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Thor last won the day on April 13

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    Oslo, Norway

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  1. No, I think it was Mancini. But I wouldn't be surprised if he said something like that in another setting. Sounds like him.
  2. Yes, "Mancini-like" is what I believe was thrown around, after which Herrmann said "then why don't you hire Mancini?" or some such thing. I'm paraphrasing. The Addison is fine enough, but not something that I feel an urge to return to all the time. Sampled the rerecording of Herrmann's rejected score years ago, but didn't make much of an impact then. I'd be willing to reevaluate.
  3. Would be boring to people, I think, but it has to do with when I read it, the manner in which I read it, King's language and the way it influenced my own writing etc. etc.
  4. It's the most important book in my entire life!
  5. 1. THE SHINING 2. 2001 3. Barry Lyndon 4. Full Metal Jacket 5. A Clockwork Orange 6. Eyes Wide Shut 7. Paths of Glory 8. Lolita 9. Dr. Strangelove 10. Spartacus 11. Fear and Desire 12. The Killing 13. Killer's Kiss I haven't seen the documentary shorts yet, alas.
  6. Not now, when I've finally installed a turntable and am ready to go!
  7. If I'm a big fan of a director, I want to see everything he or she has ever done. I've more or less reached that goal with Spielberg (missing a few obscure TV things), Scott (well, obviously not ALL the commercials), Burton, Lynch, Antonioni and others.
  8. Don't know where to put this. It's a 1973 vinyl that I got from my dad, by Geoff Love (under the pseudonym Manuel) and his orchestra playing film hits, classical evergreens and other easy listening stuff. Loungey.
  9. I was never a big Scorsese fan, so don't feel inspired to rank. But GOODFELLAS wins.
  10. 50s sounds about right. Here's one I found: https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/559997/when-did-the-word-alien-begin-referring-to-extraterrestrial-beings
  11. It isn't, of course, but it's far better than its reputation. Nothing bad has been made in the ALIEN franchise so far, at least not as far as audiovisual content is concerned (I haven't read any of the books). It's only varying degrees of good.
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