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crocodile last won the day on February 24

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About crocodile

  • Birthday 16/01/1985


  • Title (custom text underneath your username)
    A part-time Horner apologist
  • Location
    River of Nile

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  1. Finished Shogun today. It was, for the most part, pretty great. People expecting a Hollywood epic will be very disappointed as the show focuses mostly on character study and political intrigue. It's a slow burn. I really appreciated the more grown-up approach to the source material. Great stuff. As I mentioned above, the music is quite terrible. Such a wasted opportunity, given such a rich story. Karol
  2. It was pretty good, I've heard it it several times before. The choirless Battle of the Heroes was new to me, though. I think both pieces work quite well without the vocals, you get to appreciate the orchestration more. I was also glad to hear the concert version of Jedi Steps without the end credits. It's a marvellous little piece. And The Rise of Skywalker was terrific too although I was surprised to hear it finish on the ending fanfare from Throne Room credits rather than the quiet album version. They also played Cantina Band and The Imperial March as encores. Which was to be expected. There was a generic message from Williams as well. Overall, it was a fun night. Karol
  3. Decided to celebrate May the 4th with some SW music with CBSO at Birmingham's stellar Symphony Hall tonight. About to start. Karol
  4. From the description in that sleeve I gather the book is essentially the material from his blog, right? Karol
  5. Of the Arnold's output, it's one of my faves. 😀 Karol
  6. Started watching Shogun on Disney+. It's pretty good actually, I enjoy the slow-burn political intrigue. I also enjoy that so much of it is in Japanese as well. I will stick with this. The music, however, is not good. And that is the kindest thing I can say about it. If they were going for brooding, couldn't they at least try to come close Ghost of Tsushima video game score? Sigh... Karol
  7. Watched Aliens on the UHD disc last night. Great fun, although the picture could use more grit. Somehow, it makes some of the visuals look wonkier. Karol
  8. Gil Shaham's strikes me as to most devilish. I always appreciated the ferocious energy. I do like the Mutter version, it's one of the better suites Williams wrote for her. And the latestvone is nice, too. Karol
  9. I also thought the second Black Panther movie was better. All you need to do is remove Riri Williams and Martin Freeman subplots and it's much leaner. I appreciate the more earnest tone than other Marvel movies. All the female characters were the best part of the original and, for obvious and sad reasons, they get to do even more here. Sadly, we never got to see Angela Bassett as Storm but at least here we get her to show her presence. Always admired her talents. The first one felt bit undercooked. They waste way too much time with Andy Serkis (who us there only because of Age of Ultron) and Killmonger story feels bit rushed as a result. It feels like it should have been a bigger deal and T’Challa should have been challenged more as a character. I really liked Chadwick Boseman but his character felt more interesting in Civil War. Karol
  10. Good film or not, I hope Varese will release the expanded soundtrack this year for the 25th anniversary. Karol
  11. Funny thing @Jay. Mine arrived literally just now and there was no shipping notice at all. 😂 Can't wait to dig in. 😀 Karol
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