be close to done now. The other latest news is that Legendary Pictures may co-finance too.

So yeah, I think he probably could fit it in given his current schedule for 2015. ;)

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Especially since Inside Out being an animated movie means he'd do the score earlier, leaving him lots of time to do a big action score like JP4, if that does come out in the summer. And if JP4 comes out in the winter, MI5 isn't a lock for Giacchino at all - Joe Kraemer could certainly get it.

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Yeah there are some rumors it could be a winter film, depending on how soon they actually start filming. But I'm sure they could film spring of next year and still make it in time for summer 2015, so as long as they get a script done soon and then do proper pre-production, I think it could be easily done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have a title and a release date fellas!

Jurassic World

June 12th, 2015


Not a huge fan of the implications of that title, but still keeping cautiosly optmistic.

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Looks like the rumors about it being a "semi-reboot" and the story outline are true, after all.

I guess Jurassic World is more appropriate, given the circumstances.

Universal isn't wasting time moving forward. They're casting the film, since they have a script in hand, which are the same names being courted prior to the delay. David Oyelowo (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) and Bryce Dallas Howard (Spider-Man 3, The Help) are still in the mix, as well as Garrett Hedlund (Tron Legacy).


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Of course I am super-excited by all this news! I feel like "Jurassic World" is the result of the names Jurassic Park and The Lost World getting together and making a baby, haha! But yes, this name pretty much confirms that even though rewrites happened, they have stuck with at least the central idea of a "new" park, given it's DisneyWorld/SeaWorld titling. At first I didn't really like it (most hardcore fans don't seem to quite so much right now), but I'm sure it'll be very fitting for the film. I imagine it being possibly more like how some of the original concept art from the first film depicted the park. It would be pretty amazing to see it actually look like THIS considering it could now be done with today's technology unlike when it was originally made in 1993.

A funny coincidence is that there actually was a book published that combined both volumes of Crichton's Jurassic Park and Lost World and titled it "Jurassic World". I actually own this and immediately thought of it. If only I knew the implications back then when I got it, hahaha! ;) So I guess this will be based on the Crichton book then? ;)


UPDATE: The following info and video is footage NOT For the film. Was for a videogame that happened to have the same name, that ended up not getting produced. Ah, well.

I found some other "news" actually, and it seems legit because of something I noticed. The following forum post was made back in late July... and mentions at a convention that test footage for "Jurassic World" was shown. This was, of course, before anyone actually really knew it was officially called this, which makes one feel that the following post is genuine.


It describes:

At CE2 today Iain Mcaig & Pablo Hidalgo introduced a video teaser clip of what was called "Jurassic World"
I'm not sure what type of dinosaur it was but think it was a pterodactyl?
The clip starts with the pterodactyl landing on a beach hut and crushing it, then launching itself high into the sky, circling and swooping & screeching.
Next the camera pans back to the beach where people are bathing & surfing, the camera zooms in close on a huge wave with a surfer riding the tube, then the pterodactyl comes flying through the wave and flys off with the surfer in its jaws.
Looked amazing!

And here is the actual footage from that con (just got uploaded):


What... the...

And that logo it had... the heck?

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That footage looks pretty cool.

I always assumed JPIV would involved the Pteradons as the T-Rex/Spinosaurus of the movie.

Although Jurassic World feels like a soft reboot to me.

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Loving that footage. The pteranodons look awe-inspiring. It's even more impressive if it was for a game.

I wonder if it was related to the original script a few months back, before the rewrite.

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So that tweet was from someone who actually presents a lot of stuff at that con?

He works for Lucasfilm.

Now I see that it was presented at CE2 (which I assume was Celebration Europe 2) so that makes sense why he presented it,

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Hmmm... that's interesting. I wonder if there is any chance it was a game FOR the movie, but canceled due to the story's script changes? Or maybe a spinoff game?

There's different ways to think about this one.

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The title is fine.

I just sincerely hope it's a proper sequel (or prequel) and NOT a reboot of any kind. I want everything to fit together in one beautiful, aweinspiring universe.


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For some reason, unless this movie really IS about dinosaurs attacking people off the island (god I hope not), I feel like this is a soft reboot if it goes with the "new park" angle. It could still tie in as a result of the other films, but somehow I don't think we will get any returning cast members.

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