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Jurassic World (Jurassic Park 4)


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For some reason, unless this movie really IS about dinosaurs attacking people off the island (god I hope not), I feel like this is a soft reboot if it goes with the "new park" angle. It could still tie in as a result of the other films, but somehow I don't think we will get any returning cast members.


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when i saw this on facebook i thought that maybe, since they are doing a walking with dinosaurs movie this christmas, they ere doing a Jurassic park feature documentary too...

AM I the only one thinkning that the footage shown there is crappy? it look like a videogame, or a pre-viz. So it's really good, but no movie quality... so i dont know why people are praising it.

Did pablo hidalgo present this? it's really weird, since ILM has only worked in videogames for Bounty hunter and the Force unleashed games....

BTW shame thay canceled that game, could have been interesting.

I hope they dont change very much the designs of the dinosaurs...

I also dont like the rebooty feeling. Maybe only if they do something as faithful as possible to the original books... but williams music must endure...or it will be crap :(

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Think Superman Returns. Takes elements from previous films, but establishes its own continuity and builds off of that. I guess the new Star Trek movies can also be seen as in this mold.

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Superman Returns wasn't a soft reboot. It was a sequel to Superman II that ignored III and IV, was totally recast, and somehow compressed the 25+ year gap into about a five year absence. That's it.

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that's good news because one of the success of JP in creating believable animal movements was his work.

The other two movies didnt have him, and in an era of full CGI frenzy you have to tell the cgi animators how to animate animals...

(seeing a lot of crap lately on films...)

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Think Superman Returns. Takes elements from previous films, but establishes its own continuity and builds off of that and mixes them together wildy in a mediocre script so that the audience leaves confused and slightly bored. I guess the new Star Trek movies can also be seen as in this mold can be considered examples of how to do it right.


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Think Superman Returns. Takes elements from previous films, but establishes its own continuity and builds off of that and mixes them together wildy in a mediocre script so that the audience leaves confused and slightly bored. I guess the new Star Trek movies can also be seen as in this mold can be considered examples of how to do it right.


If you think Star Trek Into Darkness is in any way an example of how to do this right, I weep for the future of Trek. There's only so much that a good cast and good sets can do with a garbage script like that. It would have been a complete waste if it hadn't been for Giacchino.

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Maybe the word "world" refers to something like a bigger theme park... like in "Disney World"... Perhaps InGen will attempt to pull it off again - only bigger... just a thought ... ;-)

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Sorry, I should have read ALL of Scallenger's posts... ;-) (I was actually first thinking about dinosaurs "out in the wider world", but maybe that's because I am a non-native English speaker). In any case, I sort of like the idea of a new park

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  • 2 weeks later...

My main hope is that they go with a cinematography that fits nicely with the other three, not the modern digital squeaky-clean view where everything is so fucking bright.

The digital cinematography is getting better and better every year -- but I wish studios would give filmmakers the choice between film and digital just for flexibility. Some of the digital photography is done so well, where you thought it was shot on film. I'm thinking of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Wolverine, We're the Millers, 21 Jump Street and "Game of Thrones."

Plus the trades say that the studio will have Jurassic World shot and rendered in 3D (can't happen with 35mm), so they're bound to shoot it digitally. The best they can do is get a DP who can approximate a similar look, which isn't too hard.

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Oh, I know they're probably gonna go digital anyway. And I know digital can be done very well. But I'm talking about that Michael Bay-look that's become a plague on modern blockbusters. Indy 4 suffered greatly of this I think. I don't want that ultra-bright look for JP.

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Oh, I know they're probably gonna go digital anyway. And I know digital can be done very well. But I'm talking about that Michael Bay-look that's become a plague on modern blockbusters. Indy 4 suffered greatly of this I think. I don't want that ultra-bright look for JP.

No, Indy 4 suffered greatly of Janusz Kaminski.

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Oh, I know they're probably gonna go digital anyway. And I know digital can be done very well. But I'm talking about that Michael Bay-look that's become a plague on modern blockbusters. Indy 4 suffered greatly of this I think. I don't want that ultra-bright look for JP.

No, Indy 4 suffered greatly of Janusz Kaminski.

Kaminski is no Douglas Sloacombe, that's for sure. I think he and Spielberg were trying too hard to approximate the old look, and it just didn't look right with Kaminski's aesthetic. There were select shots where Kaminski actually pulled it off, but they were few and far between.

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Oh, I know they're probably gonna go digital anyway. And I know digital can be done very well. But I'm talking about that Michael Bay-look that's become a plague on modern blockbusters. Indy 4 suffered greatly of this I think. I don't want that ultra-bright look for JP.

Indy 4 was shot on 35 mm.

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The transition from film to digital is not easy. Not every director can handle it. Coppola's newest movies greatly suffer from this, in my opinion. Although the bad scripts don't help either.

Meh. As long as they portray the carnotaurs like in the novels, that would be pretty awesome.

Yeah, that would be awesome. It's a mistery how they completely ignored the novel in the sequels. Although it's quite clear Chricton's heart wasn't on it much, there were some great ideas in there to take advantage of in the movies. Particularly the DX subplot, the bike chase and, of course, the Carnotaurus.

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When I saw the Carnotaurs in the Disney flick Dinosaurs, I thought they're gonna have that special ability that Crichton says they have in TLW but I was disappointed. Even when they finally have the carnotaurs in JP3 they still didn't let them display it. That would've made them a one scene great cameo there.

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Yeah, the Carnos in Dinosaur were more like T-Rexes with horns. Carnos weren't that big.

And also, there was no Carno in JPIII. You probably mean the Ceratosaurus, which has a horn on its nose.

Don't want to come of as an ass, sorry :P

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It didn't eat dung, it just showed up while the main characters were digging through Spinosaurus dung looking for a ringing satellite phone. It just kinda looked at them then left.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kid characters don't always ruin a movie. It's all about the way they're handled, script-wise and direction-wise. If Simpkins' character is handled well, like Ariana and Joseph were in the first pic, I wouldn't worry about it.

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It will be gobsmackingly awesome!!

God, I can't believe it's been 13 years since the last one. If I'd had a kid at the time, he would have been a teenager now.

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It's been 13 years for a good reason. JP 3 was mediocre AT BEST. The best thing was Davis' score. I wonder which guy is allowed another go at it.

I thought JP3 was a wonderful film, albeit a tad too short.

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