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What Is The Last Film You Watched? (Older Films)

Mr. Breathmask

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I used to think wine tasted/smelled like acetone but I've grown to love it. I prefer vodka when I'm out partying though, and the only time I drink beer is when I'm watching football.

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Good ale/beer is terrific. Fortunately, where I live now there are plenty of local (and quite good) breweries. So there is always something to choose from. Wheat beer I like quite a bit. And stout. Not a fan of lager, except maybe for bock.

Vodka seem to be more prominent in my life during my teenage years. There is something adolescent about it.


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Have you been to Burton-on-Trent, Karol? It's the home of beer in this country, as I am sure you are aware. I must go to the beer museum next time I visit.

the only time I drink beer is when I'm watching football.


What's your team, Alice, if you don't mind me asking?

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Have you been to Burton-on-Trent, Karol? It's the home of beer in this country, as I am sure you are aware. I must go to the beer museum next time I visit.

Haven't been there yet (as I live in Derby for less than a year), but yes, I heard of it. The rivers in this area literally flow with ale. ;)


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Mayve you and Joe can swap stories...

I'd love us three to have a drink, actually. It'd be a bloody laugh

You think hell is just all of us in a bar for eternity? I can imagine now, Steef yelling "Idiot!" at everybody, and Alex in the corner wishing he had never joined the board.

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Mayve you and Joe can swap stories...

I'd love us three to have a drink, actually. It'd be a bloody laugh

You think hell is just all of us in a bar for eternity? I can imagine now, Steef yelling "Idiot!" at everybody, and Alex in the corner wishing he had never joined the board.

I hope you're not picturing Datameister being "rubbed the wrong way" for eternity? ;)


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Mayve you and Joe can swap stories...

I'd love us three to have a drink, actually. It'd be a bloody laugh

You think hell is just all of us in a bar for eternity? I can imagine now, Steef yelling "Idiot!" at everybody, and Alex in the corner wishing he had never joined the board.

Oh joy, all of us regulars-turned-disenchanted-lurkers would be forced to spend eternity reluctantly there with our mouths shut.

And Alex wouldn't be in a corner wishing the had never joined the board. If anything, he'd be condescendingly explaining to anyone who would listen how idiotic this new concept of hell is and how the medieval incarnations had more nuance and resonance.

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And Alex wouldn't be in a corner wishing the had never joined the board. If anything, he'd be condescendingly explaining to anyone who would listen how idiotic this new concept of hell is and how the medieval incarnations had more nuance and resonance.

Your disenchatment comes across as repressed affection, Ross/Tom/Ender/Elmo.

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my favorite whine is.... I wanna go to FLORIDA.

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Mayve you and Joe can swap stories...

I'd love us three to have a drink, actually. It'd be a bloody laugh

You think hell is just all of us in a bar for eternity? I can imagine now, Steef yelling "Idiot!" at everybody, and Alex in the corner wishing he had never joined the board.

Oh joy, all of us regulars-turned-disenchanted-lurkers would be forced to spend eternity reluctantly there with our mouths shut.

And Alex wouldn't be in a corner wishing the had never joined the board. If anything, he'd be condescendingly explaining to anyone who would listen how idiotic this new concept of hell is and how the medieval incarnations had more nuance and resonance.

Actually, depicting 'hell' as being eternally trapped in a bar doesn't sound all that bad to me. Too bad there's no such thing as afterlife.

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You've got the booze, but then you've only got us to talk to for eternity ;)

Josh would be walking around handing out surveys for polls.

And introduce daily pray-and-worship-routines to all things JW.

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Who's stopping you?

not who. What? the 13 hour drive.
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I just flew 15 and survived.

As for movies, i sat in a slipshod hotel in India and they only had TWILIGHT: NEW MOON on cable. I hadn't anticipated the....dread. Those animated wolves sure looked like an offense to cgi animation.

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I feel like Sherlock Holmes would be appropriate.

I actually like that soundtrack for some weird reasons.

I like it too. It's one of those Zimmer's that appeal to me (Frost/Nixon, Inception, Thin Red Line would be the others).


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well yours sound far worse especially your destination so I retract my gripe.

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One of those movies that hypnotises me completely whenever I watch it. It's so beautifully shot and acted. The production design is quite fascinating and that it even works on screen amazes me to no end. As brutal as the story is, the film contains very little actual violence and not many people seem to be aware of it. Also a massive fan of Elliot Goldenthal's score. I'm looking forward to hearing the extended suite from the film live later this month.


