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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan by James Horner (FSM Expanded Edition)


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I ordered mine on Monday, but haven't received a shipping confirmation. Started to feel like the last kid picked for dodgeball before I noticed Mark's post about not getting a shipping confirmation, either. Guess I'm in good company. It's a shame he can't make such a claim.

I got my confirmation today. So I might have the CD next week.

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Damn, I came home tonight to find a package but it was only that damn one from Varese with a bunch of CDs.

I guess Goldsmith, Giacchino, Conti, North and Silvestri will have to do......

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Life sucks, doesn't it?

Besides, if you'd gotten yours before me I would have driven over there and beat you to death with the CD! Then listened to it.

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The sound quality on the new set is spectacular! I'm hearing instruments you just can't hear on the original release

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I agree. I remember when I first listened to my original with headphones, and the first time Khan's "danger theme" played (the shot in the movie with the Reliant coming straight toward the camera), it was actually painful to my ears. I just heard it, and it is noticeably different. I, too, am hearing instruments that I didn't hear in the past.

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Sound quality is much better. Lower end is much more emphasized, parts are clearer, etc. Only listened to part of it (darn phonecall took up half the ride home!) but I'm soooooo glad I ordered it!

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I agree the sound quality is definitely superior to the old GNP CD release. I always felt the OST was a bit flat and was lacking in areas. As Jason pointed out I'm hearing instruments in this that I never picked up before in the OST set. This set is definitely awesome and has been made the highlight of my collection.

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It's here! It's here!it's here1itshereitshereitherehereit*passes out*

I'll take that tranquilizer now, Mark.

*splashes water on John* Wake up you'll miss the party.

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Mine arrived today!!!!! I may need a tranquilizer as well.

To my suprise it contained a new magnet from SAE with John Williams, Alfred Newman, Bernard Hermann and Max Steiner pictured under the FSM logo.

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Damn, Amazing Grace gets me all the time. Stupid emotions.....

I was surprised to see in the liner notes how much Horner resisted using it.

I also didn't know, or at least didn't remember, that the shot of Spock's coffin on Genesis was a last second addition. Reading the story of Horner scoring that scene is nice (Harve Bennett breaking down in tears).

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It was mentioned by John Morgan himself at FSM a few years back, but I noticed the booklet made mention that Meyer wanted him to score the film originally.

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The only slight little quibble I have with this release is I think I would have put Huxley's Genesis cue at the end as a bonus track rather than within the score proper.

But that's a little thing, other than that it's perfect. As others have said, the mix is much improved, and some of the unreleased cues are a revelation.

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The only slight little quibble I have with this release is I think I would have put Huxley's Genesis cue at the end as a bonus track rather than within the score proper.

But that's a little thing, other than that it's perfect. As others have said, the mix is much improved, and some of the unreleased cues are a revelation.

When I put it on my blackberry, I had this idea of placing it at the beginning. Atonal overture of sorts.

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Damn, Amazing Grace gets me all the time. Stupid emotions.....

I was surprised to see in the liner notes how much Horner resisted using it.

I also didn't know, or at least didn't remember, that the shot of Spock's coffin on Genesis was a last second addition. Reading the story of Horner scoring that scene is nice (Harve Bennett breaking down in tears).

Even though you can listen to it, isn't it hard to imagine final version never having been made, that beautiful bit when we view the Genesis terrain?

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ok... how did a complete Star Trek 2 become a holy grail again?

Lets see, there seem to be three 30 seconds cues really worth having (Kirk on space Shuttle,Genesis Cave and Amazing Grace).BTW Genesis Cave has got the most overrated unreleased cue ever, it's nice but...

Then there's lots of "Secret Doors and Scorpions" type music (Suprise on CetiAlpha5,Khan's Pets...) .The same people who really wanted this slam the boring parts in KotCS?

And I think there's an action cue I haven't heard on the OST.

Anyways,nowhere near the massive amount of highlights missing off most Williams OST's


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I don't think you're much of a Star Trek fan KM, so that's okay if you don't fully understand why this is a holy grail to a lot of people, myself included.

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I don't think you're much of a Star Trek fan KM, so that's okay if you don't fully understand why this is a holy grail to a lot of people, myself included.

Make no mistake i think it's a great score and I don't question the value of this release ...I just don't hear why the complete score was such a holy grail to some people .I guess this one is a Trekkie/Horner thing.

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I'm more partial to the Goldsmith ST scores. I don't rank STII very highly, although I don't dislike it by any means. What got me more excited than this release was the potential for more ST.

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I used to be strongly partial to Horner's work in the series, but that's changing. I still don't understand all the fuss about the parts of TMP that don't have to do with the main theme, but my appreciation for Goldmisth's contributions is definitely increasing. I still prefer TWOK as a whole over TMP, but I prefer the TMP main theme, and there are some insanely good highlights in TMP. But TWOK is a wonderfully enthusiastic and dramatic score with some solid themes.

Crap. I want the complete release. Anyone wanna PM me a very short excerpt from the FSM release so I can compare the mix to that of the OST (which I already own) and perhaps persuade myself to buy it? ;)

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Thanks very much, KM! ;)

Yeah...I think I'm buying this. It still doesn't sound quite as nice as I'd like it to, but it's certainly an improvement, especially in the bass.

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ok... how did a complete Star Trek 2 become a holy grail again?

Lets see, there seem to be three 30 seconds cues really worth having (Kirk on space Shuttle,Genesis Cave and Amazing Grace).BTW Genesis Cave has got the most overrated unreleased cue ever, it's nice but...

Then there's lots of "Secret Doors and Scorpions" type music (Suprise on CetiAlpha5,Khan's Pets...) .The same people who really wanted this slam the boring parts in KotCS?

And I think there's an action cue I haven't heard on the OST.

Anyways,nowhere near the massive amount of highlights missing off most Williams OST's


Well if you leave the realm of JWFAN you wouldn't have to ask.

All of the unreleased music from TWOK is much more worthy than what didn't get released with KOTCS, not to mention that Horner's blows away Indy 4's score.

There's no comparison.

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Well if you leave the realm of JWFAN you wouldn't have to ask.

Stop passing me off as ignorant outside of John Williams every time you get the chance. I only post on this forum but it doesn't mean I only listen to John Williams.

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Then you should know better than to make those comments.

Outside of TMP, II, III & V are the most requested ST scores that people want an expanded release of. Plus this is the score that truly got Horner going. This doesn't feature a whole lot of copying from other works.

Judging by the amount of packages SAE sent out the first two days, I've seen pictures, people really wanted this.

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Plus this is the score that truly got Horner going. This doesn't feature a whole lot of copying from other works.

The main theme = Battle Beyond the Stars, except better.

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Like I said, there's not a whole lot of copying. Although the main themes aren't that similar in notes, the structure of both is somewhat similar.

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The B-theme (what's listed in the FSM liner notes as the Enterprise's theme, I believe) is extraordinarily similar...melodically, harmonically, texturally. If one were used in the middle of the other's film, no one would blink.

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As much as I like to play the Horner game (listen to Khan after Wolfen), Mark is right, this is the score where the stars really align and his style and substance overwhelm any issues about repeated material.

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The fun part is listening for this in later ones. I remember there being some direct lifts from Khan in Krull.

Yes, it is fun picking out these things. Why can't you understand that with Zimmer?

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Because Zimmer's music is awful.

Horner's isn't, although since 1991 it's gotten rather bland and predictable.

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