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Perhaps because it's a great score? :P

No, that's definitely not because of this. :P

Acceptable, good, enjoyable, yes. Great, no.

I'm not one to hunt Zimmer down. In fact I think I'll like the TDKR score better than the previous two.

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I've liked what I've heard of both Sherlock Holmes scores, but I still haven't seen the movies yet. I actually rather like the Inception score as well. It's covering similar ground to his Batman scores, but I think it's better suited to the material in this case, and the combination of atmospherics and material with--IMO--better emotional content and excitement makes it a winner for me.

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Great, yes.

It was Zimmer's return to form.

Why great? I heard I complete-ish bootleg and I felt that it needed to add something else, to spice things up a bit.

The theme sounds more like a B part of another theme that isn't there.

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One of those movies that hypnotises me completely whenever I watch it. It's so beautifully shot and acted. The production design is quite fascinating and that it even works on screen amazes me to no end. As brutal as the story is, the film contains very little actual violence and not many people seem to be aware of it. Also a massive fan of Elliot Goldenthal's score. I'm looking forward to hearing the extended suite from the film live later this month.

Titus is generally considered to be Shakespeare's worst play but perhaps that's the reason why for me Titus is the best Shakespeare film (and because of visualist Julie Taymor, of course). Her latest film is again a Shakespeare adaptation (The Tempest) but I haven't seen it yet. I'm waiting for the DVD or Blu-ray. I'm also a fan of Taymor's Frida and Across The Universe. She's probably my favorite female director.


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One of those movies that hypnotises me completely whenever I watch it. It's so beautifully shot and acted. The production design is quite fascinating and that it even works on screen amazes me to no end. As brutal as the story is, the film contains very little actual violence and not many people seem to be aware of it. Also a massive fan of Elliot Goldenthal's score. I'm looking forward to hearing the extended suite from the film live later this month.

She's probably my favorite female director.


Come on, dude, what about Jane Campion?!

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Heat: Watching the long opening scene felt like watching Nolan's TDK. Al Pacino tries to be a little too impressive and this made him not so believable as the rest of the cast. 8/10



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Before cancelling my Netflix account I watched a B-sci-fi movie called Pandorum starring Dennis Quad. It was rubbish, frequently audibly indecipherable, but pretty watchable regardless. The pitch was actually a good one (Noah's Ark mission goes drastically wrong) and the sets were very Event Horizon, but unfortunately the execution was very Resi Evil. 2/5.


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Tucker and Dale vs Evil, a turned on itself horror/comedy that spins the conventions in a neat way. It's funny as hell.

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My girlfriend's brother recommended a comedy to me a while back and I couldn't for the life of me remember its title, until now. Cheers Joey!

glad you remembered. do yourself a favor and watch, this isn't great stuff but it's good stuff with several laugh out loud moments.
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The Avengers (2012)

The bar has been raised on superhero films, and I haven't been this impressed with a Marvel film since Spider-Man 2. I'm definitely going to watch this film again... and soon. Looks great in 3D too, especially the last 30-40 minutes.


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I'll wait for it to appear on TV then.

Well, what do you know, Iron Man 2 is on TV tonight!

A waist of time. No wonder The Avengers is called the best Marvel movie. They're all so bad. 3/10

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What else did this 'director' (Jon Favreau) do? Zathura? Cowboys and Aliens? And many TV movies ... Hmm ...

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He complained about going into Iron Man 2 with an underdeveloped script. Honestly the script tries to do several things at once and completes none of them. FAIL. (I would love to write an Iron Man film.)

Iron Man had some interesting director input though, but I always though it needed to spice things up a bit in the last act. Add something else to the story.

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A waist of time. No wonder The Avengers is called the best Marvel movie. They're all so bad. 3/10

I'd call it a bust more than anything. :rimshot:

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He complained about going into Iron Man 2 with an underdeveloped script. Honestly the script tries to do several things at once and completes none of them. FAIL. (I would love to write an Iron Man film.)

Iron Man had some interesting director input though, but I always though it needed to spice things up a bit in the last act. Add something else to the story.

I don't know what was the weakest, the direction or the writing. I simply don't get what people see in it ( it scores a whopping 7/10 on IMDb).

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As I recall it, Favreau very nearly didn't direct it. It was touch-and-go at the time. Maybe he should have gone with his instincts and walked, but then again he obviously felt very 'close' to the franchise, wanting to stay on board and make it work - the first was a huge success for him after all. I haven't seen IM2 yet, but I'd be inclined to give its director a break even if it's a bit pap.

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